Stockholm History of Philosophy Workshop: Felix Maier
Datum: fredag 30 september 2022
Tid: 13.15 – 15.00
Plats: D700
Feelings and Emotions in Plotinus
Plotinus theory of feelings and emotions is, compared to Plato’s, Aristotle’s and the Stoic account of affections, less known and widely underrated. While retaining central Platonic positions such as the soul being distinct and separate from the body, Plotinus adapts and implements Aristotelian and Stoic concepts into his Platonic framework with the purpose of solving problems encountered in his predecessor’s theories of emotions. But what are emotions and feelings according to Plotinus, what role do they play within his system and how is he using his sources – and why should we ask these questions? My plan is to write my PhD thesis on these topics. Hence, I will not be able to provide answers on these questions yet; instead, I would like to present and discuss the structure and main outline of the intended project in order to receive feedback at an early stage.
Zoom link:
Senast uppdaterad: 1 februari 2023
Sidansvarig: Department of Philosophy