Konferens: "The Future of Past Animals"
Startdatum: fredag 17 juni 2022
Tid: 09.00
Slutdatum: lördag 18 juni 2022
Tid: 16.50
Plats: Rum 111 / Zoom
Herewith we invite all interested to the following international conference held by the International Council for Archaeozoology and the Osteoarchaeological Research Laboratory titled The Future of Past Animals: Global Perspectives in Zooarchaeology.
On 16 June 2022 the Osteoarchaeological Research Laboratory will host two committee meetings of the International Council for Archaeozoology in preparation for its next large quadrennial international conference to be held in Cairns, Australia in 2023.
Taking advantage of the world-wide representation of archaeozoologists at Stockholm University (delegates from 24 countries will take part in the business meeting), we organized a small International Conference. It is titled “The Future of Past Animals: Global Perspectives in Zooarchaeology” and is held at the department on 17–18 June, 2022. The detailed program is available here:
Programme - The Future of Past Animals (225 Kb)
Senast uppdaterad: 13 juni 2022
Sidansvarig: Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens kultur