Health and policy in the welfare state
The course introduces welfare research and adopts a historical and comparative perspective based on different countries and different welfare models. It addresses how the welfare state’s institutional characteristics and programmes can affect stratification processes and health – for example by policies that may affect the social determinants of health such as impact on gender differences, redistribution of resources, and poverty risks. The course further covers neoliberal influences on public health and welfare policies, and some of its consequences, since the 1990s such as: marketisation of health and welfare systems through privatisation and de-regulation, shifts towards conditioning and activation policies, governance, individualisation of health, and responsibilisation.
This course is given both as a single subject course, and on the societal track of the master's programme, term 3.
For more information on the programme: Master's programme in public health sciences: Societal perspectives
Course structure
Teaching format
The teaching will be based on lectures and seminars.
Participation in the seminars is mandatory. In case of absence, the student will be given a compensatory assignment.
The course will be taught in English.
PH14A1 and PH008F1 2024 Course Description (410 Kb)
The course is examined through an individually written take-home exam, and an individual written assignment that is orally presented at an examination seminar. This work also includes commenting upon another student’s individual assignment at an examination seminar, as well as active participation in the discussion during these examination seminars.
The examination will be in English.
Jessica Storbjörk
The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course. -
Course literature
Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course. -
Course reports
Study counsellorStudy Administrator, Basic and Advanced LevelElisabeth HanssonStudy Administrator, Basic and Advanced Level
Coordinator, master's programmeSol JuarezCoordinator, master's programme
Director of Studies, Basic and advanced levelsJonas LandbergDirector of Studies