Stockholms universitet

Shu-Nu Chang RundgrenProfessor

Om mig

Scientific leader and coordinator for the research group of Educational Research in Citizenship Competences (ERiCC) 

Professor of Didactics in Department of Education at Stockholm University (2015 to date)

Professor II of Science Education in Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) in Norway (2018 September to July 2020)

Honorary Chair Professor in Department of Education and Learning Technology at National Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan, R.O.C. (2017 July 01 to 2018 December 31)

Professor of Science Education in Department of Engineering and Chemical Sciences at Karlstad University (2011 to 2015)

Guest Professor in the Research School of Science and Technology Education at Linköping University (2008)

ORCID: 0000-0002-9521-1737


My research focus has been teaching and learning of socioscientific issues (SSI) and informal argumentation skills concerning emerging issues of, for example, climate change and controversial  issues emerging from the pandemics. The SEE-SEP model was developed in year 2010 by myself and my co-author to contribute to SSI-based teaching and learning and the assessment of SSI/informal argumentation. The SEE-SEP model addresses SSI involve multi-disciplines of science/technology (S), environment (E), economy(E), social culture (S), ethics (E) and policy (P) as well as people's knowledge, values and experiences. The SEE-SEP model is named based on the abbreviation of subject areas shown above, but the most important thing is to remind people while arguing complex SSI, we need to take the viewpoints from seperated subject areas/stakeholders' views and make an informed decision based on the holitic consideration. In the same line, it is noted that SSI-based teaching and learning need  to be embraced in formal and informal education as well as teacher professional development for sustainability, global citizenship competences and the 21st Century skills. It is worthy to share here that competence is defined as individuals who have knowledge, skill and attitude, and can further ‘reflect and act’ in various situations. In line with SSI-based teaching and learning, my research interests include the aspects of teacher, learner and learning environment with the topics shown below.

(1) Critical and creative thinking via SSI-based inquiry

(2) Critical scientific media literacy

(3) Public understanding of science, technology and health

(4) Digital competence in formal and informal settings

(5) Inclusive education


My detailed research publication list (including conference presentations, book chapters and so on), teaching and research experiences can be found in my CV.

Papers published in the refereed journals or book chapters

*Corresponding author   


60. Rundgren, C.-J. & Chang Rundgren, S. N.* (2024). Science and Moral Inquiry as the Yin and Yang of SSI Education: Two Examples of SSI Research from Sweden. In Zeidler, D. (Ed.) A Moral Inquiry into Epistemic Insights in Science Education - Personal and Global Perspectives of Socioscientific Issues. Springer Nature. ISBN:  


59. Chang Rundgren, S. N.* & Yamada, N. (2023). Does teaching training of ESD help in-service teachers to implement ESD in school? Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 17(2), 131-161.

58. Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2023). Demonstrating didactic models for ESD and Bildung in school education. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 12(2(24), 15-31.

57. Cebesoy, U.B. & Chang Rundgren, S. N.* (2023). Embracing socioscientific issues-based teaching and decision-making in teacher professional development. Educational Review, 75(3), 507-534. DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2021.1931037


56. Schreurs, Z., & Chang Rundgren, S. N.* (2023). Swedish and Dutch pre-service teachers’ understandings of equity and preparedness to promote equity through their teaching. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 12(1), 75-93. 


55. Hagerman, F. & Chang Rundgren, S. N.* (2022). A literature review on teaching ethical creativity in primary education. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, , 11(22), 235-250.


54. Schreurs, Z., & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2021). Neighbourhood, segregation and school choice. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 10(20), 111-133.

53. Kim, S.-K.*, & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2021). South Korean elementary school teachers’ experiences of inclusive education concerning students with a multicultural background. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 25(12), 1327-1341.


52. Aksland, C.* & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2020). 5th–10th-Grade In-service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) for Sustainable Development in Outdoor Environment. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 20(3), 274-283.

51. Teräs, M.*, Chang Rundgren, S-N., Eliasson, E., & Ståhle, Y. (2020). Vocational teacher students’ perceptions of 21st century skills in a vocational education programme in Sweden. In L. Moreno Herrera, M. Teräs, & P. Gougoulakis (Eds.), Teaching, learning and teacher education: Emerging issues in research on vocational education & training vol. 5 (pp. 394-426).

50. Spiteri, M.* & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2020). Literature Review on the Factors Affecting Primary Teachers’ Use of Digital Technology. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 25, 115-128. doi:10.1007/s10758-018-9376-x


49. Frerichs, N.* & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2019). Science and the Media in a Digital Age. Ben Akpan (ed.), Science Education: Visions of the Future. Next Generation Education, Abuja.

48. Chang Rundgren, S. N.*, Sun, Y.-L. & Jidesjö, A. (2019). Examining gender differences in students’ entrance into and persistence in STEM programs in Swedish higher education. European Journal of Educational Sciences, Vol. 6 (1).


47. Rundgren, C.-J., & Chang Rundgren, S. N.* (2018). Aiming for responsible and competent citizenship through teacher professional development on teaching socioscientific inquiry-based learning (SSIBL). Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 19 (2), Article 2.

46. Chang Rundgren, S. N.*, & Sun., Y.-L. (2018). A Systematic Review on Age 11-16 Ethnic Minority Students’ Attitudes Toward Science and Aspirations for Science Careers. European Journal of Educational Sciences, Vol. 5 (4). doi: 10.19044/ejes.v5no4a1

45. Spiteri, M.* & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2018). Teachers’ digital competence from a global perspective. In M. Attard & J. Madalinska-Michalak (eds.) Teacher Education Policy and Practice - International Perspectives and Inspirations, pp. 216-234. Key Concept Series. Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Polish National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme. Warsaw.



44. Christenson, N.,* Gericke, N., & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2017). Science and Language Teachers’ Assessment of Upper Secondary Students’ Socio-scientific Argumentation. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15, 1403-1422. doi: 10.1007/s10763-016-9746-6

43. Spiteri, M.* & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2017). Maltese primary teachers’ digital competence: Implications for continuing professional development. European Journal of Teacher Education, 40(4), 521-534. doi: 10.1080/02619768.2017.1342242

42. Bergqvist, A. & Chang Rundgren, S. N.* (2017). The influence of textbooks on teachers’ knowledge of chemical bonding representations relative to students’ difficulties understanding. Research in Science and Technological Education, 35(2), 215-237.

41. Rundgren, C.-J.*, Ericsson, M., & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2017). Investigating the intertwinement of knowledge, value and experiences of upper secondary students' argumentation concerning socioscientific issues. Science & Education, 25(9), 1049-1071. doi: 10.1007/s11191-016-9859-x

40. Chang Rundgren, S. N.* & Rundgren, C.-J. (2017). What are we aiming for? – A Delphi study on the development of civic scientific literacy in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61 (2), 224-239. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2015.1120231



39. Lunde, T.*, Drechsler, M., & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2016). Exploring the negotiation of the meaning of laboratory work in a continuous professional development program for lower secondary teachers. The Electronic Journal of Science Education, 20(8), 28-48.


38. Bergqvist, A.*, Drechsler, M., & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2016). Upper Secondary Teachers’ Knowledge for Teaching Chemical Bonding Models. International Journal of Science Education. 38(2), 298-318. doi:10.1080/09500693.2015.1125034


37. Olsson, D.*, Gericke N., & Chang-Rundgren, S. N. (2016). The effect of implementation of education for sustainable development in Swedish compulsory schools – assessing pupils’ sustainability consciousness. Environmental Education Research, 22(2), 176-202. doi:10.1080/13504622.2015.1005057



36. Chang Rundgren, S. N.* & Rundgren, C.-J. (2015). Chapter 11. Making chemistry education relevant through mass media. In I. Eilks & A. Hofstein (eds.) Relevant Chemistry Education – From Theory to Practice, pp. 195-210. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

35. Belova, N., Chang Rundgren, S. N., & Eilks, I.* (2015). Advertising and Science Education: A Multi-perspective Review of the Literature. Studies in Science Education, 51(2), 169-200. doi: 10.1080/03057267.2015.1049444

34. Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2015). ‘Is the moon more round in the Western world?’ - Some important aspects of comparative education. Culture Studies of Science Education, 10(3), 707-718. DOI 10.1007/s11422-014-9635-7 

33. Chang Rundgren, S. N. *, Nyberg, L., Evers, M., & Alexandersson, J. (2015). Learning about flood risk: comparing the Web-based and physical flood-walk learning environment. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 16 (1), Article 12.

32. Christenson, N.* & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2015). A framework for teachers’ Assessment of socio-scientific argumentation: an example using the GMO issue. Journal of Biological Education, 49 (2), 204-212. doi: 10.1080/00219266.2014.923486

31. Walan, S & Chang Rundgren, S. N.* (2015). Student responses to context- and inquiry-based three-step teaching model. Teaching Science, 61 (2), 33-39.

30. Lunde, T.*, Rundgren, C-J, & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2015). När läroplan och tradition möts – hur högstadielärare bemöter yttre förväntningar på undersökande arbete i naturämnesundervisningen. [When curricula and tradition meet – how lower secondary teachers encounter external expectations on inquiry-based science teaching]. NorDiNa (Nordic Studies in Science Education), 11(1), 88-101.



29. Rundgren, C.-J , Persson, T. & Chang Rundgren, S. N.* (2014). Comparing Different Stakeholders’ View on Science Education with the Science Curriculum in Sweden: Reflecting on the PROFILES 3- step Module. In C. Bolte, J. Holbrook, R. Mamlok-Naaman, F. Rauch (Eds.) Science Teachers‘ Continuous Professional Development in Europe. Case Studies from the PROFILES Project, pp. 38-47. Alpen-Adria-Universität, Klagenfurt, Austria. ISBN: 978-3-9816683-0-8


28. Chang Rundgren, S. N.* & Yao, B.-J. (2014). Visualization in research and science teachers’ professional development. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 15 (2), Article 2.

27. Berglund, T.*, Gericke, N., & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2014). The Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development in Sweden: Investigating the Sustainability Consciousness among Upper Secondary Students. Research in Science & Technological Education, 32(3), 318-339. DOI: 10.1080/02635143.2014.944493

26. Christenson, N.*, Chang Rundgren, S. N. & Zeidler, D. (2014). The Relationship of Discipline Background to Upper Secondary Students' Argumentation on Socioscientific Issues. Research in Science Education, 44(4), 581-601.

25. Walan, S. & Chang Rundgren, S. N.* (2014). Investigating preschool and primary school teachers’ self-efficacy and needs in teaching science: a pilot study. Center for Educational Policy Studies (CEPS) Journal, 4(1), 51-67.



24. Bergqvist, A.*, Drechsler, M., de Jong, O. & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2013). Representations of chemical bonding models in school textbooks - help or hindrance for understanding? Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 14, 589-606.


23. Yao, B.-J.* & Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2013). The comparison of critical features identified between the still image and animation concerning the concept of transport through the cell membrane. Bulletin of Biology, 48(7), 6-10. (In Mandarin)


22. Rundgren, C.-J.*, Hirsch, R, Chang Rundgren, S. N. & Tibell, L. A. E. (2012). Students' Communicative Resources in Relation to their Conceptual Understanding – the role of non-conventionalized expressions in making sense of visualizations of protein function. Research in Science Education, 42(5), 891-913.

21. Rundgren, C-J, Chang Rundgren, S. N., Tseng, Y-H., Lin, P-L. & Chang, C-Y* (2012). Are You SLiM? –The Development of an Instrument for Civic Scientific Literacy Measurement (SLiM) Based on Media Coverage. Public Understanding of Science, 21(6), 759-773.

20. Christenson, N., Chang Rundgren, S. N.* & Höglund, H.-O. (2012). Using the SEE-SEP Model to Analyze Upper Secondary Students’ Use of Supporting Reasons in Arguing Socioscientific Issues. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 21, 342-352.


19. Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2011). Post it! - A cross-disciplinary approach to teach socioscientific issues. Teaching Science, 5(3), 25-28.

18. Chang Rundgren, S. N. (2011). How does background affect attitudes to socioscientific issues in Taiwan? Public Understanding of Science, 20(6), 722-732. (NSC 94-2511-S-156-001-)


17. Rundgren, C. J., Chang Rundgren, S. N.* & Schönborn, K. J. (2010). Students’ conceptions of water transport. Journal of Biological Education, 44(3), 129-135.

16. Chang Rundgren, S. N.* & Rundgren, C.-J. (2010). SEE-SEP: From a separate to a holistic view of socioscientific issues. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 11(1), Article 2.

15. Tseng, Y. H.*, Chang, C. Y., Chang Rundgren, S. N. & Rundgren, C.-J. (2010). Mining concept maps from news stories for measuring civic scientific literacy in media. Computers & Education, 55, 165–177.



14. Chang, S. N.*, Yeung, Y. Y. & Cheng, M. H. (2009). Ninth graders’ learning interests, life experiences and attitudes towards science & technology. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18(5), 447-457.

13. Chang, S. N. (2008). The learning effect of modelling ability instruction. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 9(2), Article 3. (NSC 95-2511-S-156-001-MY2)

12. Chang, S. N.* & Chiu, M. H. (2008). Lakatos' scientific research programmes as a framework for analysing informal argumentation about socioscientific issues. International Journal of Science Education, 30(13), 1753-1773. doi: 10.1080/09500690701534582

11. Chang, S. N. (2008). Using authentic assessment to investigate modeling ability. Science Education Monthly. 308, 2-6. (In Mandarin) (NSC 95-2511-S-156-001-MY2)

10. Chang, S. N. (2008). Investigating 9th graders’ scientific literacy via authentic assessment. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 9(1), Article 15. (In Mandarin)

9. Chang, S. N. (2007). Implementing “Science Across the World” in a Resource-Based Learning Activity regarding Sustainable Development Issues. Science Education International, 18(4), 245-254.

8. Chang, S. N. (2007). Externalizing students' mental models through concept maps. Journal of Biological Education, 41 (3), 107-112.

7. Chang, S. N. (2007). Teaching argumentation through the visual models in a resource-based learning environment. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 8(1), Article 5.

6. Sie, Y.-L., Wang, T.-H., Chang, H.-P., Chang, S. N., Shih, T. K.* (2006). A SCORM-based caching strategy for supporting ubiquitous learning environment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 4158, 551-560.

5. Chang, S. N. (2005). The investigation of the current Taiwanese senior high school students’ attitudes towards the vocation for science. Taiwan Education Review, 636, 33-37. (In Mandarin)

4. Chang, S. N. & Chiu, M. H.* (2005). The development of authentic assessments to investigate ninth graders' scientific literacy: in the case of scientific cognition concerning the concepts of chemistry and physics. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(1), 117-140.

3. Chang, S. N. (2004). To reflect educational learning via researches in cognitive science: In the case of reasoning. Research and Development in Science Education Quarterly, 34: 29-40. (In Mandarin)

2. Chang, S. N. (2003). Investigate creative problem solving from the cases of patents. Business Education Quarterly, 90: 48-52. (In Mandarin)

1. Chang, S. N., Lin C. H., and Lin A.* (2000). An acidic amino acid cluster regulates the nucleolar localization and ribosome assembly of human ribosomal protein L22. FEBS Letters, 484(1): 22-28.
