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Master's Programme in Astronomy

The Master’s programme in Astronomy has a new outline and name!

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Astronomers seek to understand phenomena and physical processes we observe in the Universe. In order to do this, you will draw on various fields of physics to create a complete picture of the processes at work and how they interact. This requires you to draw on a wide array of knowledge, developing your skills to solve complex problems. Together with our researchers, you will explore fundamental laws of radiation and study topics from planet formation to the evolution of galaxies. In the practical courses you will learn to plan and execute astronomical observations, and gain hands-on experience using research telescopes.

  • Programme overview

    The program comprises two years of full-time studies (120 credits). You will apply your knowledge of physics to key astronomical fields, connected to the research expertise at our department. The elective courses give you the possibility to tailor the programme to match your needs and interests, from statistics and machine learning to project management. Students without sufficient knowledge in astronomy from their BSc studies are provided compulsory introduction courses in Cosmology AS5003 (7.5 credits) and Stellar Structure and Evolution AS5002 (7.5 credits). These courses are instead of the elective courses within the program. The final component of your studies is a thesis project where you independently plan, perform and report a research project in one of our research groups or at a company.

    Year 1

    Autumn semester even years (2022, 2024, ...):

    Students starting an odd year (2021, 2023…) will instead take these courses during the second year.

    Autumn semester odd years (2021, 2023, ...):

    Students starting an even year (2022, 2024…) will instead take these courses during the second year.

    Spring semester:

    Year 2

    During the autumn semester of the second year, you will take the courses which were not given when you started the program (see above).

    Degree project

    In the spring semester, you will do a degree project; Degree project, 30 credits (AS9003). The project concludes the program, and gives you the opportunity to truly apply the skills you’ve gained to the field of your choice. Most of our students choose to do a project in one of our research groups, becoming part of the group and gaining first-hand experience with astrophysical research. For those aiming for a career in industry, the project can be done at a company or other government agency.

  • How to apply

    The Master’s programme in Astronomy starts during the autumn semester. The application round normally opens in mid-October the preceding year, with a deadline in January.
    Application is done through This site also has the list of necessary documentation; please note that this can vary by country of origin.

  • More information


    The Master’s programme in astronomy is very versatile and you will acquire a broad set of skills that are useful both inside and outside of the academic field. These skills include a good knowledge of physics and information technology, and excellent problem solving skills. This gives you great opportunities on the labour market, or prepares you for doctoral studies. Our alumni not only work in astronomical research but also in insurance analytics, ICT, teaching, data warehouse/software, computer game development, environmental research and have leading positions at companies such as Telia and Facilia.

  • Contact

    The academic advisor and student office can be contacted via