Astrid SchlytterGästlärare
Rätten, särskilt socialrättslig lagstiftning ur ett könsperspektiv och ett etnicitetsperspektiv. Bedriver för närvarande forskning om samhällets insatser för unga kvinnor med invandrarbakgrund som vill leva efter andra former än familjens/släktens.
I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas
Några kritiska reflexioner till talet om de mänskliga rättigheterna som universella
2018. Astrid Schlytter. Festskrift till Håkan Hydén
Kapitel -
Mäns heder
2016. Astrid Schlytter, Devin Rexvid.
Bok -
Pojkars villkor i hederskontexten
2014. Astrid Schlytter, Devin Rexvid. Barnrätt, 286-300
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Våga stå kvar! - En mindre kommuns erfarenheter av ett framgångsrikt arbete mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck
2014. Iman Hussein (et al.).
Rapport -
Män som offer och gärningsmän i hedersrelaterade sammanhang
2013. Astrid Schlytter, Devin Rexvid. Barn, utsatthet och heder, 51-74
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Attitydförändringar hos unga män med hederskulturella värderingar
2012. Devin Rexvid, Astrid Schlytter. Genusperspektiv i socialt arbete, 129-152
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Familj och heder
2012. Astrid Schlytter. Genusperspektiv i socialt arbete, 107-128
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Heroes, hymen and honour
2012. Devin Rexvid, Astrid Schlytter. Review of European Studies 4 (2), 22-32
ArtikelBackground: Honour-related violence and oppression (HRVO) became a public and a state concern in Sweden in the wake of murders of three young women of foreign origin in the late 90’s and early 20's. The Swedish society's focus on girls' and women's exposure to honour-related restrictions and reprisals, overshadowed to some extent, boys’ and young men’s condition in the honour context. Yet in recent years boys’ and young men's dual role as both victims and potential perpetrators in honour culture has received increasing attention in Sweden. In the discussion on how HRVO must be combated, attitude change interventions targeting boys and young men have been emphasized as an important measure.Purpose: The overall aim of this study is to elucidate and compare the participants’ attitudes towards honour, masculinity and virginity in a retrospective perspective i.e. before and after their attendance in an attitude change program.Method: The study is based on a content analysis of individual in-depth and focus group interviews with participants and leaders of an attitude change project called “Sharaf Heroes”.Findings: This study indicates that honour-based norms and values are very persistent which requires both an uncompromising and an arduously intervention targeting attitude change.
Om ett tvångs-, barn- och kusinäktenskap
2012. Astrid Schlytter. Äkta Makar, 73-88
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Heder och det civila samhällets metoder
2011. Astrid Schlytter (et al.).
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Familj, religion, rätt.
2010. A Singer, M Jänterä-Jareborg, Astrid Schlytter.
Bok (red) -
Girls with honour-related problems in a comparative perspective
2010. Astrid Schlytter, Hanna Linell. International Journal of Social Welfare 19 (2), 152-161
ArtikelThe aim of this study was to learn to perceive the indicators of honour-related problems in a girl's everyday life. Our investigation included all girls aged 13-18 years who were about to be taken into care in 2006. The comparative analysis was based on 37 County Court cases in Stockholm County. The girls' exposure to harm in 13 of the 37 cases could be coupled to the demands and values of the honour culture. All the girls in the 'honour' group had been victims of mental abuse; they were more isolated than the girls in the 'other reason' group and none of the girls in the 'honour' group chose to meet their parents in court. We found that the honour culture life situation is new to the social services, which for these girls can mean that they do not have access to the same legal protection as other girls.
Hedersrelaterade värderingar och normer i en svensk kontext
2010. Astrid Schlytter. Familj, religion, rätt., 63-83
Kapitel -
Oskuld och heder
2009. Astrid Schlytter (et al.).
Bok -
Rätten att själv få välja vem man ska gifta sig med
2009. Astrid Schlytter, Sara Högdin, Devin Rexvid. Gift mot sin vilja
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Hedersrelaterade traditioner i en svensk kontext
2008. Astrid Schlytter, Hanna Linell.
Rapport -
2007. Astrid Schlytter, Liv Kanakura.
Visa alla publikationer av Astrid Schlytter vid Stockholms universitet