Stockholms universitet

Call for collaborative postdoc projects linked to SUCCeSS

Stockholm University Center for Circular and Sustainable Systems (SUCCeSS) is a new center and virtual meeting place for broad transdisciplinary research, in collaboration with industry and policymakers.

We now open a call for 2-year postdoc positions financed by SUCCeSS, with the aim to initiate and stimulate collaborations across disciplines at SU on circular and sustainable systems. We invite collaborative proposals addressing research contributing to any of the three focus research areas of SUCCeSS: 
•    Circular processing
•    Sustainable food and water systems
•    Data driven circular and sustainable design.  

Early-career PIs (<12 years since PhD) can apply for hosting a postdoc, with collaborative funding for a 2-year post doc position and some running costs (max 1 MSEK/year). The call will fund a maximum of three post doc positions. 

Please find all details in the attached pdf file.

Post doc call (204 Kb)