The event was broadcast live on 10 april, 15:00-16:00.


Marc Abrahams, IgNobel prize initiator
Leonard Fisher, IgNobel winner in physics (1999) for discovering the optimal way to dunk a biscuit.
James Cole, IgNobel winner in nutrition (2018) for calculating that the caloric intake from a human-cannibalism diet is significantly lower than the caloric intake from most other traditional meat diets.
Peter Witzgall, IgNobel winner in biology (2018) for demonstrating that wine experts can reliably identify, by smell, the presence of a single fly in a glass of wine.

24/7 speakers: Ragnhild Lunnan (Stockholm University), Jonas Sellberg (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Rezan Güler (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Sara Strandberg (Stockholm University).

IgNobel Prize

What is the IgNobel Prize?

The IgNobel Prizes honour achievements that make people laugh and then think. They are organized by the magazine Annals of Improbable Research. More about the IgNobel Prizes.

More about the IgNobel winners’ research