Environment, Lifestyles and Individuals
Individuals' actions and lifestyles are increasingly stressed in discussions on environmental issues and impact. In their different roles, individuals are assigned responsibility to participate in social processes aimed at finding solutions for complex environmental issues.
The course offers deepened insight into current research on the role of individuals and consumers in solving environmental and natural resource problems. Environmental behavior in terms of collective actions - as well as the conditions and obstacles for actors to act rationally as a collective - are some of the topics discussed. The course deals with current research on learning, attitudes, actions and consumption. It highlights: the role of the individual in environmental politics through research on learning and knowledge; the implications or presuppositions for environmentally friendly actions, and; decision-making over environmental resources. As such it brings up research on attitudes, values, resources and motivations for environmentally friendly actions. An important focus is how the knowledge of consumers on sustainable and political consumption as well as the attitudes and values ofcitizens affect (and are a precondition for) political instruments.
Course structure
Teaching format
The teaching is conducted in the form of lectures and seminars.
Seminars are compulsory. Examination is done in the form of completion of seminar assignments and acourse paper.
The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course. -
Course literature
Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course. -
Course reports
Course responsible teacher
Karin BäckstrandStudent counsellor
studievagledare@statsvet.su.seStudent office