Computational Sociology Group Meeting: Flash talks 2
Date: Friday 10 December 2021
Time: 12.00 – 13.00
Location: Online over zoom
Talks by researchers in the group.
Stockholm University Computational Sociology (SUCS) is a meeting place for researchers using computational approaches to study social phenomena. Computational sociologists apply computational methods to quantitative and qualitative data in order to address sociological topics and theories. SUCS meeting format varies but includes discussions of papers and works-in-progress, specific methodological challenges of interest to group members, and current developments and debates in computational sociology.
Due to COVID-19, the group will meet both online over Zoom and in person (room B900) while social distancing guidelines are in place. Given COVID-19 limitations on the capacity of B900, please let us know if you plan to attend in person.
SUCS is open to people who use or have an interest in computational approaches. The group generally meets over lunch on the second Friday of the month. To join the group email list, please contact the organizers, Andrea Voyer, andrea.voyer(@), and Hernan Mondani, hernan.mondani(@)
Last updated: September 29, 2021
Source: Department of Sociology