Statistical Mechanics and Condensed Matter
This is a basic course in statistical physics and condensed matter. Thermodynamics is developed from a microscopic point of view, and is then applied to understand basic properties of materials.

In this course you study fundamental concepts in statistical physics, such as the Boltzmann distribution, the equipartition theorem, and the partition function. From this, various properties of Bose and Fermi gases, such as black-body radiation, the specific heat of metals and Bose-Einstein condensation will be derived. Concepts in condensed matter such as Fermi energy and Fermi surface, density of states, reciprocal lattice, crystal structure and phonons will also be discussed.
Course structure
This course is given as a full time course. The course is given at full pace during 5 weeks in Nov-Dec. Please check the schedule for exact dates.
This course is included as a mandatory course in the third year of the Bachelor Program in Physics.
Teaching format
The teaching consists of lectures and problem solving sessions, and a mandatory laboratory session. Hand-ins are assigned every week and can give bonus points for the exam.
The examination consists of a written exam at the end of the course, as well as a short laboratory report.
Supriya Krishnamurthy
Phone: +468 5537 8741
The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course. -
Course literature
Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.
- Daniel V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Thermal Physics, Addison Wesley (2000)
- Steven H. Simon, The Oxford Solid State Basics, Oxford University Press (2013)
Course reports
Här ligger ett skript.
More information
When can I apply?
Registration is open from mid-March to mid-April for courses that run in the fall, and from mid-September to mid-October for courses that run in the spring.
Please note that many courses open for late registration in mid-July for courses in the autumn term and in mid-December for courses in the spring term.
Course coordinator
Supriya Krishnamurthy, phone: +468 5537 8741, e-mail:
Dongwon Kim, e-mail:
Pranay Nayak, e-mail: work:
Neha Kondedan, e-mail: advisor at the Department of Physics:
Student office: