Stockholm university
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Theory and Methodology of Statistical Science

The course deals with some basic scientific theoretical approaches to knowledge formation in an empirical way as well as statistical problem solving and modeling from an applied perspective. A consistent theme in the course is the role of models in empirical science.

The course starts with some basic scientific theoretical approaches to knowledge formation, e.g. how scientific knowledge is generated and changed. Different classical theoretical approaches to science are related to different statistical methods (eg hypothesis testing, Bayesian statistics, likelihood methods), in order to shed light on the relationship between philosophical questions about science and statistical inference and evidence / results.

Furthermore, the course provides an in-depth understanding of experimental and non-experimental research methods, especially with regard to validity, causal conclusions, control of sources of error, management of confounders. The course also provides tools for independently examining scientific theoretical assumptions behind different statistical methods.

The course also discusses ethical aspects and the statistician's role and responsibility towards clients, respondents, users and the surrounding society.

Further course information will appear soon on this page. Until then, information can be found on the department website.