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Individual in-depth course in public health sciences

The purpose of the course is to give the student in-depth knowledge and skills within a theoretical or methodological area of relevance for public health sciences. The choice of area is made on the basis of discussions with the course manager and teachers.

  • Course structure

    The course will be taught in English.

    For detailed course information, please see the course description:

    PH19A0 Course description HT22 (97 Kb)

    More information will also be distributed to all registered students through Athena.

    Teaching format

    The course is based on independent literature studies under supervision.

    The course will be taught in English.

    For detailed course information, please see the course description.

    Course manager

    Peter Larm


    The course is examined through an individually written essay, where the focus is decided upon in consultation with the teacher and discussed with the course manager.

    The examination will be in English.

    For more information, please see the course description.


    Peter Larm

  • Course reports

  • Contact

    Study counsellor
    Study administrator
    Coordinator, master's programme
    Director of Studies, Basic and advanced levels