Stockholm university

Research project Research on ICT Regulation – Policy and Practice capacity building programme 

This research project documents results, main challenges and successes of an international training programme on ICT regulation and formulates suggestions for improvement. Analyses of documentation and reports from programme participants are complemented by an OECD/DAC framework evaluation.

Audience photo taken at a session in Ericsson studios. Photo: Petra Rindby/Stockholm University.
Photo taken at a session in Ericsson studios. Photo: Petra Rindby/Stockholm University.

The international training programme ICT Regulation – Policy and Practice supports national regulatory authorities in Africa to implement changes and development in regulatory practices around information and communication technologies (ICT). This is done in collaboration with experts from Swedish public and private sectors.

This work is split into two phases:
Phase 1 covers the programme rounds of 2017 to 2019 and develops a research based result follow up approach.
Phase 2 covers the programme rounds of 2020 and 2021 and implements the approach developed in Phase 1.

Phase 1 was implemented from 01-01-2020 to 31-12-2021 and consisted of two parts: research carried out by SPIDER staff without previous direct involvement with the programme, and an evaluation carried out by an external evaluator: Knowledge Consulting Ltd. The lead researcher and several team members hold PhDs in relevant fields and experience in carrying out similar work.

The evaluation covers a sample of nine countries distributed across three regions: southern, eastern and western Africa. SPIDER staff research covers all participating countries in the program and focuses the organisational and regulatory results, main challenges and successes of the programme.

Phase 2 is implemented from 01-01-2022 to 31-03-2023.

The programme is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented by the centre SPIDER (Swedish Programme for ICT in Developing Regions) at Stockholm University, in close collaboration with the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS).

Project members

Project managers

Katja Jekaterina Sarajeva


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Katja Sarajeva

Ulf Larsson

Programansvarig på Spider

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences


Francis Tusubira

Knowledge Consulting Ltd


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