Stockholm university
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Urban Governance

Urban Governance deals with how cities are governed and developed in interaction between different actors, institutions and overall social processes, such as globalisation, neo liberalisation, individualisation.

The course is given independently and is also part of Human Geography II – course package Globalization and Cities, 30 credits, and can be selected within the second semester of the Bachelor's Programme in Human Geography – Society, Environment and Global Processes, 180 credits, and within, among other study programmes, the Bachelor's Programme in Urban and Regional Planning, 180 credits, the Bachelor's Programme in Geography, 180 credits, and the Bachelor's Programme in Global Development, 180 credits. The course package and bachelor's programmes are mainly given in Swedish.

The course is given every year, in English. Normally, the course is given in semester period A; in the spring semester 2025, the course will instead be given semester period B.

  • Course structure

    The course provides in-depth knowledge of current policy and research issues related to the concept urban governance based on various research projects and theoretical perspectives.

    During the course, urban change is problematized in different geographical, political, economic and cultural contexts based on both informal and formal governance. The course discusses how places are shaped by politics and institutional systems, social movements and civil society as well as by business and economic processes.

    Teaching format

    Compulsory teaching are lectures, seminars and exercises.

    Detailed information, including grading criteria, is provided at the course introduction and via the learning platform Athena.

    Learning objectives

    After completing the course, the student is expected to be able to:

    • problematize urban governance in different geographical, political, economic and cultural contexts,
    • identify various key actors and institutions for the city's change as well as for this relevant overarching social processes,
    • analyze how urban areas develop based on theories of urban governance through empirical examples,
    • discuss and critically reflect on current policy and research issues within the discourse on urban governance.


    Examination takes place through written assignments and oral presentations at seminars and exercises.


    Several teachers assess and grade within the course.

    Examiner: Anders Rickegård, Department of Human Geography.

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.
  • Contact

    Course coordinator
    Academic Counselling
    Student Affairs Office