Baltic History, Culture and Society - Latvia
For accepted students: Roll-call (upprop) and registration will take place on Monday, September 2, 2024 at 10:00-12:00 via Zoom. More information will follow in August.
The course is directed towards those who are interested in Baltic history, culture and society, e.g. social scientists, journalists, teachers, librarians, cultural workers and researchers within other subject areas.
The course consists of an introduction to the history, culture and society of the Baltic states. The course provides insights into the historical processes that have formed the Baltic states. It also looks at major historial events and relevant social issues — transformation processes, language debates, emigration, and more.
Course structure
The course consists of an general obligatory part and an elective part, where the student, together with the examiner, chooses a specific subject within Latvian history, culture and society.
Learning outcomes
Having completed the course the student has demonstrated an ability to:
- account for basic knowledge about the history of the Baltic states, its culture and social life
- reflect on the connections between historical processes and relevant social issues
- account for and discuss own impressions over the Baltic states, specifically Latvia, in a structural and comprehensive manner.
Teaching format
Instruction is in the form of lectures and seminars.
Instruction is in English.
Instruction is either as distance learning or on campus, according to how the course event is defined.
Course requirements: participation in discussions and seminars on campus or via Skype, Zoom, the university teaching platform or other internet channel. Assignment submission deadlines are an obligatory part of the course. Completion of the obligatory course requirements are mandatory in order to participate in subsequent examinations.
More detailed information can be found in the course description. The course description is available at least one month before the start of the course.
Grading criteria and grading (in Swedish)
Betygskriterier och betygssättning för kursen Baltisk realia - Lettland (299 Kb)
Examination takes place through submitted assignments and participation in discussions and seminars. Continual examination takes place through written assignments submitted in connection with each respective seminar.
Assessment takes place in English.
The principles for weighting togetgher the examination assignments are explained in the grading criteria.
Examinatorer Baltiska språk (319 Kb) (in Swedish)
The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course. -
Course literature
Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.Available as e-books at Stockholm University Library:
- Kasekamp, Andres: A History of the Baltic States. 2010.
- Plakans, Andrejs: A Concise History of the Baltic States, 2011.
- O’Connor, Kevin: History of the Baltic States. 2003.
- Purs, Aldis: Baltic Facades: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania since 1945
For recent business and political updates:
- Country report: Latvia, Economist Intelligence Unit, available on-line
- Auers, Dainis: Comparative politics and government of the Baltic States. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the 21st century, 2015 (available online)
- In Swedish: Landguiden (available online)
- European Commission’s statistics:
Additional materials handed out in class.
Country-specific sources for your presentation or term paper, determined in cooperation between the examiner and the student.
Course reports
Director of Studies, Baltic Studies