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Historical Cabinets (H-CAB) Dataset
Timespan: 1919-1945
Coverage: 284 cabinets in 12 European countries
The Historical Cabinets (H-CAB) dataset is an historical extension of the Party Government in Europe Database (PAGED) and covers cabinets formed between 1919-1945 in 12 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Netherland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom). In addition, new data for France was also collected for the period 1945-1958, covering the Fourth Republic which is not included in PAGED. The H-CAB dataset provides data on dates of cabinet formation and dissolution, along with data on the cabinet party composition, allowing for analysis on cabinet formation and duration during the interwar period
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Suggested citation: Teorell, Jan, Johan Hellström & Joseph Noonan (2023), Historical Cabinets (H-CAB) Dataset v1.0, available at
Historical Conflict Dataset (HCD)
Timespan: 1816-1945
Coverage: 480 wars spanning 130 countries
The Historical Conflict Dataset (HCD) dataset merges multiple existing datasets on wars from 1816-1945 to create a comprehensive list of interstate, intrastate, and extrasystemic wars during this time period. It uses an expanded definition of statehood from the International System(s) Dataset to reduce the Eurocentric bias in defining what constitutes a state. The ambition of this dataset is not to make methodological changes to how conflict is defined or measured, but rather to reclassify war based on a more inclusive definition of statehood and to create a dataset that increases ease of access to war data, particularly for scholars working with country-level historical data between 1816 to 1945.
The data is available in two formats: country-war and country-year. In the county-war datasets has a single case for each country participant and war. The country-year format contains binary variables on whether a country was involved in the different types of conflicts and has one case per country-year.
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Suggested citation: Noonan, Joseph & Jan Teorell (2023), Historical Conflict Dataset (HCD) Dataset v1.0, available at
Diplomatic Representation Dataset
Timespan: 1817 to 1914
Polities covered: 91
This dataset builds upon the Correlates of War (COW) dataset Diplomatic Exchange, 1817-2005 (v2006.1) by expanding the country and temporal coverage of diplomatic representation during the 19th century by including states that have been excluded from the COW sample. The dataset is dyadic with each row containing two sets of identifiers, with the key variable being the level of diplomatic representation of country 2 by country 1. This dataset was used in Jan Teorell’s article Rules of recognition? Explaining diplomatic representation since the Congress of Vienna published in Cooperation and Conflict in 2022.
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Suggested citation: Teorell, Jan. "Rules of recognition? Explaining diplomatic representation since the Congress of Vienna." Cooperation and Conflict 58(2): 155-174, 2023.
Information Capacity Dataset
Timespan: 1750 to 2015
Polities covered: 85
Thomas Brambor, Agustín Goenaga, Johannes Lindvall and Jan Teorell created The Information Capacity Dataset for their article “The Lay of the Land: Information Capacity and the Modern State”.
The Information Capacity Dataset offers numerical data on five institutions and policies that modern states use to collect information about their populations and territories: (1) the regular implementation of a reliable census, (2) the regular release of statistical yearbooks, the operation of (3) civil and (4) population registers, and (5) the establishment of a government agency tasked with processing statistical information. The dataset also includes an overall index of “information capacity” for 85 polities from 1750 to 2015.
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Suggested citation: Brambor, Thomas, Agustín Goenaga, Johannes Lindvall & Jan Teorell. “The Lay of the Land: Information Capacity and the Modern State”, Comparative Political Studies 53(2): 175-213, 2020.
Foreign Minister Dataset
Timespan: 1789 to 2017
Polities covered: 13
For their article “War, Performance, and the Survival of Foreign Ministers”, Hanna Bäck, Jan Teorell, Alexander Von Hagen-Jamar and Alejandro Quiroz Flores created The Foreign Minister Dataset. The Foreign Minister Dataset consists of comparative historical data on foreign ministers’ background and reasons for leaving office in the world’s 13 former and current great powers from 1789 to the present.
The data covers 1155 regular (non-acting) foreign ministers, as well as partial information on 173 acting foreign ministers, for the following 13 great powers: Austria (the Habsburg Empire/Austria-Hungary), Britain, China (Qing Empire/Republic/People’s Republic of China), France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Prussia/Germany, the Ottoman Empire/Turkey, Russia, Spain, Sweden and the United States.
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Suggested citation: Bäck, Hanna, Jan Teorell, Alexander von Hagen-Jamar & Alexander Quiroz Flores. "War, Performance and the Survival of Foreign Ministers", Foreign Policy Analysis, 17(2): 1-21, 2021.
Last updated: September 8, 2023
Source: Department of Political Science