Peer-reviewed scientific publications, reports and other documents, produced by the Bolin Centre members.
Scientific journal publications
Annual Reports, Board Minutes & Newsletters
The Bolin Centre Annual Report is our attempt to summarize the scientific achievements of the Bolin Centre and its scientists throughout the preceding year and future plans.
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Bolin Centre strategic plan 2023–2027
Anthropogenic climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our society. We must find the necessary solutions to mitigate climate change and adapt to the change that we are already committed to. To achieve this, there is a need for improved knowledge on the fundamental functioning of the climate system and its interac- tions with ecosystems and society.
Bolin Centre mission: The mission of the Bolin Centre is to create and communicate fundamental knowledge about the coupled climate system and its interactions with life on Earth in the past, present and future, and to connect this knowledge to effective societal actions.
Bolin Centre vision: Our vision is the Bolin Centre as a thriving research environment at the international fore- front, uniting experts across disciplines, training future generations of climate scientists, and delivering climate knowledge that supports societal action to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Bolin Centre strategic plan 2023–2027 (621 Kb)
Appendix A (374 Kb)
Appendix B (1322 Kb)
Appendix C (54 Kb)
Policy briefs
The Climate Arena has together with Bolin Centre scientists put together Policy Briefs for policy-makers, decision-makers, and individuals who are interested in formulating or influencing policy related to the climate. These Policy Briefs aim at providing a concise summary of a particular climate-related issue together with some recommendations on the best options going forward.
Other reports
These reports were produced by Bolin Centre members.
Agenda for water security in a changing climate
Royal Swedish Academy for Engineering Sciences (IVA) Svedberg, T., Destouni, G., Ek, L., Persson, K.M., Sjöberg, B., Söderholm, G., Tumpane, J., 2021.
"Water and sanitation is a challenge for sustainable development in Sweden and globally. Lack of clean water negatively affects ecosystems such as forests, lakes and waterways. Sustainable cities cannot be created without access to good quality water and efficient sewage treatment systems. Lack of clean water has serious consequences for people's livelihoods that can lead to conflicts of interest with security policy implications."
Read the full report (in Swedish):
Hållbar vatten försörjning – tillgång till rent vatten i ett föränderligt klimat
Slow-onset risks from climate change in Sweden in 2050
F. Jaramillo, V. Lund, B. Stock, L. Piemontese.
"In September 2020, the Department of Crisis Preparedness and Civil Defence of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) contacted the Department of Physical Geography and the Bolin Centre for Climate Research of Stockholm University. The request was to conduct a literature review regarding the potential risks in Sweden from climate change by 2050, especially those occurring after the adaptation and mitigation strategies are adopted by the Swedish Government to tackle climate change. The study would be developed during four months, from September to December 2020, and would comprise mainly of a literature review."
Read the full report:
Slow-onset risks from climate change in Sweden in 2050 (2423 Kb)
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- V202
- Svante Arrheniusväg 8 C, Geohuset
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- V201
- Svante Arrheniusväg 8 C, Geohuset
Last updated: June 24, 2024
Source: Bolin Centre for Climate Research