Quantum Mechanics, distance learning
The course is offered as a distance course during summer. Quantum mechanics is one of the corner stones of modern physics. Accustomed notions of how to describe a particle's position and momentum are replaced by wave equations and probability distributions. This paradigm shift from classical physics makes the subject extremely interesting and challenging.
The course is offered as a distance course during summer. You will study basic quantum mechanics, one of the corner stones of modern physics. Accustomed notions of how to describe a particle's position and momentum are replaced by wave equations and probability distributions. This paradigm shift from classical physics makes the subject extremely interesting and challenging.
You will first be introduced to the historical background of quantum mechanics and then study the basic concepts and methods of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, where Newton's well-known laws of particle motion are replaced by a wave equation: the Schrödinger equation. The wave functions that are solutions to the Schrödinger equation are examined and interpreted as descriptions of probability distributions. This statistical interpretation is also expressed in the form of uncertainty principles. The Schrödinger equation and its solutions are discussed for simpler cases of both one-dimensional and multidimensional motions; free particle, harmonic oscillator and the hydrogen atom. You are introduced to important mathematical operators and their physical interpretation in the form of, for example, momentum and electron spin. Two-level systems and the principles for adding momentum are discussed.
Course structure
This is a first cycle course given provided as a distance education during summer. The course is offered as a separate course and is equivalent to the course Quantum Mechanics, 7.5 credits (FK5020).
Teaching format
Teaching consists of recorded lectures and remote problem solving sessions and seminars. The course is offered in English.
The course is examined through a written exam on campus and written and oral presentations of hand-in exercises.
Joakim Edsjö
Phone: 08-5537 8726
e-mail: edsjo@fysik.su.se
The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.Lectures will be pre-recorded, except for the first lecture. A tentative schedule for these is available in Athena. Dates for online scheduled events (problem solving sessions and seminars) will be listed below.
The first lecture will be on June 18 from 10-12 on Zoom.
Final written exam will take place in AlbaNova
Note: this is an in-person examination in Stockholm, AlbaNova.
Course literature
Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Third edition (David J. Griffiths & Darrell F. Schroeter), ISBN 978-1-107-18963-8
Course reports
Course coordinator and teacher:
Joakim Edsjö, Phone: 08-5537 8726, e-mail: edsjo@fysik.su.se
Lukas König, e-mail: lukas.konig@fysik.su.se
Academic advisor at the Department of Physics: studievagledare@fysik.su.se
Student office: studentexp@fysik.su.se