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Language Situation and Language Policy in the Baltic Countries

Please note: For accepted students - roll-call (upprop) and registration will take place on Wednesday, September 11, at 9-10 am in room E5156.

The course consists of a review of the language situation and the language policies in the Baltic countries.  The course illuminates language use and language policies from a general perspective, against a background of the historical preconditions for multilingualism in the Baltic Sea area. The course investigates the situation and status of the local, national and international languages that are spoken in the Baltic countries.

  • Course structure

    Teaching format

    Instruction is in the form of lectures and seminars.

    Course requirements: participation in discussions and seminars on campus or via an electronic communication platform, the university teaching platform or other internet channel. Assignment submission deadlines are an obligatory part of the course.
    Completion of the obligatory course requirements are mandatory in order to participate in subsequent examinations.

    The language of instruction is English.

    More detailed information can be found in the course description. The course description is available one month before the start of the course at the latest.

    Learning outcomes

    In order to pass the course the student shall have the ability to:

    • demonstrate profound, theoretical and specific knowledge about the language situtation and language policies in the Baltic countries
    • demonstrate profound, theoretical and specific knowledge about the historical preconditions for multilingualism in the Baltic Sea area
    • formulate a theoretical discussion on language situation, language policies and multilingualism in the Baltic countries.

    Grading criteria (in Swedish)

    Betygskriterier och betygssättning för kursen Språksituation och språkpolitik i de baltiska länderna (228 Kb)


    The following methods of examination are used: submitted assignments and participation in discussions and seminars. Continual examination takes place through written assignment submissions in connection with each seminar. The basis for grading the separate examination assignments are explained in the grading criteria. The examination takes place in English.

    In order to pass the course a grade of at least E on all examination assignments is required, as well as completed obligatory assignments. The completion of course requirements is obligatory in order to be able to participate in the following examination. Examination assignments that are not submitted on time are given at most the grade C.

    A student who has received a grade of E or higher may not take the examination again in order to get a higher grade.

    More detailed information can be found in the course description. The course description is available at least one month before the start of the course.


    Examinatorer Baltiska språk (319 Kb)  (in Swedish)

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.

    Available as electronic resources:

    • Bernard Spolsky: Language Policy (2004)
    • Bernard Spolsky: Language Management (2009)
    • Bernard Spolsky (red): The Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy (2012)

    Available on Athena:

    • Sergij Vilfan (ed): Ethnic Groups and Language Rights: Baltic Countries (2013)
    • Soll, Salvet, Masso: Changes in Language Policy in Estonia (2015)
    • Raimo Raag: The Sovietisation and de-Sovietisation of Estonian (2010)
    • Laima Kalediene: Evaluation of Language Policy in Lithuania (2011)
    • Rita Miliunaite: Lithuanian Language Planning (2012)
    • Linda Lauze (ed): The Language Situation in Latvia 2010-2015. A Sociolinguistic study. (2017)
    • Andrejs Veisbergs: Language Planning in Latvia (2018)
    • Additional articles and handouts distributed in class
  • Course reports

  • Contact

    Director of Studies, Baltic Studies