Stockholm university

Thomas Thomsen

About me

I am a Spanish/Swedish interpreter with a Bachelor's degree (2014) and a Master's degree (2018) in Interpreting and Translation Studies. Currently I am working as a PhD candidate at the Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies at Stockholm University.



My research interests include language proficiency, directionality and cognition in public service interpreting.

PhD project

In my PhD project I investigate directionality and asymmetrical language proficiency of public service interpreters working between Spanish and Swedish. The primary aim of the project is to investigate the effect that these aspects possibly could have on the interpreter's cognitive processing.

The project is supervised by Laura Babcock and Elisabet Tiselius.

Research groups

Research cooperation

Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Language background and language self-assessment of Spanish-Swedish public service interpreters in Sweden

    2024. Thomas Thomsen. FITISPos International Journal 11 (2), 133-148


    Advanced language proficiency is a requirement for public service interpreting, and yet, research has not described this construct holistically in interpreting studies. Previous studies have suggested that public service interpreters primarily have a migration background and asymmetrical language proficiency. The present study reports findings of these aspects from a questionnaire that was conducted to investigate the linguistic background of Spanish-Swedish public service interpreters in Sweden. A total of 118 Spanish-Swedish interpreters answered the questionnaire. Results show that the interpreters have asymmetrical language proficiency but do not primarily have a migration background. Moreover, it is indicated that asymmetrical language proficiency and migration background have an impact on the likelihood of public service interpreters being state-authorized. However, there is a need for further research on these aspects to better understand details regarding both public service interpreters in Sweden and public service interpreters internationally.

    Read more about Language background and language self-assessment of Spanish-Swedish public service interpreters in Sweden
  • Education and state authorization of Spanish-Swedish public service interpreters in Sweden

    2023. Thomas Thomsen. Traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos (TISP) en transición / Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT) in Transition, 193-206


    Training and state authorization of public service interpreters have been available in Sweden since the 1970s, and yet training and state authorization is insufficient. Previous research has primarily been dedicated to interpreters in general and therefore the aim of the present study is to gain demographic knowledge of the Spanish-Swedish interpreter population in Sweden. This study reports findings from a questionnaire that was conducted to investigate interpreter training and state authorization of Spanish-Swedish public service interpreters in Sweden. A total of 118 Spanish-Swedish interpreters answered the questionnaire. Results show that the age distribution of Spanish-Swedish state authorized interpreters is skewed and that a majority of the Spanish-Swedish interpreter population has interpreter training. Conclusions suggest that there is a need for further studies on the demographic background of public service interpreters in Sweden and internationally.

    Read more about Education and state authorization of Spanish-Swedish public service interpreters in Sweden
  • Tolkningsstrategier i ljuset av språkkompetens, tolkningsriktning och tolkerfarenhet

    2018. Thomas Thomsen, Birgitta Englund Dimitrova, Magnus Dahnberg.

    Föreliggande studie undersöker vad språkkompetens och tolkningsriktning har för inverkan på tolkningsstrategier inom tolkning i offentlig sektor. Undersökningen utgår ifrån fyra videoinspelade rollspel som har tolkats av fyra tolkar med olika tolkerfarenhet mellan språken svenska och spanska. Rollspelen utgick från ett manus och rollspelarna uppmanades att utsätta tolkarna för specifika svårigheter på specifika punkter under samtalen. Analysen har utöver observation av videoinspelningar, och transkription av dessa, även utgått från tolkarnas retrospektion, ett språktest och en intervju angående deras språkkompetens. Analysmetoden har dessutom utgått från och replikerat Arumí Ribas och Vargas-Urpis studie (2017) och har genomfört en kvantitativ analys på grundval av Wadensjös sju typer av avvikande återgivningar (1998). Denna analysmetod har visat sig innehålla begränsningar då Wadensjös avvikande återgivningar inte har kunnat användas för att identifiera alla typer av tolkningsstrategier. Studien har dock kunnat fastställa att tolken tillämpar fler tolkningsstrategier till sitt svaga språk än till sitt starka språk men att fortsatt forskning är nödvändig på detta område.

    Read more about Tolkningsstrategier i ljuset av språkkompetens, tolkningsriktning och tolkerfarenhet

Show all publications by Thomas Thomsen at Stockholm University