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Land-Water Risk Assessment and Management Methods

Many environmental risks and societal concerns are directly related to the way we manage land and the water resources.

The course involves the integrated assessment of natural and anthropogenic flows of water, nutrients, pollutants and other biogeochemical substances that are important for management of the environment and natural resources. It includes principles and methods for quantifying and handling uncertainty, probability and risk, as well as ecological economics. The course focus is on land and water systems, but the principles and methods are generally applicable and useful in different earth and environmental science contexts and applications.

The course is part of Master's Programme in Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Resources but can also be read as a separate course. 

Planned teaching (methods) for the course, linked to Covid-19 and the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendations, will be presented at the Department's website on February 28 

  • Course structure

    The course includes:

    • methods for integrated water resources and environmental management
    • International environmental legislation for integrated water resources and environmental management
    • ecological economics and its application to water resources and environmental management
    • assessment and management of uncertainty, probability and risk in water systems


    1. Water Resources Management, 7.5 credits
    2. Pollutant Transport and Environmental Management, 7.5 credits

    Water Resources Management
    This unit includes problem solving of cases dealing with water resources based on examples from research articles. The course also covers ecological economics applied to the water resources management.

    Pollutant Transport and Environmental Management
    This unit includes the modeling of mass flows of pollutants in hydrological basins. The course also covers European environmental legislation dealing with water-borne pollution.

    Teaching format

    The education consists of lectures, seminars, exercises, project work and presentations.


    For details see syllabus.


    Fernando Jaramillo

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.

  • Meet us

    Meet our teachers

    Course responsible Fernando Jaramillo

    Mattias Winterdahl
    Imenne Åhlén

    Meet our researchers

    We investigate natural processes and anthropogenic effects and their variability and change in water, land and permafrost environments.

    Hydrology, hydrogeology and permafrost

  • Contact

    Registration is normally done at the beginning of each semester. 

    Student office
    Kerstin Hörnby

    Study counsellor
    Maria Damberg

    Course responsible
    Fernado Jaramillo