Stockholm university

Research group International and Comparative Education Research - ICER

The International and Comparative Education Research group focuses on the intersection between theory, policy and pedagogy applied to the comparative and international inquiry of global educational issues.

Classroom african country
Foto: Kasto80

Group description

The research approach rests on the historical tradition established in the field and involves the empirical investigation of cross-national, -local and institutional dimensions of educational development, planning, reform, delivery and assessment. Research in the field is interdisciplinary aiming at holistic analyses of educational concerns applied at several levels.

Most phenomena of interest to international and comparative researchers are scientifically examined through established units of comparison, for example, through geographical, societal and individual dimensions. The research outcomes of international and comparative studies impact on social change and improvement of educational matters and understanding of educational systems around the world.

Research colloquium

Our research colloquium program offers local and international scholars and practioners opportunities to engage with issues related to the central agenda of ICER. The colloquium language is English.

ICER Colloquium Program AT 2024 (64 Kb)

See our calendar for current seminars


The ICER group is actively involved with external actors, institutions, organisations and community outreach around the world. The researchers have established collaboration with large international organisations such as the OECD, UNESCO, UN, IIEP and NGO’s as well as government agencies working with educational development issues.

In their capacity as international and comparative education collaborators, the researchers also offer consultancies on issues of comparative and international relevance, and contribute on the Doctoral Program as supervisors and examiners to a number of PhD candidates at the department and internationally.

The ICER group has widely established contacts and develops cooperation with several universities around the world, among them the University of Tokyo and the University of Jyväskylä.

In memoriam: Vale Emeritus Professor Lawrence (Larry) Saha

Obituary Larry Sala (195 Kb)



Group members

Group managers

Meeri Hellsten


Department of Education


Björn Boman


Department of Political Science

Leonora Dugonjic-Rodwin

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Leonora Dugonjic-Rodwin

Brian Dougherty Denman

Hourly teacher

Department of Education
Brian Denham

Ulf Fredriksson

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Ulf Fredriksson

Khaleda Gani Dutt


Department of Special Education
Khaleda Gani Dutt

Petros Gougoulakis


Department of Education
Petros Gougoulakis

Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg

Senior lecturer

Department of Education

Annica Källebo

PhD student

Department of Education
Annica Källebo

Ali Reza Majlesi

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Ali Reza Majlesi

Ali Osman

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Ali Osman

Helena Reierstam

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Helena Reierstam, PhD student

Katarzyna Maria Twaróg

PhD student

Department of Education
Katarzyna Maria Twaróg

Adrian Rexgren

PhD student

Department of Education

Research projects

