When you have finished your studies and want to apply for the award of a qualification, you should apply to receive a degree certificate (diploma). To receive the degree certificate you must have fulfilled all of the requirements.

Qualification requirements
- Local qualification descriptor – applies to those who began their studies in their main field of study fall semester 2016 or later.
The local qualification descriptors cover general first and second-cycle qualifications. The programme syllabi fill the same function for professional qualifications and the general syllabi contain the provisions for third-cycle qualifications. For more information or translation of the local qualification descriptors, please contact your department.
Local qualification descriptor (in Swedish)
- What qualification requirements apply to students who began their studies before fall semester 2016?
Degree requirements
- Teaching and professional qualifications - Those who have completed a professional or teaching qualification according to the educational plan have fulfilled the degree requirements for the programme.
Degree requirements
How to apply for a degree certificate (diploma)
You apply for a degree certificate through the Degree Office. Information on how to apply:
Application for a degree certificate
Alumni - stay connected with us!
There are plenty of good reasons for alumni to stay in touch with Stockholm University. Stay connected after you graduate, or reconnect with us now, to find out more about what possibilities are in store for you!
Collaborate with us!
We are always on the lookout for our alumni around the world. If you want to get on our radar, or know of alumni that we should connect with, please write to us!
If you have any questions about our educations, please contact the course administrator or the student office.
- Visiting address
Room 102, 1st floor.
Svante Arrhenius väg 21 A.
- Office hours
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday at 12.30-13.00.

- Visiting address
Room 350, 3rd floor.
Svante Arrhenius väg 21 A.
- Administers the following courses
Early Childhood Education: Explorative Learning.
Early Childhood Education: Focusing Mathematics and Technology.
Early Childhood Education Focusing on Science and Education for Sustainability.
Schoolage Educare.
- Phone hours
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 13.30-14.30.
Last updated: May 21, 2024
Source: Department of Child and Youth Studies