Stockholm university

Jan Andersson

About me

Born in Ystad, Sweden 1961. Juris doktor (1995) at Uppsala university, associate professor at same university (1998), professor in Private law at University of Bergen, Norway (2000), later adjunct professor at Linköpings university. Professor in Commercial law, Jönköping International Business School 2007-2010 and later adjunct professor at same business school. Professor in private law, in particular Business Organisations, at Stockholm University since 2010. Member of the working group behind European Model Companies Act (EMCA) since 2014.

My research areas are profit and non-profit organisations, in particular corporate law in Sweden and internationally, corporate governance, law & economics with focus on corporate law, securities law, in particular liabilty for wrongful or misleading information, economic theory associated with the theory of the firm and similar as well as legal techniques associated with aforementioned areas. Furthermore, the work with EMCA (above) is associated with a great deal of research. See also Author Page for Jan Bertil Andersson :: SSRN  

I teach elective courses in corporation law and securities market law and well as supervise master thesis.

My last conferences was in Krakow (2019), (a smaller meeting) Shanghai 2019 and Frankfurt 2019.

Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • VD:s roll i försäkringsföretag

    2016. Alexander R. Besher, Jan Andersson. Juridisk Tidskrift (2), 273-298


    Det försäkringsrättsliga EU-direktivet (Solvens II), ska implementeras och börja tillämpas senast vid ingången av 2016. Ett lagförslag har framlagts dels i ett betänkande av Solvens II-utredningen (Betänkandet), dels i en proposition (2015 års prop.) till riksdagen så sent som den 23 sep 2015. Vi företräder åsikten att lagförslagen, dock i olika utsträckningar, inte är förenliga med grundläggande aktiebolagsrättsliga principer varpå företagsstyrningen vilar och leder till kontradiktorisk lagstiftning, inte minst i ansvarshänseende för de förvaltande bolagsorganen. Syftet med denna artikel är att belysa Betänkandets lagförslag i vad avser implementering av direktivets artiklar 40–50 i ljuset av det svenska företagsstyrningssystemet, där ansvarsfördelningen mellan de förvaltande bolagsorganen är av styrande vikt, särskilt beträffande den verkställande direktörens (VD:ns) roll. Vi ska i det följande även jämföra lagförslagen sinsemellan,belysa de problem vi ser med förslagen, klargöra det som anses vara vedertaget på området, samt presentera en alternativ lösning som är följdriktig med vad som enligt vår uppfattning får betraktas som svensk gällande associationsrätt.

    Read more about VD:s roll i försäkringsföretag
  • Share Transfer Restrictions and Family Business

    2015. Lars-Göran Sund, Jan Andersson, Kajsa Haag. European Business Law Review 26 (3), 437-450


    Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), of which most are family-owned businesses (FOBs), play a substantial part in any nation’s economy. They are, in many ways, different from large companies with scattered ownership; therefore, further developments accounting for their special circumstances are needed. We study shareholder protection and aim to narrow the gap between theory and practice regarding commercial law in relation to the FOBs. An entrepreneurially friendly environment presupposes that owners can protect their ownership positions against unwanted acquisitions of shares, and not be unwillingly locked-in in a position as minority owners. This requires legal rules that are neither unnecessarily costly, nor time and energy consuming to comply with. Legislators should thus provide a set of rules that facilitates owners to effectively avoid both unwanted acquisitions of shares and locked-in positions. We conclude that default rules, such as a right of first refusal, should be included in the articles of association. We also find it important to allow clauses that enhance the possibility of avoiding locked-in positions, where most national legislations today permit only clauses that contribute to the protection of ownership positions.

    Read more about Share Transfer Restrictions and Family Business
  • A Legislator’s Inability to Legislate Different Species

    2019. Jan Andersson. Managing Hybrid Organizations, 305-320


    This chapter aims to contribute by focusing on legislation for the Swedish insurance industry in general and mutual insurance companies in particular. The Swedish legislation concerning insurance companies is twofold. The purpose of the case study is to investigate whether and, if so, to what extent the legislation differs as regards the regulation of different insurance companies and to what extent this regulatory discrepancy creates unwanted transaction costs and a divided level playing field for mutual insurance companies. Furthermore, this chapter aims to offer a short note on the idea of whether an alternative legislative scenario including a “separate law regime” and/or a “choice of law regime” could possibly benefit mutual insurance companies.

    Read more about A Legislator’s Inability to Legislate Different Species

Show all publications by Jan Andersson at Stockholm University

Private law, in particular corporate law and securities law
