Stockholm university

Research project Local prerequisites for successful schooling of newcomer pupils

How can the reception of newly arrived young people in different municipalities be successfully organized to provide better opportunities to complete their education and the transition to upper secondary school? That is the main question that the researchers in the project want to find answers to.

Närbild på leende skolelev i övre tonåren

The purpose of this project is to explore the relationship between local education policy and educational outcomes among newcomer students in urban and rural settings. The project studies grades from lower secondary school and transition rates to upper-secondary school using longitundinal register data of newcomer students who arrived at the age of twelve between the years 2014-2016. A survey will also collect data on the newcomer pupils’ educational aspirations and trajectories since they settled in the country.

Using the studies’ statistical data, we will identify four structurally similar case studies in different geographical contexts where transition rates are above average compared to similar locations after controlling for relevant characteristics. Within these four local case studies, we draw upon a policy enactment perspective to analyze local policy documents and interviews with local actors ranging from municipal officials, politicians, school leaders and teachers, to decipher how local practices are initially planned and implemented and explore how it affects newcomers’ schooling context.

The study thus aims to explore potential practical pitfalls in newcomer education at the local level and identify successful practices that can be emulated. Both through its scope and itsmethodological pluralism, the project will advance existing knowledge on educational inequalities, while aiming to contribute to key areas of scholarly debate.

Project members

Project managers

Eric Larsson

Senior lecturer

Department of Education


Anna Ambrose

Project researcher

Department of Education
Anna Ambrose. Fotograf: Niklas Björling.