Stockholm university

Research in family and children's law brings together researchers with an interest in various parts of private law, procedural law and public law that concern children, young people and the family. The subject belongs to one of the central parts of law, not least as it affects everyone at some stage of life.

Family law regulates the legal status of the family and the mutual rights and obligations of family members. The basic sources of law in the Swedish family law include the Marriage Code (Äktenskapsbalken), the Parents Code (Föräldrabalken) and the Inheritance Code (Ärvdabalken). The subject also includes the Cohabitees Act and the Registered Partnership Act.

Children's law have a strong connection to family law. In children's law, it is primarily the child and its legal relationships that are in strong focus. Thus, children's law have a natural touch with most of our traditional areas of law. In addition to family law and other private law, children's law includes e.g. public law issues on religion, education, social care, aliens law, criminal law, international law and procedural law.

Related research subject

Family walking in the woods
On this page


Pernilla Leviner

Professor, prodekan

Department of Law
Pernilla Leviner

Wiweka Warnling Conradsson

Professor emerita

Department of Law
Wiweka Warnling Nerep

Göran Lind

Adj. professor i civilrätt

Department of Law
Bild på Göran Lind, Leende med glasögon med fyllda bokhyllor bakom sig

Johanna Schiratzki


Department of Sociology
Johanna Schiratzki. Foto: Anne Rajmic.

Hedvig Lokrantz-Bernitz

Universitetslektor, docent

Department of Law
Hedvig Bernitz

Katrin Lainpelto

Universitetslektor, docent

Department of Law
Katrin Lainpelto

Kavot Zillén

Universitetslektor, docent

Department of Law
Kavot Zillen

Emelie Kankaanpää Thell

Biträdande lektor, jur.dok

Department of Law
Emelie Kankaanpää Thell

Chris Lau

Doktorand civilrätt

Department of Law
Chris Lau

Research group

Research projects

Courses and programmes

Doctoral studies

If you want to further immerse yourself in legal science, and in particular within the field of family- or child law, apply for doctoral studies at the Department of Law. We offer a dynamic environment with research of the highest class and of strong international character.

Read more about doctoral studies at SU Law


Departments and centres

Centres and other units

The Stockholm Centre for the Rights of the Child is a research centre at the Faculty of Law, as well as a space for collaboration between child right's oriented researchers from all over Stockholm University. The centre is also the hub of a child law-oriented network of researchers from various scientific fields, both nationally and internationally, and has a wide network of contacts with representatives of authorities and organizations with an interest in child law issues.

Ultimately, the aim is to work through research and collaboration to ensure that children's rights are respected and realised, and to contribute to better living conditions for children and young people in our society.

Stockholm Centre for the Rights of the Child


By offering a wide range of academic programmes in law bringing together researchers, teachers and students from different horizons, the Department of Law at Stockholm University creates strong and stimulating educational and research environments of the highest class.

Department of Law