Independent Thesis Project in Economic History for Master's Degree
The aim of the course is for students to learn how to plan and carry out independent research within economic history. Additionally, the course aims to foster the development of students' abilities to engage in academic seminar discussions.
The course is available only to students enrolled in the Master's Programme in Historical Studies, with a specialization in Economic History.
Course structure
To earn a passing grade in this course, students must be able to:
Demonstrate the ability to independently plan, execute, and present a research project in economic history within given time frames.
This includes to:
- Identify a research problem and formulating research questions.
- Place the study within a relevant research context and societal framework, reflecting on its contribution to previous research.
- Critically and systematically apply methods and theories suitable for the research problem and subject matter to relevant material.
- Show advanced understanding of scholarly approach and referencing techniques.
- Critically reflect on the implementation, results, and societal implications of the study.
- Demonstrate the capability to critically and constructively review and engage in discussions about one or more peers' written research projects.
Teaching format
Instruction consists of supervision and seminars. The language of class instruction is English.
Attendance at seminars is mandatory, unless otherwise specified.
Instruction takes place either on campus or online, as detailed for each course instance.
Students who start their independent work are entitled to a minumum of 24 hours of individual supervisory time.
A student who does not complete their independent project within the designated timeframe of the current course offering, is not entitled to additional supervision time. However, the student retains the right to submit their independent project for assessment at the subsequent examination session.
The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course. -
For general questions regarding application, registration and more
The Department's Master's Student Office about the course
Course convener: Fia Cottrell-Sundevall