This web page is a complement to Stockholm University's employee website for employees at the Department of Sociology, including the Stockholm University Demography Unit.
Please visit the university's website for staff regularly to keep track of information about the university that may be relevant to know.
Service and news for staff offered by the University Administration
International staff
Stockholm University has a handbook for international researchers which contains information about life in Sweden, as well as information about insurance and medical care, working life at Stockholm University, accomodation in Stockholm and research funding.
Hej - Handbook for international researchers
All you need to know about moving to Sweden and working at Stockholm University.
Stockholm Dual Career Network
For partners to international researchers at the universities in Stockholm.
For all employees
Here you can find information about terms of employment, benefits, travel and travel expences, illness, holidays etc.
Please note that many of the formal documents regarding your employment are in Swedish only. Contact Thomas Nordgren, Head of Administration, if you have questions or need support in employee matters.
Anti-Racism Working Group
The group stands in solidarity with anti-racism goals and principles, and is inspired to change the status quo.
The group aims to improve how we teach, research, recruit, and organize department life in ways that can promote a better understanding of the structures of racism, its causes, consequence and its impacts on individuals and social relations.
Since autumn term 2020, we are organizing activities like workshops and seminars. Students and staff members at the department are most welcome to join us, please e-mail one of the co-organisers: Vanessa Barker, Serena Coppolino Perfumi, Anna Lund, Daniel Ritter.
Booking of seminar rooms B800 and B900
Contact persons: IT(a), Sæmundur Grettisson and Snorri Karlsson.
You can book both B800 and B900 through the Outlook-calendar, instructions in the pdf:s below:
How to book a meeting room in Outlook (307 Kb)
How to Browse the Room Booking Calendars in Outlook (38 Kb)
Booking of premises at Stockholm University except B800 and B900
Please contact Anna Borén for booking of other premises at Stockholm University.
Communication policy for the Department of Sociology
Communication policy for Stockholm University
How we work with research communication at the Department of Sociology
Guide: How to put out a press release at the Department of Sociology
What to do if you are threatened through email, social media etc after media appearances: follow the steps on this page.
Crisis plan, security, fire safety and evacuation
Crisis and emergency plan for the Department of Sociology (130 Kb)
Here you find an updated plan in Swedish
Kris- och beredskapsplan för Sociologiska institutionen (205 Kb)
and a Crisis communication plan, also in Swedish
Bilaga Kriskommunikation (89 Kb)
The Department's address for emergency calls: Universitetsvägen 10 B, plan 8 or 9.
In case of fire, the collection point is indicated on the evacuation plans located outside the lifts.
Fire protection officer: Thomas Nordgren
Fire protection controller: Sæmundur Grettisson,
Evacuation leaders floor 9: Peter Åkerbäck, Anna-Carin Haag
Evacuation leaders floor 8: Helen Eriksson, Gunnar Andersson.
In case you are threatened through email, social media etc after media appearances follow the steps on this page.
Department Calendar
We have an internal department calendar that you can access through Outlook. You can only view it through Outlook. The purpose with the department calendar is to avoid scheduling conflicts when planning for internal events like departmental days, introduction for new employees etc. Please post information about, for example, workshops that you plan there – to get access to posting in the calendar please e-mail it(a) or contact Sæmundur Grettisson.
Below you can find an instruction on how to add the calendar to outlook:

Go to the calendar in outlook and right click on “my calendars”. Then choose “from the address book”

Contact persons: Thomas Nordgren and Min Za Sandin.
Bankgiro: 5050-0206
VAT number: SE202100306201
Organization number: 202100-3062
Foreign invoices: Foreign supplier invoices must be sent to the Department's postal address, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden.
Environmental work
The Department of Sociology has a working group on environmental issues. The group works, among other things, to disseminate information on environmental issues and waste management at the department, and also provides support for environmental action plans.
The group consists of:
Sæmundur Grettisson
Erik Carlsson
Please contact if you have questions. The head of department, Magnus Bygren, has the ultimate responsibility for environmental issues.
Expenses and travel expenses
Contact person: Min Za Sandin.
Expenses are made in the HR system Primula. Original receipt and background are submitted to Min Za Sandin.
IT Support
Contact: IT(a) Sæmundur Grettisson and Snorri Karlsson.
Phone: 08-163402 (Available during office hours)
If Sæmundur nor Snorri is here – please contact Håkan Slättman (telephone: 08-16 29 53) at the Department of Statistics, floor 7 in our building, if you need urgent IT help.
SUKAT responsible: Sæmundur Grettisson
Useful IT information
IT support systems
Eduroam – International academic WiFi
NextCloud – SU:s cloud computing file system for researchers
Box – Another cloud computing file system
SU-acccount management, to change your password etc
Order a new university card (for printing and library access)
Using the Printomat printers
Printing from a private computer (Windows 10)
Printing from a private computer (Mac OSX)
Stockholm University's central IT helpdesk – Serviceportalen
E-mail web access
E-mail support and instructions for mobile phones and tablets
All department employees: alla(a)
All doctoral students: doktorandlistan(a)
Invitations to the SUDA colloquium: sudak(a)
Your personal website - profile page
Each employee at Stockholm University has their own personal webpage. You can edit your website yourself – here you will find instructions on how to edit it.
Medical expenses
Contact person: Veronica Pyke Erston
You are entitled to receive reimbursement for medication that, in accordance with the law, is subject to a patient’s cost ceiling within a one-year limit for medical care and medicine under the health service. Make sure you get a receipt (receptspecifikation) at the pharmacy and send the original receipt within six months to the payroll officer (Veronica Pyke Erston) at the Human Resources Office. The pharmacy registers the purchase on your “högkostnadskort”. The compensation is subject to tax.
Note that the university does not cover the cost of medication or medical treatment while you are on holiday abroad.
Nofitication of illness, vacation, leave of absence and parental leave
Contact person: Thomas Nordgren.
Nofitication of illness and care of sick children should be sent to Thomas Nordgren,, and registered in the HR system Primula.
Vacation requests are made via HR system Primula.
Requests of leave of absence and parental leave are also made in HR system Primula.
Office-templates and printed matter
- Templates for Powerpoint, Office Word can be downloaded here
- Official e-mail signature can be found here
Your personal website: Each employee at Stockholm University has their own personal webpage. Your page is linked under your name on or contact page. You can edit your website yourself - here you will find instructions on how to edit it!
- Posters, brochures and all printed matter: Stockholm University has framework agreement with different companies for standard products of printed matter, such as posters, brochures etc. Visit "Avtalskatalogen" to see which companies we have an agreement with (webpage in Swedish). Templates for all products can be found in the University's ”production tool”.
- For printing and distribution of dissertations – read more here.
- Register in your publications in DiVA - more information here.
- We have an internal newsletter. E-mail Stina Mathiesen if you want to share some information with your colleague.
Contact person: Sæmundur Grettisson, purchasing manager.
Support for researchers
Here you find information on research funding, current funding calls and other useful information for researchers.
We have a folder on Box where teachers at the departments can access the below listed documents.
In order to access the folder and the documents, you need to log in to your Box-account here – please use Firefox while doing this since Chrome can cause problems.
Should you encounter any difficulties logging in or accessing these documents, please contact IT(a) Sæmundur Grettisson and Snorri Karlsson.
Handlingsplan för arbetsmiljö 2021 (22 Kb)
Contact persons: Saemundur Grettisson and Snorri Karlsson.
Use the web portal to disconnect your telephone when you are not working, to activate and listen to voice mail etc. You can also disconnect your phone by following this instruction.
Please remember to:
- Disconnect your telephone before turning off your phone. If you turn off your phone without disconnecting the extension, callers will get a ”line busy” signal when calling (upptagetton). You can disconnect your telephone easily online here!
- Activate your voice mail. Activating voice mail increases accessibility, and if someone tries to reach you by phone you will also get an e-mail indicating that you have new voice mail messages. You can activate your voicemail on this website.
- Read and follow the guidelines for telephony that contain recommendations for your phone usage, find them in English here!
Translation services and proofreading
Contact person: Sæmundur Grettisson, purchasing manager.
Contact person: Min Za Sandin.
All travels are to be made through our travel agency Amex GBT. Certain exceptions can be made but please contact Min Za Sandin before making travel arrangement without Amex GBT!
Wellness benefit
Contact person: Thomas Nordgren.
As an employee at the University you are entitled to 1 hour/week of preventive health – during the spring term of 2021 this is doubled to 2 hours/week. Employees also have the right to compensation for sports activities with a receipt of 2500 SEK per year if you are employed during a full year. Please register your receipt in Primula to be reimbursed. More information here!
Work environment and gender equality
The Department's Work Environment Ombudsman / Protection Ombudsman is Sæmundur Grettisson. The Work Environment Ombudsman is the representative of the department's employees in occupational health and safety matters towards the employer. If you have any comments on the physical or psychosocial work environment, or need support or advice in the field of health and safety issues, please contact the ombudsman.
Work Environment and Gender Equality Group
The working environment and gender equality group includes the following persons:
- Sæmundur Grettisson (Security Officer)
- Magnus Bygren (Head of Department)
- Anna-Carin Haag (Assistant Director of Studies, first and second level and PhD level)
- Helen Eriksson (Researcher
- Amanda Valldor (PhD student)
- Timothy Littlewood (student)
- Mimmi Lounela (PhD student)
- Ben Wilson (Researcher)
The working group shall monitor gender equality and equality at the institution and, if necessary, identify shortcomings and propose solutions. Ongoing work includes a continuous review of the gender equality and equality plan. The group prepares the basis for this plan.
The accountable to the work environment and gender equality work at the department is the head of department, Magnus Bygren.
Harassment and Discriminatory Behavior
Discriminatory behavior or harassment should be reported immediately to the head of department, Magnus Bygren.
Personal Security and Threats
If you experience any threat to your personal safety you should always notify the head of department. In case of crime or any other emergency, or if you are working late or in the weekends and feel insecure, you can call the university hotline 08-164200 and then you will be connected to the security personnel. More information can be found on the SU staff pages.
Threatening e-mails and phone calls
If you as an employee receive any threatening emails, phone calls, or similar threats you should always contact the head of department. You can also get help from the Work Environment Ombudsman, Sæmundur Grettisson and from the Section for Security and Safety at Stockholm University, phone number 08-16 22 16 or 08-16 10 25, email Thomas Hårberg.
In case you, as a researcher, are confronted with any threat after appearing in the media (for instance after being interwieved for a newspaper), you also need to inform the press and media department at SU, press(a) who can support you. You should also inform our Communications Officer, Alma Kirlic (for knowledge).
Work Related Injuries and Incidents
Work related injuries and incidents should always be reported. You can file a report yourself using the reporting system SAMIR or get assistence from your manager or the Work environment ombudsman.
To get help with healtcare and rehabilitation please contact our healthcare provider Avonova.
Stress and Rehabilitation
If you suffer from stress related problems or illnesses, you can get help from our healthcare provider Avonova.
The first step for getting help with your work place ergonomy is to contact our healthcare provider Avonova and book a visit from an ergonomist. If you need help ordering ergonomic products for your office, please contact the Work environment ombudsman, Sæmundur Grettisson.
Physical Work Environment
Please contact the Work environment ombudsman, Sæmundur Grettisson if you are experiencing problems with the physical work environment, for instance temperature, ventilation and lighting.
If you have complaints about Akademiska Hus, please contact Sæmundur Grettisson or Thomas Nordgren.
If something happens
- Contact your nearest head/manager, and/o skyddsombud/safety representative (Anna Carin Haag and Saemundur Grettisson)
- Huvudskyddsombud:
- Harassment and violations: Our contact is Parasto Rosencrantz, Equal Terms Specialist. E-mail:
- Avonova, Company Health Care. Aso in order to prevent work-related issues.
- Whistle blowing
- The Union. SU has collective agreement with ST, SACO and SEKO.
- IA-system (former SAMIR)
- Security in case of emergency: 08-16 22 16
Action Plans and Procedures
For previous action plans and procedures, please contact Sæmundur Grettisson
Work Environment and Equal Opportunities Action Plan 2023 - 2025 (255 Kb)
Equality plan 2021-2023 (356 Kb)
Code of conduct at the Department of Sociology (113 Kb)
Jämställdhets- och jämlikhetsplan 2021-2023 (409 Kb)
Procedures investigation of discrimination, harassment & victimization against students ( (148 Kb)
Handläggningsordning diskriminering, trakasserier etc mot studenter vid Sociologiska institutionen (837 Kb)
Procedures for the investigation of harassment and discriminatory behaviour of employees (92 Kb)
Handläggningsordning vid trakasserier/diskriminering av anställda (108 Kb)
Last updated: February 11, 2025
Source: Department of Sociology