Stockholm university

Research project School Attendance Problems in an International Comparative Perspective

The purpose of this study is to investigate national, organisational and individual dimensions of school attendance problems (SAP) among 15 to 17-year-olds in Sweden, the UK, Germany and Japan.

Foto: Unsplash

The project uses a mixed method approach combining quantitative analysis of large-scale data on the national level with qualitative case studies on the organisational and individual level.

1.    What can national and international comparative statistics contribute to our understanding of SAP among adolescents in Sweden, the UK, Germany and Japan?
2.    What can we understand about SAP and its prevention from the perspective of professionals working with student health in these countries?
3.    How can we understand the situation of individuals who belong to certain risk groups and the adolescents perspectives on schooling and (lack of) social support in these countries?


Seminar 15 January 2024

A special issue of the journal European Education was recently published entitled "Comparative perspectives on school attendance, absenteeism, and preventive measures in Europe and beyond". To mark the occasion, a Zoom seminar on school attendance, absenteeism and preventive measures was organised.

Here you will find a documentation of the presentations as well as links to the articles


Project description

This project will combine inclusion as a normative perspective, reflecting socio-political ambitions and aims to reform school practices, with intersectionality as a theoretical and analytical lens. It will open up the internationally well-developed research field on school non-attendance to the Swedish audience and provide knowledge that can guide school leaders or student health teams in their preventive work. The project will contribute to the understanding of SAP by diversifying what is often generalized as international perspectives on SAP.

Project members

Project managers

Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg

Senior lecturer

Department of Education


Åsa Backlund

Senior lecturer

Department of Social Work
Åsa Backlund. Foto: Rickard Kilström, Stockholms universitet

Joakim Isaksson

Senior lecturer, associate professor

Department of Social Work
Joakim Isaksson. Foto: Vilhelm Stokstad

Ulf Fredriksson

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Ulf Fredriksson

Malin Gren Landell


Department of Education

Maria Rasmusson

Universitetslektor / Associate professor

Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier, Uppsala universitet
Maria Rasmusson, Uppsala universitet
