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Meet Siddartha Aradhya, a post-doctoral researcher and a teacher at the Department of Sociology, home to the Stockholm University Demography Unit (SUDA).
Research should not be seen as individual truths, but as an ongoing conversation and a piece in the puzzle that contributes to the whole. The value lies in the complicated, completed picture, says Martin Hällsten, Professor of sociology.
Presentation by: Josef Ginnerskov, Uppsala University. Topic: "Rethinking Sociology's Crisis through Swedish Dissertations: A Cartographic Story of Locally Conditioned Paradigms"
Presentation by: Josef Ginnerskov, Uppsala University. Topic: "Rethinking Sociology's Crisis through Swedish Dissertations: A Cartographic Story of Locally Conditioned Paradigms"
Presentation by Isaac Sasson, SUDA and Tel Aviv University. Topic: Social Inequalities in Bereavement across the Life Course: A Study of Four-Generation Kinship Networks in Sweden
Presentation by Isaac Sasson, SUDA and Tel Aviv University. Topic: Social Inequalities in Bereavement across the Life Course: A Study of Four-Generation Kinship Networks in Sweden