Incoming exchange students
The basic requirement for entering Stockholm University as an exchange student is that you have been accepted as an exchange student through a formal exchange programme or similar agreement between your university and Stockholm University.
Welcome to study with us

In the first instance, you as prospective exchange student should approach the relevant international exchange co-ordinator in your home institution.
The first step for you as a future exchange student is to contact the International Coordinator at your university to find out more about how and when to apply to be nominated for exchange.
Via the information below you can learn more about course selection, the application process and other practicalities for exchange students at the Department of Child and Youth Studies.
Our courses for international students
The Department of Child and Youth Studies offers four courses with English as the language of education in the subject fields of Early Childhood Education and Care and School-Age Educare.
Apply as an exchange student from a partner university
If you are a student at a partner university of the Department of Child and Youth Studies please find information below on how to apply as an exchange student.
Our partner universities
The Department of Child and Youth Studies has Erasmus agreements with a number of universities in Europe. If your home university has an agreement with our department you can be nominated to come as an exchange student.
Incoming exchange via other exchange agreements
If you are an exchange student via an exchange agreement that is owned by another department at Stockholm University or via a university wide exchange agreement or network you can usually still choose to study courses at the Department of Child and Youth Studies.
Courses outside your host department
If you choose courses outside of your host department, the international coordinator at your host department at Stockholm University will check if the courses are available. Placements for courses offered by other departments cannot be guaranteed.
Your course choice needs to be approved by your home university and by the host department at Stockholm University. Your host department may also have some restrictions regarding your course choice, for instance the host department may ask you to choose at least one of their courses. Please check this with your host department.
Applying through a university-wide agreement or network
If you apply through a central (university-wide) agreement or network including CIVIS, the international coordinator at the Stockholm University International Office will let the departmental international coordinator(s) know which courses you would intend to study.
Your course choice needs to be approved by your home university and by the International Office at Stockholm University. There may also be some restrictions regarding your course choice. Please check this with the International Office at Stockholm University.
If you are unsure which department the Exchange Agreement belongs to, please use the Exchange agreement database to check, or email the international coordinator who can check for you.
Please keep in mind that it is important to check that the courses you choose are possible to combine in terms of schedule and that you meet the admission requirements. If you have questions about this please contact your international coordinator.
Potential partner universities
The Department of Child and Youth Studies is always interested to explore new possibilities for student exchange.
Before signing a new exchange agreement, it is important to investigate in detail that there are possibilities for an active and mutual exchange between the universities.
For that reason we would like a potential partner university to fill in a form with facts regarding semester dates, courses and service offered for incoming students etc. Please contact the international coordinator to request this form.
The international coordinator will also send you a fact sheet with corresponding information about what the Department of Child and Youth Studies can offer.
Meet our exchange students
What I really liked about Stockholm University was the welcome activities and the buddy program.

Read the travel report by the exchange student Deborah Suter from Switzerland. It is about her experience studying two courses whitin the subject field Early Childhood Education at the Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University.
Exchange student Deborah Suter from Switzerland
Stockholm University is very supportive to students. They listen to students’ voices.

Read the interview with Nagomi Sugiyama from Japan who was studying courses in Early Childhood Education during the fall semester 2020 at the Department of Child and Youth Studies.
Interview with exchange student Nagomi Sugiyama from Japan
Buddy program for incoming exchange students
The Departments involved in teacher education at Stockholm University offers you as an incoming exchange student within teacher education/educational sciences to join our buddy program.
It´s an opportunity for you to get to know local teacher education studentens and join some fun activities during your studie time.
Learning Swedish
While it is true that nearly everyone in Sweden speaks English, it is also true that nothing immerses you in a culture better than living and learning the language.
Different ways to learn Swedish as a student at Stockholm University
If you have any questions about our exchange agreements at the Department of Child and Youth Studies or other questions related to study in Sweden and Stockholm University, you are welcome to contact our International coordinator.

- Visiting address
Room 350, 3nd floor.
Svante Arrhenius väg 21 A.
- Office hours
Please make an appointment.
- Phone hours
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 13.30-14.30.
Last updated: June 8, 2022
Source: Department of Child and Youth Studies