Thomas NiedomyslForskare, docent
Om mig
Jag är docent i kulturgeografi och arbetar som forskare vid Stockholms universitet och som analyschef på Uppsala kommun. Du når mig enklast via eller 0790-63 36 95.
Senaste publikationerna
Strömblad, P. & Niedomysl, T. (2021) More than halfway to Utopia: exploring the proximity between locational ideals and perceived realities. Regional Studies
Bustos, MFA., Hall, O., Niedomysl, T. & Ernstson, U. (2020) A pixel level evaluation of five multitemporal global gridded population datasets: a case study in Sweden, 1990–2015. Population and Environment
Hall, O., Bustos, MFA., Olén, NB. & Niedomysl, T. (2019) Population centroids of the world administrative units from nighttime lights 1992-2013. Nature Scientific data 6 (1) 1-8.
Niedomysl, T., Källström, J., Koster, S. & Östh, J. (2019) Inter-regional migration of business owners: who moves and how does moving affect firm performance? Regional Studies 53 (4) 503-516.
Niedomysl, T., Prowse, M. & Lund Hansen, A. (2018) Doctoral dissertations in human geography from Swedish universities 1884-2015: demographics, formats and productivity. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 42 (3) 337-355.
Östh, J., Shuttleworth, I. & Niedomysl, T. (2018) Spatial and temporal patterns of economic segregation in Sweden’s metropolitan areas: a mobility approach. Environment and Planning A 50 (4) 809-825.
Andersson, M., Lavesson, N. & Niedomysl, T. (2018) Rural to urban long-distance commuting in Sweden: trends, characteristics and pathways. Journal of Rural Studies 59 (3) 67-77.
Niedomysl, T., Hall, O., Archila Bustos, M. & Ernstson, U. (2017) Using Satellite Data on Nighttime Lights Intensity to Estimate Contemporary Human Migration Distances. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 107 (3) 591-605.
Niedomysl, T. Ernstson, U. & Fransson, U. (2017) The accuracy of migration distance measures. Population, Space and Place 23 (1) e1971.