About us
Our department offers teaching and research of high quality in Children's Culture, Child and Youth Studies, Early Childhood Education and Extended Education. The Department of Child and Youth Studies is the fifth largest department at Stockholm University, in terms ofenrolled full-time students.
Teacher education, independent courses and program as well as research and postgraduate education constitute the core of our department. We offer courses and programs in Children's Culture, Child and Youth Studies, Early Childhood Education and Extended Education.
The two research topics at the department are Child and Youth Studies and Early Childhood Education. Our researchers teach at all levels.
The Department of Child and Youth Studies is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences, which belongs to the Humanities area at Stockholm University.
- About 120 teachers/researchers
- 26 doctoral students
- 21 employees in the technical-adminstrative unit
- Approximatelt 1,500 enrolled full-time students
- Approximately 2,500 students in total per year
Departments Units
Telephone and e-mail
+46-8-16 20 00 (exchange)
Email: info@buv.su.se
Email address for all staff at the Department: first name.surname@buv.su.se
Visiting address
Svante Arrhenius väg 21 A, Frescati, Stockholms University.
Department of Child and Youth Studies
Stockholm University

- Visiting address
Room 419, 4th floor.
Svante Arrhenius väg 21A.

- Visiting address
Room 418, 4th floor.
Svante Arrhenius väg 21A.

- Visiting address
Room 359, 3rd floor.
Svante Arrhenius väg 21A.

- Visiting address
Room 310, 3rd floor.
Svante Arrhenius väg 21A.

- Visiting address

Last updated: October 9, 2023
Source: Department of Child and Youth Studies