Stockholm university
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Capitalism: a Global History

This course introduces students to and deepens their knowledge of the global history of capitalism.

The course encompasses both empirical research, as well as classic texts and newer theories and debates, about the development and implications of capitalism across different time periods and geographical areas. Closely interconnected questions and themes that are addressed in the course include, but are not limited to, the globalization of the economy, labor market integration, consumption and production, the relationship between capitalism and the market economy, and implications in relation to, among other things, gender, class, and race/ethnicity.

Language of instruction is English.

  • Course structure

    Learning outcomes

    For a passing result on the course, the student must be able to:

    • Identify, compare and discuss different theories and discussions about the capitalist system and its development over time and space.
    • Independently and critically examine scientific articles dealing with the global history of capitalism.
    • Apply theoretical concepts and perspectives from the course to one or more concrete cases and/or source material/data.

    Teaching format

    The teaching consists of lectures and seminars.

    Participation in the seminars is mandatory and absence must be compensated by the means of compensation specified by the course convener. A maximum of 1/3 of seminars can be compensated.

    All teaching is in English.

    For more information, see the course syllabus (posted on the learning platform Athena).


    The course is examined by written and oral presentations.

    For more information see the course description

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.
  • Contact

    For general enquiries regarding applications, registration, and more:

    Contact the Department's Master's Student Office:


    For enquiries regarding the course content:

    Contact the course convenor, Elise Dermineur Reuterswärd