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There are five major ERC calls


Maximum founding M€



Starting Grant 1,5 5 years 2-7 years after PhD
Consolidator Grant 2 5 years 7-12 years after PhD
Advanced Grant 2,5 5 years No age limit
Synergy Grant 10 6 years 2-4 Principal Investigators; For projects where synergistic effects make the project stronger than a number of ordinary ERC projects summed
Proof of Concept Grant 0,15 1,5 years Commercialization of project results - For ERC grantees only


Before writing the proposal

The Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services provides assistance before you start writing a proposal.


During the writing process

The Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services (REIS) assists you in the different stages of writing your proposal. For maximal input, contact us as early as possible. 



The table below shows the preliminary deadlines of ERC and internal deadlines at SU.

ERC Call Extended support - internal deadline Support letter and budget - internal deadline  Deadline at ERC 
Starting Grant Boot camp in Sep - Registration, 9 June 10 working days ahead of ERC 15 Oct 2024
Consolidator Grant Boot camp in Sep - Registration, 9 June 10 working days ahead of ERC 14 Jan 2025
Advanced Grant On request 10 working days ahead of ERC 29 Aug 2024
Synergy Grant  On request 10 working days ahead of ERC 6 Nov 2024


Extended support at SU

Stockholm University offers a two-day boot camp as extended support service for a limited number of applicants for ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants. The boot camp will take place 12-13 September 2024. You can register your interest until 9 June 2024 here. You need to confirm the support of your Head of Department/corresponding by the same date.


Support letter and feedback on your budget - internal deadline 

  • REIS is responsible for issuing the "Commitment of the Host Institution" (support letter), which is a mandatory document in the ERC proposal. We will provide the support letter if you add in your proposal as “Main Host Institution Contact” and confirm that your Head of Department/equivalent supports your ERC proposal (by e-mail to We appreciate if you contact us by the internal deadline at latest, but we will do our best if you contact us later. We will ask the Head of Department/equivalent to sign the support letter, in addition to the signature of the University.
  • REIS provides feedback on the budget from an EU perspective, if you send your budget draft and the descriptive section ”Resources” to  We will provide feedback if this data is sent to us by the internal deadline presented in the table above. We will do our best if you contact us later.


When entering into agreements

The Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services (REIS) will assist you with all relevant agreements when you have received notification that your Horizon Europe project has been granted funding.

Internationally funded research projects, including those funded by the EU, constitute a commitment for the whole University. The University administration handles the preparation of contracts and agreements (e.g. “Grant Agreement Preparation”) in cooperation with the department where the project is placed. The different stages leading up to the signing of an agreement are presented in the table below. The Contracts team at REIS ensures that each stage in the work process is carried out until the agreement has been signed and a project account has been set up in the University’s financial management system. 

The Head of REIS signs all EU agreements on delegation from the President, after approval from the Head of Department and in consultation with the Deputy Vice President concerned. The researcher in charge of the project must obtain approval of the project application from their Head of Department (or the equivalent) already during the application stage. The researcher is also responsible for reviewing the agreement from their own perspective as Principal Investigator. A legal advisor from the Office of the President performs a legal review of some agreements. The economic / financial parts of the agreement are reviewed by the financial officer of the department (or the equivalent). This whole process is coordinated by the Contracts team.




An officer from REIS is added to the project in the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal and is given the role of “Coordinator Contact” Researcher in charge of the project at SU
Assignment of roles in the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal to other REIS officers involved in the project support REIS
Approval by the Head of Department and consultation with the Deputy Vice President concerned REIS
Signing of the Declaration of Honour  REIS
Signing of the Grant Agreement (GA)  REIS

Signing of the Supplementary Agreement (SA) (for ERC)

Reviewing/drawing up and signing of the Consortium Agreement (CA) (for collaborative projects only)  REIS
Start-up meeting with a financial officer from the department and preferably with the participation of the researcher in charge of the project REIS


During an ongoing project

The Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services (REIS) provides support during an ongoing EU project and after the end of a project.

  • General support when questions or problems arise during the project period.  
  • Support when major changes occur during a project making an amendment to the relevant agreements necessary.   
  • Support when reporting. 
  • Support when an audit is initiated by the EU Commission. 
  • Support with ethics questions. 



Lars Emrén (Research officer)

Financial officers
Contracts team
Ethics support function