Previous Working papers 2010-2019
You can download our Stockholm Research Reports in Demography from 2010-2019 as PDF:s here. When a working paper is published in an academic journal, we remove the working paper pdf and replace it with a link to the journal publication.
Please note that the working papers published here are not peer-reviewed. For a list of our publications in peer-reviewed journals and books by the Stockholm University Demography Unit, please see this page!
For recent working papers in demography, see this page
For working papers 2020, see this page
For working papers before 2010, please see this page
- SRRD 2019:31 Tönnessen, Marianne, and Terje Skjerpen. Using Future Age Profiles to Improve Immigration Projections
- SRRD 2019:30 Wesolowski, Katharina, Sunnee Billingsley, and Gerda Neyer. Family policy support for the earner-carer and traditional family models: An application of SPIN data to Lithuania and Sweden, 1995-2015. Final version published 2020 as "Disentangling the complexity of family policies: SPIN data with an application to Lithuania and Sweden, 1995–2015" in Demographic Research 43(42): 1235-1262
- SRRD 2019:29 Harrison, Joseph. Exploring educational attainment by immigrant background: An analysis of PISA data in six OECD countries
- SRRD 2019:28 Bernhardt, Eva, and Maggie Switek. Attitudes to Work and Parenthood: Adaptation to Family Transitions
- SRRD 2019:27 Duvander, Ann-Zofie, and Ida Viklund. How Long is a Parental Leave and for Whom? An Analysis of Methodological and Policy Dimensions of Leave Length and Division in Sweden
- SRRD 2019:26 Barclay, Kieron, and Martin Kolk. The Influence of Health in Early Adulthood on Male Fertility. Final version published 2020 in Population and Development Review 46 (4): 757-785.
- SRRD 2019:25 Baranowska-Rataj, Anna, Kieron Barclay, Joan Costa-Font, Mikko Myrskylä, and Özcan Berkay. Preterm Births and Educational Disadvantage: Heterogeneous Effects across Families and Schools
- SRRD 2019:24 Kolk, Martin, and Vegard Skirbekk. Fading Family Lines - Women and Men without Children, Grandchildren and Great-grantchildren in 19th, 20th, and 21st Century Northern Sweden. Final version published 2022 in Advances in Life Course Research, 51: 100481
- SRRD 2019:23 Tønnessen, Marianne, and Ben Wilson. Visualising Immigrant Fertility: Profiles of Childbearing and Their Implications for Migration Research. Final version published 2020 in Int. Migration & Integration. DOI:10.1007/s12134-020-00762-5
- SRRD 2019:22 Deiters, Maximilian, Gerda Neyer, and Gunnar Andersson. Policy Receptiveness as Determinant of Policy Effectiveness: German Childcare and Women's Transition to First Birth
- SRRD 2019:21 Morosow, Kathrin. A Family Leave Length Trade-off? Women’s Labour Force Status in Comparative Perspective
- SRRD 2019:20 Morosow, Kathrin, and Marika Jalovaara. Disadvantaging Single Parents? Effects of Long Family Leaves on Single and Partnered Mothers’ Labour Market Outcomes in Finland
- SRRD 2019:19 Kolk, Martin. The Relationship between Lifecourse Accumulated Income and Childbearing of Swedish Men and Women Born 1940-1970. Final version published 2022 in Population Studies,
- SRRD 2019:18 Malmberg, Bo, and William Clark. Re-evaluating Tipping and the Dynamics of Segregation
- SRRD 2019:17 Alderotti, Giammarco, Eleonora Mussino, and Chiara Ludovica Comolli. Natives and Migrants’ Childbearing during the Great Recession. A Comparison between Italy and Sweden
- SRRD 2019:16 Comolli, Chiara, Gerda Neyer, Gunnar Andersson, Lars Dommermuth, Peter Fallesen, Marika Jalovaara, Ari Jónsson, Martin Kolk, and Trude Lappegård. Beyond the Economic Gaze: Childbearing during and after Recessions in the Nordic Countries. Final version published 2021 in European Journal of Population 37: 473-520
- SRRD 2019:15 Tønnesen, Marianne, and Eleonora Mussino. Adaptation from below? Migrants from Low-fertility Countries in a High-fertility Setting. Final version published 2020 as" Fertility patterns of migrants from low-fertility countries in Norway", in Demographic Research 42(31): 859-874.
- SRRD 2019:14 Grätz, Michael, and Martin Kolk. Sibling Similarity in Income: A Life Course Perspective. Final version published 2022 in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 78: 100688
- SRRD 2019:13 Grätz, Michael, Kieron J. Barclay, Øyvind N. Wiborg, Torkild H. Lyngstad, Aleksi Karhula, Jani Erola, Patrick Präg, Thomas Laidley, and Dalton Conley. Universal Family Background Effects on Education Across and Within Societies. Final version published 2021 as "Sibling Similarity in Education Across and Within Societies", in Demography, DOI:
- SRRD 2019:12 Kridahl, Linda, and Ann-Zofie Duvander. Are mothers and daughters most important? How gender, childhood family dissolution and parents’ present living arrangements affect personal care of parents. Final version published 2021 in Social Sciences 10(5): 160
- SRRD 2019:11 Bernard, Aude, and Martin Kolk. Why are Young Swedes Moving More? A Cohort Analysis of Internal Migration by Move Order. Final version published 2020 as "Are Young Swedes Moving More? A Cohort Analysis of Internal Migration by Move Order" in European Journal of Population 36: 601–615.
- SRRD 2019:10 Wilson, Ben, Sven Drefahl, Isaac Sasson, Paul M. Henery, and Caroline Uggla. Regional Trajectories in Life Expectancy and Life-span Variation. Persistent Inequality in Two Nordic Welfare States. Final version published 2020 in Population, Space and Place 26:e2378.
- SRRD 2019:09 Jónsson, Ari Klængur. A Nation of Bastards? Nonmarital Cohabitation, Childbearing, and First-marriage Formation in Iceland, 1994-2013. Final version published 2021 in European Journal of Population 37: 65–95.
- SRRD 2019:08 Tønnessen, Marianne. Explaining Declined Immigrant Fertility. Final version published 2019 as "Declined Total Fertility Rate Among Immigrants and the Role of Newly Arrived Women in Norway" in European Journal of Population 36: 547–573.
- SRRD 2019:07 Malmberg, Bo, and Eva Andersson. Do Schools Mix Students from Different Neighbourhoods? School Segregation and Student Allocation in Swedish Municipalities. Final version published 2021 as "How well do schools mix students from different neighbourhoods? School segregation and residential segregation in Swedish municipalities", in Geographical Analysis.
- SRRD 2019:06 Haandrikman, Karen, Natasha Webster, and Ann-Zofie Duvander. Understanding Local Variations in Gender Relations Using Gender Contract Theory. Final version published 2021 as "Geographical Variation in Local Gender Contracts in Sweden", Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, DOI: 10.1007/s12061-020-09371-2
- SRRD 2019:05 Li, Chun-Hao, Martin Kolk, Wen-Shan Yang, and Ying-Chang Chuang. Uxorilocal Marriage as a Strategy for Heirship in a Patrilineal Society: Evidence from Household Registers in Early 20th-Century Taiwan. Final version published 2020 in The History of the Family, 25:1, 22-45
- SRRD 2019:04 Miranda, Vitor. Short Birth Intervals Become Less Common in Sweden: a Decline of the Speed-premium Effect? Final version published 2019 as "Recent Trends in Birth Intervals in Sweden: A Decline of the Speed-Premium Effect?" in European Journal of Population 36: 499–510.
- SRRD 2019:03 Nylin, Anna-Karin, Kelly Musick, Sunnee Billingsley, Ann-Zofie Duvander, and Marie Evertsson. Trends over Time in His and Her Earnings following Parenthood in Sweden. Final version published 2021 as "Trends in Women’s Relative Earnings Within Couples Across the Transition to Parenthood in Sweden, 1987–2007" in European Sociological Review, jcaa056
- SRRD 2019:02 Duvander, Ann-Zofie, and Linda Kridahl. Decisions on Marriage? Couple’s Decisions on Union Transition in Sweden. Final version published 2020 in Genus 76, 22.
- SRRD 2019:01 Comolli, Chiara. Couples’ Transition to Parenthood in Finland: A Tale of Two Recessions. Parts of this SRRD published 2018 as Finnish fertility: Pro- or counter-cyclical? in Research on Finnish Fertility 11: 58-64
- SRRD 2018:29 Viklund, Ida, Gender Revolution for Whom? Parental Leave Division and Union Dissolution Risks among Parental Groups in Sweden
- SRRD 2018:28 Morosow, Kathrin and Lynn Prince Cooke, Why Daddy Doesn’t Do it: Paternal Leave Effects on the Wage Distribution. Final version published 2021 in Social Forces: soab106.
- SRRD 2018:27 Andersson, Eva, Pontus Hennerdal and Bo Malmberg, The Re-Emergence of Educational Inequality during a Period of Reforms. A Study of Swedish School Leavers 1991–2012. Final version published 2019 in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. DOI:10.1177/2399808319886594
- SRRD 2018:26 Weber, Rosa, Short and Long-term Integration: Assessing the Impact of Immigrant Social Contacts
- SRRD 2018:25 Barclay, Kieron, Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Martin Kolk and Anneli Ivarsson, Interpregnancy Intervals and Perinatal and Child Health in Sweden: A Comparison Within Families and Across Social Groups. Final version published 2020 in Population Studies, 74(3): 363-378.
- SRRD 2018:24 Monti, Andrea, Sven Drefahl, Eleonora Mussino and Juho Härkönen, Over-coverage in Swedish Population Registers Leads to Bias in Demographic Estimates. Final version published 2019 in Population Studies, 74 (3): 451-469.
- SRRD 2018:23 Thomson, Elizabeth, Maria Winkler-Dworak and Eva Beaujouan, Cohabitation and Parental Separation: Cohort Change in Italy, Great Britain, and Scandinavia. Final version published 2019 in Demography 56:2063–2082.
- SRRD 2018:22 Uggla, Caroline, and Gunnar Andersson, Higher Divorce Risk When Mates Are Plentiful: Evidence from Denmark. Final version published 2018 in Biology Letters 14: 20180475.
- SRRD 2018:21 Molitoris, Joseph, Kieron Barclay and Martin Kolk, When Birth Spacing Does and Does Not Matter for Child Survival: An International Comparison using the DHS. Final version published 2019 in Demography 56(4): 1349-1370.
- SRRD 2018:20 Dahlberg, Johan and Martin Kolk, Explaining Swedish Sibling Similarity in Fertility – Parental Fertility Behavior vs. Social Background. Final version published 2018 in Demographic Research 39(32): 883–896.
- SRRD 2018:19 Billingsley, Sunnee, Gerda Neyer and Katharina Wesolowski, The Influence of Family Policies on Women´s Childbearing: A Longitudinal Micro-data Analysis of 21 Countries
- SRRD 2018:18 Morosow, Kathrin, Marika Jalovaara and Juho Härkönen, Cash-for-Care use and Union Dissolution in Finland. Final version published 2020 in Journal of Marriage and Family 83(1): 209-227.
- SRRD 2018:17 Kolk, Martin, Weak support for a U-shaped Pattern between Societal Gender Equality and Fertility When Comparing Societies across Time. Final version published 2019 in Demographic Research 40(2): 27-48.
- SRRD 2018:16 Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu, İlknur and Eva Bernhardt, Education, Religious Practice and Gender Ideology in Turkey
- SRRD 2018:15 Monti, Andrea, Re-emigration of Foreign-Born Residents from Sweden: 1990-2015. Final version published 2019 in Population, Space and Place 26(2): e2285.
- SRRD 2018:14 Lappegård, Trude, Ann-Zofie Duvander, Synøve N. Andersen, Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, Gerda Neyer, and Ida Viklund, Fathers’ Use of Parental Leave and Union Dissolution. Final version published 2019 as: Lappegård, Trude, Ann-Zofie Duvander, Gerda Neyer, Ida Viklund, Synøve Andersen and Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, "Fathers’ Use of Parental Leave and Union Dissolution", in European Journal of Population 36: 1-25.
- SRRD 2018:13 Barclay, Kieron, Torkild Lyngstad and Dalton Conley, The Production of Inequalities Within Families and Across Generations. The Intergenerational Effects of Birth Order and Family Size on Educational Attainment. Final version published 2021 in European Sociological Review, jcab005
- SRRD 2018:12 Eriksson, Helen, Fathers and Mothers Taking Leave from Paid Work to Care for a Child. Economic Considerations and Occupational Conditions of Work
- SRRD 2018:11 Ohlsson-Wijk, Sofi, Maria Brandén and Ann-Zofie Duvander, Committing to Marriage? The Role of Marriage Attitudes and Gender Equality among Young Cohabiters in Sweden
- SRRD 2018:10 Dahlberg, Johan and Ann-Zofie Duvander, Do Alike Think Alike? A Descriptive Study on Attitudinal Homogamy among Swedish Couples
- SRRD 2018:09 Kolk, Martin and Gunnar Andersson, Two Decades of Same-sex Marriage in Sweden A Demographic Account of Developments in Marriage, Childbearing and Divorce. Final version published 2020 in Demography 57:147–169.
- SRRD 2018:08 Ma, Li, Ester Rizzi and Jani Turunen, Children and Divorce in China. Does a Boy Protect Marriage? Final version published as "Childlessness, sex composition of children and divorce risks in China", in Demographic Research 41(26): 753-780.
- SRRD 2018:07 Duvander, Ann-Zofie, Maria Brandén, Susanne Fahlén and Sofi Ohlsson-Wijk, Who Decides about Having Children? Couples’ Childbearing Intentions and Actual Childbearing. Final version published 2020 as "Who Makes the Decision to Have Children? Couples Childbearing Intentions and Actual Childbearing", in Advances in Life Course Research 43: 100286.
- SRRD 2018:06 Billingsley, Sunnee, Women’s Career Mobility and Childbearing in Sweden. Evidence of a Tradeoff?
- SRRD 2018:05 Brandén, Maria and Eva Bernhardt, The Sharing of Attitudes and Relationship Quality. Final version published 2020 as "Does Similarity in Work-Family Related Attitudes Improve Relationship Quality? Evidence from Sweden", in Journal of Family Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13229400.2020.1759445
- SRRD 2018:04 Ma, Li, Gunnar Andersson, Ann-Zofie Duvander and Marie Evertsson, Forerunners and Laggards in Sweden’s Family Change. Fathers’ Uptake of Parental Leave, 1993-2010. Final version published 2020 as "Fathers’ Uptake of Parental Leave: Forerunners and Laggards in Sweden, 1993–2010", in Journal of Social Policy 49(2): 361-381.
- SRRD 2018:03 Ambrosetti, Elena, Andrea Monti and Eleonora Mussino, Who Does It and Where? Economic Integration of Refugees in France and Sweden
- SRRD 2018:02 Dahlberg, Johan and Gunnar Andersson, Changing Seasonal Variation in Births by Sociodemographic Factors: A Population-Based Register Study. Final version published 2018 in Human Reproduction Open 4(15): 1-8.
- SRRD 2018:01 Carlsson, Erik, Fertility Intentions among the Children of Immigrants in Sweden. Are There Differences according to Generational Status, Parental Origin, and Gender? Final version published 2019 as "Fertility Intentions across Immigrant Generations in Sweden Do Patterns of Adaptation Differ by Gender and Origin?", in Comparative Population Studies (43): 211-242.
- SRRD 2017:35 Abbasoğlu Özgören, Ayşe, Banu Ergöçmen and Aysıt Tansel, Birth and Employment Transitions of Women in Turkey: Conflicting or Compatible Roles? Final version published 2018 as "Birth and employment transitions of women in Turkey: The emergence of role incompatibility" in Demographic Research 39(46): 1241–1290.
- SRRD 2017:34 Kolk, Martin and Kieron Barclay, Cognitive ability and fertility amongst Swedish men Evidence from 18 cohorts of military conscription. Final version published 2019 as "Cognitive ability and fertility amongSwedish men born 1951–1967: evidence from military conscription registers" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286(1902).
- SRRD 2017:33 Uggla, Caroline, Eshetu Gurmu and Mhairi Gibson, Are wives and daughters disadvantaged in polygynous households? A case study of the Arsi Oromo of Ethiopia. Final version published 2018 in Evolution and Human Behavior 39(2):160-165.
- SRRD 2017:32 Kridahl, Linda and Merril Silverstein, Parental Survival and Retirement Timing in the Swedish Population. Final version published 2019 as "Retirement and Aging Parents in the Swedish Population", in Journal of Population Ageing 13:81-112.
- SRRD 2017:31 Spéder, Zsolt, Lívia Murinkó and Livia Sz. Oláh, Policy Support and Impact on Third Births in Post-Socialist Hungary. Final version published 2019 as "Cash Support vs. Taxincentives: The Differential Impact of Policy Interventions on Third Births in Contemporary Hungary", in Population Studies 74(1): 39-54.
- SRRD 2017:30 Beckley, Amber L., Rohan H. Palmer, Michael Rocque, and Keith E. Whitfield, Health and criminal conviction among African Americans - A sibling study. Final version published 2019 as "Health and Criminal Justice System Involvement among African American Siblings" in SSM - Population Health 7, 100359.
- SRRD 2017:29 Holland, Jennifer, Brienna Perelli-Harris and Gunnar Andersson, “Does Marriage Matter?” Revisited: The stability, fertility and mortality of the Swedish 1989 Marriage Boom cohort
- SRRD 2017:28 Weber, Rosa and Jan Saarela, Self-Selection into Circular Migration: Evidence from linked Finnish and Swedish Register Data. Final version published 2019 as "Circular Migration in a Context of Free Mobility: Evidence from Linked Population Register Data from Finland and Sweden", in Population, Space & Place 25(4): e2230.
- SRRD 2017:27 Kridahl, Linda and Martin Kolk, Retirement coordination among married couples: An analysis using Swedish administrative registers from 1990–2012. Final version published 2018 as "Retirement coordination in opposite-sex and same-sex married couples: Evidence from Swedish Registers" in Advances in Life Course Research 38: 22-36.
- SRRD 2017:26 Chudnovskaya, Margarita, Trends in childlessness among highly educated men in Sweden. Final version published 2019 in European Journal of Population 35(5): 939-958
- SRRD 2017:25 Chudnovskaya, Margarita and Ridhi Kashyap, Is the end of educational hypergamy the end of hypergamy? Evidence from Sweden. Published 2019 as "Is the End of Educational Hypergamy the End of Status Hypergamy? Evidence from Sweden", in European Sociological Review 36 (3): 351–365
- SRRD 2017:24 Cantalini, Stefano, Juho Härkönen and Johan Dahlberg, Does postponing Pay Off? Timing of Parenthood, Earnings Trajectories, and Earnings Accumulation in Sweden 1990-2012
- SRRD 2017:23 Frejka, Tomas, Frances Goldscheider and Trude Lappegård, The Two-Part Gender Revolution, Women’s Second Shift and Changing Cohort Fertility. Final version published 2018 in Comparative Population Studies 43: 99-130.
- SRRD 2017:22 Jalovaara, Marika and Gunnar Andersson, Disparities in Children’s Family Experiences by Mother’s Socioeconomic Status: The Case of Finland. Final version published 2018 in Population Research and Policy Review 37(5): 751-768.
- SRRD 2017:21 Qi, Haodong, Origins of Sickness: Evidence from China Famine Survivors in Sweden
- SRRD 2017:20 Holland, Jennifer and Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik, The Timing of and Pathways into Family Life as Measures of Social Distance
- SRRD 2017:19 Mussino, Eleonora, Vitor Miranda and Li Ma, Sex composition of children born and transition to third birth among immigrants in Sweden. Final version published 2019 as "Transition to third birth among immigrant mothers in Sweden: Does having two daughters accelerate the process?", in Journal of Population Research 36: 81-109.
- SRRD 2017:18 Comolli, Chiara, Couples' Employment Dynamic During the Great Recession and their Transition to Parenthood in the US
- SRRD 2017:17 Mussino, Eleonora, Jussi Tervola and Ann-Zofie Duvander, Decomposing the Determinants of Fathers’ Parental Leave Use: Evidence from migration between Finland and Sweden. Final version published 2018 in Journal of European Social Policy 29(2): 197–212.
- SRRD 2017:16 Obućina, Ognjen and Jan Saarela, Intergenerational Transmission of Ethnic Identity in Mixed Native Couples in Finland. Final version published 2019 as "Intergenerational Transmission of Ethnic Identity in Mixed Native Couples in Finland", in Acta Sociologica 63(1): 103-123.
- SRRD 2017:15 Ma, Li and Ester Rizzi, Entry into First Marriage in China. Final version published 2017 in Demographic Research 37(36): 1231–1244.
- SRRD 2017:14 Härkönen, Juho, Diverging Destinies in International Perspective: Education, Single Motherhood, and Child Poverty
- SRRD 2017:13 Ohlsson-Wijk, Sofi, Jani Turunen and Gunnar Andersson, Family Forerunners? An Overview of Family Demographic Change in Sweden. Final version published 2020 as "Family Forerunners? An Overview of Family Demographic Change in Sweden", in: Farris D., Bourque A. (eds) International Handbook on the Demography of Marriage and the Family. International Handbooks of Population, vol 7., pp. 65-77, Springer, Cham. DOI:
- SRRD 2017:12 Ma, Li, Jani Turunen & Ester Rizzi, Divorce Chinese Style. Final version published 2018 in Journal of Marriage and Family 80(5): 1287-1297.
- SRRD 2017:11 Barclay, Kieron and Martin Kolk, Birth Intervals and Health in Adulthood: A Comparison of Siblings using Swedish Register Data. Final version published 2018 in Demography 55: 929-955.
- SRRD 2017:10 Neyer, Gerda, Arianna Caporali and Nora Sánchez Gassen, EU-Policies and Fertility: The Emergence of Fertility-Related Family Policies at the Supra-National Level
- SRRD 2017:09 Raneke, Andreas, The impact of children on emigration: A study of EU-15 migrants in Sweden
- SRRD 2017:08 Bijlsma, Maarten J. and Ben Wilson, A new approach to understanding the socio-economic determinants of fertility over the life course. Final version published 2019 as "Modelling the socio‐economic determinants of fertility: a mediation analysis using the parametric g‐formula", in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 183(2): 493-513.
- SRRD 2017:07 Aarskaug Wiik, Kenneth, Eva Bernhardt, Cohabiting and married individuals’ relations with their partner’s parents. Published 2017 in Journal of Marriage and Family 79(4): 1111-1124.
- SRRD 2017:06 Jalovaara, Marika, Gerda Neyer, Gunnar Andersson, Johan Dahlberg, Lars Dommermuth, Peter Fallesen and Trude Lappegård, Education, Gender, and Cohort Fertility in the Nordic Countries. Final version published 2019 in European Journal of Population 35(3): 563-586.
- SRRD 2017:05 Mussino, Eleonora, Vitor Miranda, and Li Ma, Sex ratio at birth among immigrant groups in Sweden. Final version published 2018 as "Changes in sex ratio at birth among immigrant groups in Sweden", in Genus 74(13).
- SRRD 2017:04 Kridahl, Linda, Retirement Timing and Grandparenthood: A Population-Based Study on Sweden. Final version published 2017 as "Retirement timing and grandparenthood in Sweden: Evidence from population-based register data", in Demographic Research 37(31): 957-994.
- SRRD 2017:03 Svallfors, Signe, and Sunnee Billingsley, The Effect of Armed Conflict on Modern Contraceptive Utilisation – the Case of Colombia. Final version published 2019 as "Conflict and Contraception in Colombia", in Studies in Family Planning 50(2): 87-112.
- SRRD 2017:02 Härkönen, Juho, Single-Mother Poverty: How Much Do Educational Differences in Single Motherhood Matter? Final version published 2018 in: Nieuwenhuis, Rense, Maldonado, Laurie (Eds.) The Triple Bind of Single Parent Families, pp 31-50. OAPEN. Policy Press.
- SRRD 2017:01 Härkönen, Juho, Fabrizio Bernardi, and Diederik Boertien, Family Dynamics and Child Outcomes: An Overview of Research and Open Questions. Final version published 2017 in European Journal of Population 33(2): 163-184.
- SRRD 2016:24 Billingsley, Sunnee, Sven Drefahl, Gebrenegus Ghilagaber, Diagonal Reference Models in Longitudinal Analyses of Fertility and Mortality. Final version published 2018 as "An application of diagonal reference models and time-varying covariates in social mobility research on mortality and fertility" in Social Science Research 75: 73-82.
- SRRD 2016:23 Chudnovskaya, Margarita, Educational expansion and educational homogamy among the highly educated in Sweden
- SRRD 2016:22 Jónsson, Ari Klængur, Fertility at the Dawn of a New Millennium: The interplay of family policy, economic crisis and childbearing in Iceland. Final version published 2018 as "Family policies, childbearing, and economic crisis: The case of Iceland" in Demographic Research 39(19): 561–592.
- SRRD 2016:21 Jónsson, Ari Klængur, Childbearing Trends in Iceland 1982-2013. Fertility timing, quantum, and gender preferences for children in a Nordic context. Final version published 2017 in Demographic Research 37(7): 147-188.
- SRRD 2016:20 Barclay, Kieron and Mikko Myrskylä, Parental Age and Offspring Mortality: Negative Effects of Reproductive Aging are Outweighed by Secular Increases in Longevity. Final version published 2018 in Population Studies 72(2): 157-173.
- SRRD 2016:19 Mussino, Eleonora, Ann-Zofie Duvander, Li Ma, Does time count? Immigrant fathers’ use of parental leave in Sweden. Final version published 2018 in Population-E 73 (2): 363-382.
- SRRD 2016:18 Barclay, Kieron, Martin Hällsten and Mikko Myrskylä, Birth Order and College Major in Sweden. Final version published 2017 in Social Forces 96(2): 629-660.
- SRRD 2016:17 Brandén, Maria, Ann-Zofie Duvander and Sofi Ohlsson-Wijk: Sharing the Caring: Attitude-Behavior Discrepancies and Partnership Dynamics. Published 2018 in Journal of Family issues 39(3): 771-795.
- SRRD 2016:16 Miranda, Vitor, Johan Dahlberg, Gunnar Andersson, Understanding Parents’ Preferences for Sex of Children in Sweden: Attitudes and Outcomes. Final version published 2018 as "Parents’ Preferences for Sex of Children in Sweden: Attitudes and Outcomes" in Population Research and Policy Review 37: 443-459.
- SRRD 2016:15 Aarskaug Wiik, Kenneth and Jennifer A. Holland, Partner Choice and Timing of First Marriage among the Children of Immigrants in Norway and Sweden. Final version published 2018 in Acta Sociologica 61(2): 143–162.
- SRRD 2016:14 Tervola, Jussi, Ann-Zofie Duvander and Eleonora Mussino, Promoting parental leave for immigrant fathers – what role does policy play? Final version published 2017 in Social Politics 24(3): 269-297.
- SRRD 2016:13 Wennemo Lanninger, Alma, Improved integration of female refugees? – An evaluation of the Establishment reform
- SRRD 2016:12: Andersson, Gunnar, Elizabeth Thomson and Aija Duntava, Life-table Representations of Family Dynamics in the 21st Century. Final version published 2017 in Demographic Research 37(35): 1081–1230.
- SRRD 2016:11 Härkönen, Juho, Eevi Lappalainen and Marika Jalovaara, Double Disadvantage in a Nordic Welfare State: A Demographic Analysis of the Single Mother Employment Gap in Finland, 1987–2011. Final version published 2023 in European Journal of Population 39 (2).
- SRRD 2016:10 Kolk, Martin and Martin Hällsten, Demographic and Educational Success of Descendants: A Prospective Analysis of the Number of Great Grandchildren and their Education in 19th, 20th and 21st Century Northern Sweden. Final version published 2017 as "Demographic and Educational Success of Lineages in Northern Sweden", in Population and Development Review 43: 491–512.
- SRRD 2016:09 Monti, Andrea, Do Transnational Activities Hinder Integration? The Relevance of Transnational Activities within Integration Processes
- SRRD 2016:08 Turunen, Jani, Shared Physical Custody and Children’s Experience of Stress. Published 2017 in Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 58(5): 371-392.
- SRRD 2016:07 Morosow, Kathrin and Martin Kolk, How does Birth Order and Number of Siblings Affect Fertility? A Within-Family Comparison using Swedish Register Data. Final version published 2020 in European Journal of Population 36: 197-233.
- SRRD_2016:06 Duvander, Ann-Zofie, Mats Johansson and Trude Lappegård, Family Policy Reform Impact on Continued Fertility in the Nordic Countries. Published 2020 as Duvander, Ann-Zofie, Trude Lappegård and Mats Johansson "Impact of a Reform Towards Shared Parental Leave and Continued Fertility in Norway and Sweden", in Population Research and Policy Review 39: 1205–1229
- SRRD_2016:05 Kolk, Martin, Period and Cohort Measures of Migration. Final version published 2019 as "Period and Cohort Measures of Internal Migration", in Population 74(3): 333-348.
- SRRD 2016:04 Elveborg Lindskog, Elina, War effect on fertility behavior in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- SRRD 2016:03 Erman, Jeylan and Juho Härkönen, Differences in Parental Separation Effects on School Grades across Immigrant Backgrounds in Sweden. Final version published 2017 as "Parental Separation and School Performance Among Children of Immigrant Mothers in Sweden" in European Journal of Population 33(2): 267-292.
- SRRD 2016:02 Duvander, Ann-Zofie, Trude Lappegård, Synøve N. Andersen, Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, Gerda Neyer and Ida Viklund, Gender Equal Family Policy and Continued Childbearing in Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Final version published 2019 as "Parental leave policies and continued childbearing in Iceland, Norway, and Sweden." in Demographic Research 40(51): 1501-1528.
- SRRD 2016:01 Dahlberg, Johan, Does Parental Death Affect Fertility? A Register-Based Study of the Effect of Parental Death on Adult Children's Childbearing Behavior in Sweden. Final version published 2020 in Omega Journal of Death and Dying 81(1): 80-106.
- SRRD_2015:28 Hedström, Jenny, Residential Mobility and Ethnic Segregation in Stockholm
- SRRD 2015:27 Morosow, Kathrin and Heike Trappe, Intergenerational Transmission of Fertility Timing in Germany, Final version published 2018 in Demographic Research 38(46): 1389–1422.
- SRRD 2015:26 Valarino, Isabel, Ann-Zofie Duvander, Linda Haas and Gerda Neyer, Leave Policy Preferences in a Comparative Perspective. Final version published 2018 as "Exploring leave policy preferences: A comparison of Austria, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States". Social Politics 25(1): 118-147.
- SRRD_2015:25 Obućina, Ognjen, Marriage Migration and Divorce Risk in Sweden
- SRRD_2015:24 Läll, Markus, Fertility Transition in 19th-20th Century Estonia: An Individual Level Perspective
- SRRD 2015:23 Chudnovskaya, Margarita, Housing Context and Childbearing in Sweden: a Cohort Study. Final version published 2018 in Housing Studies 34(3): 469-488.
- SRRD 2015:22 Barclay, Kieron and Martin Kolk, The Long-term Cognitive and Socioeconomic Consequences of Birth Intervals: A Within-family Sibling Comparison using Swedish Register Data. Final version published 2017 in Demography 54(2): 459-484.
- SRRD 2015:21 Schéele, Siv and Gunnar Andersson, Commuter Mobility: An Indicator of Municipality Attraction –An Analysis Based on Swedish Register Data. Final version published 2018 as "Municipality attraction and commuter mobility in urban Sweden: An analysis based on longitudinal population data" in Urban Studies 55(9): 1875-1903.
- SRRD 2015:20 Andersson, Gunnar and Martin Kolk, Trends in Childbearing, Marriage and Divorce in Sweden: An Update with Data up to 2012. Published in Finnish Yearbook of Population Research 2015: 21-30.
- SRRD 2015:19 Neyer, Gerda, Jan M. Hoem, and Gunnar Andersson, Education and Childlessness: The Influence of Educational Field and Educational Level on Childlessness among Swedish and Austrian Women born in 1955-59. Published 2017 as “Education and childlessness: The influence of educational field and educational level on childlessness among Swedish and Austrian women”, in: Kreyenfeld, M., and Konietzka, D., Eds, Childlessness in Europe: Contexts, Causes and Consequences: 183-207. Doordrecht: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-44665-3 (Print) 978-3-319-44667-7 (Online). DOI 10.10007/978-319-44667-7_9 Neyer, Gerda, Jan M. Hoem, and Gunnar Andersson_2017 (509 Kb)
- SRRD 2015:18 Stanfors, Maria and Frances Goldscheider, The Forest and the Trees: Industrialization, Demographic Change, and the Ongoing Gender Revolution in Sweden and the United States, 1870-2010. Final version published 2017 in Demograhic Research 36(6): 173-226.
- SRRD_2015:17 van der Heijden, Franciëlla, Michael Gähler and Juho Härkönen, Are parents with shared residence happier? Children’s postdivorce residence arrangements and parents’ life satisfaction
- SRRD_2015:16 Thomson, Elizabeth, Gunnar Andersson, Johan Carlsson Dahlberg and Johan Tollebrant, A Swedish Generations and Gender Survey: Questionnaires in English. You can download the Swedish version here: SRRD 2015:16 Swedish version
- SRRD 2015:15 Billingsley, Sunnee and Aija Duntava, Putting the pieces together: Forty years of fertility trends across 19 post-socialist countries. Final version published 2017 as “Putting the pieces together: Fertility trends across 40 years of birth cohorts in 19 post-socialist countries”. in Post-Soviet Affairs 33(5): 389-410.
- SRRD 2015:14 Andersson, Gunnar, Ognjen Obucina and Kirk Scott, Marriage and Divorce of Immigrants and Descendants of Immigrants in Sweden. Final version published 2015 in Demographic Research 33(2): 31-64.
- SRRD 2015:13 Duvander, Ann-Zofie and Mats Johansson, Reforms in the Swedish Parental Leave System and their Effects on Gender Equality. Final version published 2018 as "Does Fathers’ Care Spill Over? Evaluating Reforms in the Swedish Parental Leave Program” in Feminist Economics 25(2):67-89.
- SRRD_2015:12 Ohlsson-Wijk, Sofi, Workplace Sex Composition and the Transition to Parenthood – Men and Women in Sweden
- SRRD_2015:11 Ohlsson-Wijk, Sofi, Type of Occupation and the Transition to Parenthood in Sweden
- SRRD_2015:10 Billingsley, Sunnee and Aija Duntava, The “Transition Generation’s” Entrance to Parenthood: Postponement across 19 Post-Socialist Countries
- SRRD_2015:09 Lappegård, Trude, Gerda Neyer and Daniele Vignoli,Three Dimensions of the Relationship between Gender Role Attitudes and Fertility Intentions. Final version published 2021 in Genus 77, 15.
- SRRD 2015:08 Östh, John, Variation in Mortality among Migrants from Islamic Countries: Do Muslim Holidays and Socio-Economic Situation Affect Mortality Rates? Final version published 2018 in Population, Space and Place 24: e2092.
- SRRD 2015:07 Härkönen, Juho, Anna Manzoni and Erik Bihagen, Gender inequalities in occupational prestige across the working life: An analysis of the careers of West Germans and Swedes born from the 1920s to the 1970s. Final version published 2016 in Advances in Life course Research 29: 41-51.
- SRRD 2015:06 Andersson, Gunnar and Sven Drefahl, Long-distance Migration and Mortality in Sweden: Testing the Salmon Bias and Healthy Migrant Hypotheses. Final version published 2017 in Population Space and Place 23(4): e2032.
- SRRD 2015:05 Finnäs, Fjalar, Mikael Rostila and Jan Saarela, Divorce and Parity Progression Following the Death of a Child: A Population-Based Prospective Study. Final version published 2018 in Population Studies 72(1):41-51.
- SRRD 2015:04 Enström Öst, Cecilia and Mats Wilhelmsson, Youth Dwellings, Higher Education, and Childbearing. Final version published 2019 as "The long-term consequences of youth housing for childbearing and higher education." in Journal of Policy Modeling 41(5):845-858.
- SRRD 2015:03 Haandrikman, Karen, Partner Choice in Sweden: How Distance Still Matters. Final version published 2018 in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 51(2):440-460.
- SRRD 2015:02 Baranowska-Rataj, Anna, Kieron J. Barclay and Martin Kolk, The Effect of the Number of Siblings on Adult Mortality: Evidence from Swedish Registers. Final version published 2017 as "The effect of number of siblings on adult mortality: Evidence from Swedish registers for cohorts born between 1938 and 1972" in Population Studies 71(1): 43-63.
- SRRD 2015:01 Barclay,Kieron and Martin Kolk, Parity and Mortality: Evidence from Biological and Adoptive Parents. Final version published 2019 as “Parity and mortality: An examination of different explanatory mechanisms using data on biological and adoptive parents” in European Journal of Population 35(1):63-85.
- SRRD 2014:23 Mäenpää, Elina and Marika Jalovaara, Achievement Replacing Ascription? Changes in Homogamy in Education and Social Class Origins. Final version published 2015 as "Achievement replacing ascription? Changes in homogamy in education and social class origins in Finland" in Advances in Life Course Research (26): 76–88.
- SRRD 2014:22 Bernhardt, Eva, Frances Goldscheider and Jani Turunen, Long-term Effects of Gender Role Attitudes on the Transition to Parenthood in Sweden: Do Egalitarian Men Catch up? Final version published 2016 as "Attitudes to the gender division of labor and the transition to fatherhood: Are egalitarian men in Sweden more likely to remain childless?" in Acta Sociologica. 59 (3): 269-284.
- SRRD 2014:21 Kolk, Martin, The causal effect of an additional sibling on completed fertility – An estimation of intergenerational fertility correlations by looking at siblings of twins. Final version published 2015 in Demographic Research 32 (51): 1409-1420.
- SRRD 2014:20 Ruppaner, Leah, Maria Brandén and Jani Turunen, I can’t get no satisfaction: Gender Attitudes, Housework Divisions and Partner Satisfaction. Published 2018 as: "Does unequal housework lead to divorce? Evidence from Sweden" in Sociology 52(1): 75-94, DOI: 10.1177/0038038516674664.
- SRRD 2014:19 Lappegård, Trude and Elizabeth Thomson, Intergenerational Transmission of Multipartner Fertility. Final version published 2018 in Demography, 55(6):2205–2228.
- SRRD 2014:18 Hoem, Jan M. and Lesia Nedoluzhko, Pre- and Post-migration Fertility. Final version published 2016 as "The dangers of using "negative durations" to estimate pre- and post-migration fertility", in Population Studies, 70(3): 359-363.
- SRRD 2014:17 Andersson, Gunnar and Lotta Persson, Childbearing among the Descendants of Immigrants in Sweden. Final version published 2017 by Andersson, Gunnar, Lotta Persson, and Ognjen Obućina, as Depressed fertility among descendants of immigrants in Sweden, in Demographic Research 36(39): 1149-1184.
- SRRD 2014:16 Clark, William, Eva Anderson, Bo Malmberg and John Östh, Segregation and De-segregation in Metropolitan Contexts: Los Angeles as a Paradigm for a Changing Ethnic World Final version published 2015 as "A Multiscalar Analysis of Neighborhood Composition in Los Angeles, 2000–2010: A Location-Based Approach to Segregation and Diversity", in Annals of the Association of American Geographers 105 (6): 1260-1284, DOI: 10.1080/00045608.2015.1072790.
- SRRD_2014:15 Haandrikman, Karen and Sadia Hassanen, Onward Migration of African Europeans:Comparing Attitudes to Migration Motives
- SRRD 2014:14 Barclay, Kieron, Birth Order and Intelligence: A Withinfamily Analysis using Swedish Military Conscription Data. Final version published 2015 as "A within-family analysis of birth order and intelligence using population conscription data on Swedish men", in Intelligence 49 (2015) 134–143.
- SRRD 2014:13 Kolk, Martin, A Life Course Analysis of Geographical Distance to Siblings, Parents and Grandparents in Sweden. Final version published 2017 in Population, Space and Place, 23(3): e2030. 0.1002/psp.2020.
- SRRD 2014:12 Chudnovskaya, Margarita and Martin Kolk, Educational Expansion and Intergenerational Proximity in Sweden. Final version published 2017 in Population, Space and Place, 23(1): e1973. 10.1002/psp.1973.
- SRRD 2014:11 Boertien, Diederik, and Juho Härkönen, Less Education, More Divorce: Explaining the Inverse Relationship Between Women’s Education and Divorce. Final version published 2018 as "Why does women’s education stabilize marriages? The role of marital satisfaction and barriers to divorce" in Demographic Research, 38(41), 1241-1276.
- SRRD 2014:10 Ma, Li, Labor Force Participation, Family Policy Change, and Second Birth Rates in South Korea. Final version published 2016 in Journal of Population Research 33 (2): 173-195.
- SRRD 2014:9 Webster, Natasha and Karen Haandrikman, Thai Women in Sweden: Victims or Participants? Final version published 2016 in Social Science Asia, 2(1): 13-29.
- SRRD 2014:8 Goldscheider, Frances, Eva Bernhardt and Trude Lappegård, The Second Half of the Gender Revolution in Sweden: Will it Strengthen the Family? Final version published 2015 as "The Gender Revolution: A Framework for Understanding Changing Family and Demographic Behavior", in Population and Development Review 41(2): 207–239.
- SRRD 2014:7 Härkönen, Juho, Emerging Trends in Divorce Research. Final version published 2015 as "Divorce", in Scott, Robert A. and Kosslyn, Stephen M. (eds.) Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9781118900772.etrds0083.
- SRRD 2014:6 Caporali, Arianna, Sebastian Klüsener, Gerda Neyer, Sandra Krapf, and Olga Grigorieva, The Contextual Database of the Generations and Gender Programme: Concept, Content and Research Examples. Final version published 2016 in Demographic Research 35(9): 229-252.
- SRRD 2014:5 Eriksson, Helen, Conceptualizing Child Care Patterns in a Dual-Carer Setting. Published 2019 as “Taking Turns or Halving It All: Care Trajectories of Dual-Caring Couples” in European Journal of Population 35(1): 191-219. DOI: 10.1007/s10680-018-9473-5.
- SRRD 2014:4 Mussino, Eleonora and Ann-Zofie Duvander, How Do Immigrants in Sweden Use Parental Leave? Final version published 2016 as "Use it or save it? Migration background and parental leave uptake in Sweden", in European Journal of Population 32(2): 189-210.
- SRRD 2014:3 Lappegård, Trude, Sebastian Klüsener and Daniele Vignoli, Social Norms, Economic Conditions and Spatial Variation of Childbearing within Cohabitation across Europe. Final version published 2017 as "Why are marriage and family formation increasingly disconnected across Europe? A multilevel perspective on existing theories.", in Population Space and Place. 2017;e2088.
- SRRD 2014:2 Persson, Lotta and Jan Hoem, Immigrant Fertility in Sweden, 2000-2011: A Descriptive Note. Final version published 2014 in Demographic Research, 30(30): 887-898.
- SRRD 2014:1 Nedoluzhko, Lesia and Victor Agadjanian, Between Tradition and Modernity: Marriage Dynamics in Central Asia. Final version published 2015 as "Between Tradition and Modernity: Marriage Dynamics in Kyrgyzstan." in Demography (52): 861-882.
- SRRD_2013:20 Obućina, Ognjen, After Swedish Intermarriage. Final version published 2016 as "Partner Choice in Sweden Following a Failed Intermarriage", in European Journal of Population, 32(4): 511-542.
- SRRD 2013:19 Brandén, Maria and Karen Haandrikman, Who Moves to Whom? Gender Differences in the Distance Moved to a Shared Residence. Final version published 2018 in European Journal of Population 35:435-458.
- SRRD 2013:18 Brandén, Maria, Family Migration and Gender Differentials in Earnings: The Impact of Occupational Sex Segregation
- SRRD_2013:17 Duntava, Aija, and Sunnee Billingsley, Changing Life Course Regimes (CLiCR) Data: Harmonization Manual
- SRRD_2013:16 Barclay, Kieron, Sibling Set Order and Educational Attainment: Evidence from Fully Adopted Sibling Groups. Final version published 2015 as "Birth order and educational attainment: evidence from fully adopted sibling groups", in Intelligence (48): 109-122.
- SRRD_2013:15 Duvander, Ann-Zofie and Tommy Ferrarini, Sweden's Family Policy under Change: Past, Present, Future. Final version published 2013 as a Friedrich Ebert Stiftung International Policy Analysis (August 2013)
- SRRD_2013:14 Barclay, J. Kieron and Martin Kolk, Birth Order and Mortality: A Population-based Cohort Study. Final version published 2015 in Demography (2015) 52:613–639.
- SRRD_2013:13 Thalberg, Sara, First Education, then Children? A Qualitative Study of Students‟ Childbearing Attitudes and Intentions
- SRRD_2013:12 Sinyavskaya, Oxana and Sunnee Billingsley, The Importance of Job Characteristics to Women’s Fertility Intentions and Behavior in Russia. Final version published 2015 in Genus 71(1): 23-59.
- SRRD_2013:11 Ma, Li , Economic Crisis and Women’s Labor Force Return after Childbirth: Evidence from South Korea. Final version published 2014 in Demographic Research 31 (2014): 511-551.
- SRRD_2013:10 Turunen, Jani, Adolescent Educational Outcomes in Blended Families: Evidence from Swedish Register Data 1998-2007. Final version published 2014 in Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 55(7): 568-589.
- SRRD_2013:9 Lindskog, Elveborg, Elina, Violent Conflict and Sexual Behavior in Rwanda. Final version published 2016, in Population, Space and Place 22: 241-254.
- SRRD_2013:8 Kreyenfeld, Michaela, and Gunnar Andersson, Socioeconomic Differences in the Unemployment and Fertility Nexus: A Comparison of Denmark and Germany. Final version published 2014 as "Socioeconomic differences in the unemployment and fertility nexus: Evidence from Denmark and Germany", in Advances in Life Course Research 21: 59-73.
- SRRD_2013:7 Härkönen, Juho, Divorce: Trends, Patterns, Causes, Consequences. Final version published 2014 in: Treas, Judith, Jacqueline Scott and Martin Richards (Eds), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families. Wiley-Blackwell.
- SRRD_2013:6 Wimark, Thomas and John Öst, The City as a Single Gay Male Magnet? Gay and Lesbian Geographical Concentration in Sweden. Final version published 2014, in Population, Space and Place 20(8): 739-752.
- SRRD_2013:5 De Santis, Gustavo, Sven Drefahl, and Daniele Vignoli, A Period TFR with Covariates for Short-Panel Data. Final version published as "A Period Total Fertility Rate with Covariates for Short-Panel Data" in Population, English edition 69.3 (2014): 419-432.
- SRRD_2013:4 Kolk, Martin, Understanding Transmission of Fertility Preferences Across Multiple Generations – Socialization or Socioeconomics? Final version published 2014 as "Understanding Transmission of Fertility Across Multiple Generations – Socialization or socioeconomics?" Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 35: 89-103
- SRRD_2013:3 Brandén, Maria, Gender and Couples’ Career Migration in Sweden. Final version published 2014 in Journal of Family Issues 35(7): 950-971.
- SRRD_2013:2 Caporali, Arianna, Sebastian Klüsener, Gerda Neyer, Sandra Krapf and Olga Grigorieva, Providing Easy Access to Cross-Country Comparative Contextual Data for Demographic Research: Concept and Recent Advances of the Generations & Gender Programme Contextual Database
- SRRD_2013:1 Oláh, Livia Sz. and Susanne Fahlén, Childbearing, Women‟s Employment and Work-Life Balance Policies in Contemporary Europe: Introduction and Conclusions. Final version published 2013 as Introductory chapter in Livia Sz. Oláh and Ewa Fratczak, Eds, Childbearing, Women’s Employment and Work-Life Policies in Contemporary Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-27. And as "Concluding thoughts on childbearing, women’s work and work-life balance policy nexus in Europe in the dawn of 21st century" in Livia Sz. Oláh and Ewa Fratczak, Eds, Childbearing, Women’s Employment and Work-Life Policies in Contemporary Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 207-217.
- SRRD_2012:26 Barclay, Kieron, Sex Ratios at Sexual Maturity and Longevity: Evidence from Swedish Register Data. Final version published 2013 in Demographic Research, 29(31): 837-864.
- SRRD_2012:25 Kolk, Martin, Age Differences in Unions: Continuity and Divergence in Sweden between 1932 and 2007. Final version published 2015 as "Age Differences in Unions: Continuity and Divergence Among Swedish Couples Between 1932 and 2007" in European Journal of Population, 31(4): 365-382.
- SRRD_2012:24 Oláh, Livia Sz. and Michael Gähler, Gender Equality Perceptions, Division of Paid and Unpaid Work, and Partnership Dissolution in Sweden. Final version published 2014 in Social Forces 93(2): 571-594.
- SRRD_2012:23 Ström, Sara, Maria Brandén and Johan Carlsson Dahlberg, The Swedish Housing and Life Course Cohort Study (HOLK): Codebook for Micro Data
- SRRD_2012:22 Thomson, Elizabeth, Trude Lappegård, Marcia Carlson, Ann Evans and Edith Gray, Childbearing across Partnerships in the U.S., Australia and Scandinavia. Final version published 2014 as Childbearing across partnerships in Australia, the United States, Norway, and Sweden. Demography 51(2): 485-508.
- SRRD_2012:21 Neyer, Gerda, Welfare States, Family Policies, and Fertility in Europe. Final version published 2013 in Neyer, G., et al., Eds, The Demography of Europe: 29-53. Doordrecht: Springer.
- SRRD_2012:20 Ström, Sara, and Eva Bernhardt, First Births in Sweden: Objective and Self-perceived Constraints on Childbearing
- SRRD_2012:19 Pajunen, Anni, Child Home Care Allowance and the Transition to Second and Third Births in Finland. Final version published 2017 by Anni Erlandsson in Population Research and Policy Review 36: 607-630.
- SRRD_2012:18 Carlsson, Dahlberg, Johan, Social Background and Becoming a Parent in Sweden. Final version published 2015 as "Social Background and Becoming a Parent in Sweden: A Register-Based Study of the Effect of Social Background on Childbearing in Sweden" in European Journal of Population, 31(4):417-444.
- SRRD_2012:17 Andersson, Linus, The Impact of Family Life Course Experiences on Attitudes towards Divorce in Sweden. Final version published 2016 as "Gender, family life course and attitudes towards divorce in Sweden" in Acta Sociologica, 59(1): 51.67.
- SRRD_2012:16 Ma, Li, Employment, Social Policy and Motherhood Entry: The Evidence from South Korea. Final version published 2013 as Employment and Motherhood Entry in South Korea, 1978-2006 in Population - E, 68 (3), 419-446.
- SRRD_2012:15 Kan, Maxim, Ethnic-specific Reproductive Behavior in Independent Kazakhstan
- SRRD_2012:14 Billingsley, Sunnee, Luule Sakkeus, and Allan Puur, Jobs, Careers, and Becoming a Parent under State Socialist and Free Market Conditions. Final version published 2014 as Jobs, Careers, and Becoming a Parent under State Socialist and Market Conditions: Evidence from Estonia 1971-2006, in Demographic Research 30(64): 1769-1792.
- SRRD 2012:13 Billingsley, Sunnee and Anna Matysiak, “Social Capillarity” Revisited: The Relationship between Social Mobility and Fertility. Final version published 2018 as "Social mobility and family expansion in Poland and Russia during socialism and capitalism", in Advances in Life Course Research, 36: 80-91.
- SRRD_2012:12 Hoem, Jan M., Conditioning on the Time of Occurrence of One Demographic Process in the Analysis of Another. Final version published 2014 as The Dangers of Conditioning on the Time of Occurrence of one Demographic Process in the Analysis of Another in Population Studies: 68(2): 151-159.
- SRRD_2012:11 Hoem, Jan M., Cornelia Mureşan and Mihaela Hărăguş, The Role of Consensual Unions in Romanian Total Fertility. Final version published 2013 as Recent Features of Cohabitational and Marital Fertility in Romania, in Population (E) 68(4): 579-606.
- SRRD_2012:10 Jalovaara, Marika and Anneli Miettinen, Does his paycheck also matter? The socio-economic resources of co-residential partners and entry into parenthood. Final version published 2013 as Does His Paycheck also Matter? The Socioeconomic Resources of Co-residential Partners and Entry into Parenthood in Finland in Demographic Research 28(31): 881–916.
- SRRD_2012:9 Neyer, Gerda, Gunnar Andersson and Hill Kulu, The Demography of Europe: Introduction. Final version published 2013 in Neyer, G., et al., Eds, The Demography of Europe: 1-13. Doordrecht: Springer.
- SRRD_2012:8 Thalberg, Sara, Care and Career: Educational Enrolment and Couples‘ Childbearing Behaviour in Sweden
- SRRD_2012:7 Dahlberg, Johan, Family Influence on Becoming a Parent: Brother and Sister Correlations In Propensity to Enter Parenthood for Men and Women Born 1936–1963. Final version published 2013 as Family Influence in Fertility: A Longitudinal Analysis of Sibling Correlations in First Birth Risk and Completed Fertility among Swedish Men and Women in Demographic Research, 29(9): 233-246.
- SRRD_2012:6 Dahlin, Johanna and Juho Härkönen, Cross-national Differences in the Sex Gap in Subjective Health: Does Gender Equality Matter? Final version published 2013 as Cross-national Differences in the Gnder Gap in Subjective Health in Europe: Does Country-level Gender Equality Matter? in Social Science & Medicine 98: 24-28.
- SRRD_2012:5 Härkönen, Juho, Birth Order, Educational Attainment and Educational Transitions in West Germany. Final version published 2014 as Birth Order Effects on Educational Attainment and Educational Transitions in West Germany in European Sociological Review 30(2): 166–179.
- SRRD_2012:4 Nedoluzhko, Lesia, Achieved Fertility and Fertility Intentions among Ethnic Groups in Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan Compared
- SRRD_2012:3 Turunen, Jani, Family Structure, Gender and Adolescent Emotional Well-Being. Final version published 2013 in Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 54(6): 476-504.
- SRRD_2012:2 Haandrikman, Karen, Bi-national Marriages in Sweden: Is There an EU effect?Final version published 2014 in Population, Space and Place 20: 177-199.
- SRRD_2012:1 Kreyenfeld, Michaela, Gunnar Andersson and Ariane Pailhé, Economic Uncertainty and Family Dynamics in Europe. Final version published 2012 in Demographic Research 27(28): 835-852.
- SRRD_2011:22 Kolk, Martin and Sebastian Schnettler, Parental Status and Gender Preferences of Children: Is Differential Fertility Stopping Consistent with the Trivers-Willard Hypothesis? Final version published 2013 in Journal of Biosocial Science, 45(5): 683-704.
- SRRD_2011:21 Ström, Sara and Johan Carlsson Dahlberg, The Swedish Housing and Life Course Cohort Study: Contextual Database
- SRRD_2011:20 Hoem, Jan M., Marika Jalovaara and Cornelia Mureşan, Recent Patterns in Group-specific Total Fertility in Finland. Final version published 2013 as Recent Fertility Patterns of Finnish Women by Union Status: A Descriptive Account in Demographic Research 28(14): 409–420.
- SRRD_2011:19 Zhang Wenhua, Son Preference and Second Birth in China
- SRRD_2011:18 Mäenpää, Elina and Marika Jalovaara, The Effects of Homogamy in Socio-economic Background and Education on Union Dissolution: Divergent Effects in Cohabitations and Marriages? Final version published in 2014 as Homogamy in Socio-economic Background and Education, and the Dissolution of Cohabiting Unions in Demographic Research 30(65): 1769-1792.
- SRRD_2011:17 Barclay, Kieron, Sex Composition of the Workplace and Mortality Risk. Final version published 2013 in Journal of Biosocial Science, 45(6): 807-821.
- SRRD_2011:16 Hoem, Jan M. and Cornelia Mureşan, The Role of Consensual Unions in Romanian Total Fertility
- SRRD_2011:15 Billingsley, Sunnee and Tommy Ferrarini, Family Policies and Fertility Intentions across New and Old Welfare Democracies. Final version published 2014 as Family Policy and Fertility Intentions in 21 European Countries in Journal of Marriage and Family, 76(2): 428-445.
- SRRD_2011:14 Kolk, Martin, Intergenerational Continuities in Family Size: Multigenerational Transmission of Fertility in Contemporary Sweden. Final version published 2014 as Multigenerational Transmission of Family Size in Contemporary Sweden. Population Studies, 68(2): 111-129.
- SRRD_2011:13 Ohlsson-Wijk, Sofi, “Millennium Marriages” and “Birthday Peaks” in Sweden: Increased Marriage Propensities around Specific Dates. Final version published in 2014 as "Digit Preferences in Marriage Formation in Sweden: Millennium Marriages and Birthday Peaks" in Demographic Research 30(25): 421-432.
- SRRD_2011:12 Lundström, Karin E. and Gunnar Andersson, Labor-market Status, Migrant Status and First Childbearing in Sweden. Final version published 2012 in Demography Research 27(25): 717-742.
- SRRD_2011:11 Vignoli, Daniele, Sven Drefahl and Gustavo De Santis, Whose Economic Instability Affects the Likelihood of Becoming a Parent in Italy? A Tale of Two Partners. Final version published 2011 in Demographic Research 26(2): 41-62.
- SRRD_2011:10 Mäenpää, Elina and Marika Jalovaara, The Effects of Homogamy in Socioeconomic Background and Education on the Transition from Cohabitation to Marriage. Final version published 2013 in Acta Sociologica 56(3)247-263.
- SRRD_2011:9 Neyer, Gerda, Trude Lappegård and Daniele Vignoli, Gender Equality and Fertility: Which Equality Matters? Final version published 2013 in European Journal of Population 29(3): 245-272.
- SRRD_2011:8 Jalovaara, Marika, Socioeconomic Resources and the Dissolution of Cohabitations and Marriages. Final version published 2013 in European Journal of Population 29(2): 167–193.
- SRRD_2011:7 Andersson, Gunnar and Martin Kolk, Trends in Childbearing and Nuptiality in Sweden: An Update with Data up to 2007. Final version published 2011 in Finnish Yearbook of Population Research XLVI: 21-30.
- SRRD_2011:6 Barclay, Kieron, Adult Sex Ratios and Sex-selective Abortion in China
- SRRD_2011:5 Carlsson Dahlberg, Johan, Social Background and Becoming a Parent in Sweden
- SRRD_2011:4 Brandén, Maria, For Whose Sake Do Couples Relocate? Gender, Career Opportunities and Couples’ Internal Migration in Sweden. Final version published 2013 as Couples' Education and Regional Mobility – the Importance of Occupation, Income and Gender in Population, Space and Place 19(5): 522-536.
- SRRD_2011:3 Neyer, Gerda and Laura Bernardi, Feminist Perspectives on Motherhood and Reproduction. Final version published 2011 in Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung 36(2): 162-176. Special Issue: Fertility in the History of the 20th Century: Trends, Theories, Policies, Discourses.
- SRRD_2011:2 Ström, Sara, Childbearing Behavior in the Light of Different Housing Regimes: First Births in Sweden 1975-2004.
- SRRD_2011:1 Holland, Jennifer, Home and Where the Heart Is: Marriage Timing and Joint Home Purchase. Final version published 2012 in European Journal of Population 28(1): 65-89.
- SRRD_2010:16 Hedberg, Charlotta, ‘Every Soul is Needed!' Processes of Immigration and Demographic Consequences for Swedish Rural Areas
- SRRD_2010:15 Jalovaara, Marika, Socio-economic Resources and First Union Formation in Finland. Final version published 2012 as Socio-economic resources and first-union formation in Finland, cohorts born 1969–81 in Population Studies 66(1): 69–85.
- SRRD_2010:14 Duvander, Ann-Zofie and Mats Johansson, What are the Effects of Reforms Promoting Fathers’ Parental Leave Use? Final version published 2012 in Journal of European Social Policy 22(3): 19-330.
- SRRD_2010:13 Hoem, Jan and Cornelia Mureşan, The Total Marital Fertility Rate and its Extensions. Final version published 2011 in European Journal of Population 27(3): 295-312.
- SRRD_2010:12 Fahlén, Susanne and Livia Sz. Oláh, Female Employment, Work Hours and Childbearing Intentions in Sweden in the early 2000s: A Capability Perspective. Final version published 2013 as "Work and childbearing intentions in a capability perspective: Young adult women in Sweden". In Livia Sz. Oláh and Ewa Fratczak, Eds, Childbearing, Women’s Employment and Work-Life Policies in Contemporary Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 28-64.
- SRRD_2010:11 Östh, John, Eva Andersson and Bo Malmberg, School Choice and Increasing Performance Difference: A Counterfactual Approach. Final version published 2013 in Urban Studies 50(2): 407-425.
- SRRD_2010:10 Thomson, Elizabeth and Helen Eriksson, Register-based Estimates of Parental Separation in Sweden. Final version published 2013 as Register-based Estimates of Parents' Coresidence in Sweden, 1969-2007 in Demographic Research 29(42):1153-1186.
- SRRD_2010:9 Oláh, Livia Sz. and Gerda Neyer, Should Governments in Europe be More Aggressive in Pushing for Gender Equality to Raise Fertility? Final versions published 2011 as Should Governments in Europe be More Aggressive in Pushing for Gender Equality to Raise Fertility? The Second "YES" in Demographic Research 24(9): 217-224 and Should Governments in Europe be More Aggressive in Pushing for Gender Equality to Raise Fertility? The Second "NO" in Demographic Research 24(10): 225-250.
- SRRD_2010:8 Drefahl, Sven, The Mortality of the Married and Cohabiting in Denmark – The Role of Socioeconomic Status. Final version published 2012 as Do the Married Really Live Longer? The Role of Cohabitation and Socioeconomic Status in Journal of Marriage and Family 74(3): 462-475.
- SRRD_2010:7 Eriksson, Helen, Are There Gendering Effects of a Gender-neutral Care Leave Policy. Final version published 2011 as The Gendering Effects of Sweden's Gender-neutral Care Leave Policy in Population Review 50(1): 156-169.
- SRRD_2010:6 Turunen, Jani, Entering a Stepfamily: Children’s Experience of Family Reconstitution in Sweden 1970-2000. Final version published 2011 in Zeitschrift fur Familienforschung/Journal of Family Research 2 Sonderheft: 154-170.
- SRRD_2010:5 Holland, Jennifer and Elizabeth Thomson, New Partners, New Children in Sweden. Final version published 2012 as Stepfamily Childbearing in Sweden: Quantum and Tempo Effects, 1950-99 in Population Studies 65(1):115-128.
- SRRD_2010:4 Rijken, Arieke and Elizabeth Thomson, Partners’ Relationship Quality and Childbearing. Final version published 2011 in Social Science Research 40: 485-497.
- SRRD_2010:3 Hoem, Jan and Cornelia Muresan, The Standardized TFR. Final version published 2011 as An Extension of The Conventional TFR in European Journal of Population 27(4): 389-402.
- SRRD_2010:2 Andersson, Gunnar and Turid Noack, Legal Advances and Demographic Developments of Same-sex Unions in Scandinavia. Final version published 2010 in Zeitschrift für Familienforschung / Journal of Family Research 22 Sonderheft 2010: 87-101. 2010:2 (276 Kb)
- SRRD_2010:1 Billingsley, Sunnee, Downward Social Mobility and Fertility Decline in Russia
Senast uppdaterad: 11 januari 2024
Sidansvarig: SUDA