Stockholms universitet

Piotr Kosma RowinskiFD

Om mig

I'm a Phd student working under the supervision of dr. Björn Rogell.
I am intereseted in how maternal effects and stressful environmental conditions influence adaptation in animals.


I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Environmental stress correlates with increases in both genetic and residual variances

    2017. Piotr K. Rowinski, Björn Rogell. Evolution 71 (5), 1339-1351


    Adaptive evolutionary responses are determined by the strength of selection and amount of genetic variation within traits, however, both are known to vary across environmental conditions. As selection is generally expected to be strongest under stressful conditions, understanding how the expression of genetic variation changes across stressful and benign environmental conditions is crucial for predicting the rate of adaptive change. Although theory generally predicts increased genetic variation under stress, previous syntheses of the field have found limited support for this notion. These studies have focused on heritability, which is dependent on other environmentally sensitive, but nongenetic, sources of variation. Here, we aim to complement these studies with a meta-analysis in which we examine changes in coefficient of variation (CV) in maternal, genetic, and residual variances across stressful and benign conditions. Confirming previous analyses, we did not find any clear direction in how heritability changes across stressful and benign conditions. However, when analyzing CV, we found higher genetic and residual variance under highly stressful conditions in life-history traits but not in morphological traits. Our findings are of broad significance to contemporary evolution suggesting that rapid evolutionary adaptive response may be mediated by increased evolutionary potential in stressed populations.

    Läs mer om Environmental stress correlates with increases in both genetic and residual variances
  • Warming alters the body shape of European perch Perca fluviatilis

    2015. Piotr K. Rowinski (et al.). Journal of Fish Biology 87 (5), 1234-1247


    The consequences of elevated temperature on body shape were investigated by comparing European perch Perca fluviatilis from the Forsmark area of the Baltic Sea to P. fluviatilis from a nearby Biotest enclosure. The Biotest is a man-made enclosure within the Baltic Sea that has received warm water from a nuclear power plant since 1980, resulting in temperatures that are elevated 5-10 degrees C relative to the surrounding Baltic Sea. Sampled fish ranged from young-of-the-year to 14years. Geometric morphometrics and multivariate statistical analysis revealed significant morphological differences between individuals of P. fluviatilis from these two habitats. Most importantly, relative shape changed with size, with small individuals of P. fluviatilis from Biotest being characterized by a deeper body shape and a larger caudal peduncle than the smaller Baltic individuals. In large specimens, smaller differences were found with Biotest individuals being more slender than Baltic individuals. These results show that, in order to have a full understanding of the biological effects of elevated temperatures, studies that cover the entire size range of organisms will be important. Apart from the direct influence of temperature on growth rate and body shape, other ecological factors affected by temperature are discussed as possible contributors to the observed differences between the two populations.

    Läs mer om Warming alters the body shape of European perch Perca fluviatilis

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