Hylomorphism into Pieces. Elements, Atoms and Corpuscles in the Late Middle Ages


Startdatum: torsdag 7 april 2022

Tid: 09.00

Slutdatum: fredag 8 april 2022

Tid: 16.45

Plats: Zoom

Online conference on the history of atomism

Details, updates and practical informations:

Hylomorphism into pieces

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Hylomorphism into Pieces. Elements, Atoms and Corpuscles in the Late Middle Ages

7–8 April 2022

Hosted by KU Leuven & Stockholm University – Online

Program (CET)

April 7

9.00–9.15: Foreword

9.15–10.20: A. Robert: “What is a natural point? Atoms and minima in the late Middle Ages”

10.20–10.30: Break

10.30–12.00: H. Lagerlund, “The changing view of successive entities in the 14th century: The case of Peter of Mantua”

R. Zambiasi: “Julius Caesar Scaliger’s Doctrine of Minima Naturalia: A Reappraisal”

12.00–2.00pm: Lunch Break

2.00–3.30: C. Murphy: “Unity Out of Multiplicity: Nicholas of Cusa on the Elements”

L. Burzelli: “A Self-Confesses Heresiarch. Pietro Pomponazzi and his Quaestio de remanentia elementorum in the XVI century debate”

3.30–3.40: Break

3.40–4.25: R. Friedman, “Late Scholastic Thomism into Pieces: Hylomorphism in Domingo Báñez’s commentary on De generatione et corruptione”


April 8

9.30–11.00: E. Moreau, “Elements, Minima, and Particles in Sixteenth-Century Galenic Medicine”

F. Bigotti: “An materia sit quanta per se. The Debate on the Extension of Prime Matter in Sixteenth-Century Padua”

11.00–11.10 Break

11.10–11.55: E. Åkerlund, “Rodrigo de Arriaga and the Pointlike Structure of Matter”

11.55–2pm: Lunch Break

2.00–3.30: W. Newman, “Chymical Atomism from the High Middle Ages to the Seventeenth Century: An Overview”

H. Hirai: “Jacob Schegk on the Myth of “Anaxagoras the Atomist””

3.30–3.40: Break

3.40–4.45: C. Lüthy, “The Innocent Fragmentation of Forms in the Sixteenth Century: The Case of Nicolaus Biesius”