Stockholm university

We conduct archaeological research in a number of different subjects that stretch in time from the Stone Age to the present day. A particularly strong field of research is historical archeology and contemporary archeology.


It is a field that in the Nordic countries covers the last 2000 years. Of particular interest is how things and text relate to each other sources of knowledge and what significance objects have for people's memories and storytelling.

A large part of the research is conducted by doctoral students. To get an overview of the breadth of this research, see the compilation of previously submitted doctoral dissertations under the tab Publications: Doctoral dissertations in Archeology.

We also have postdoctoral researchers and some of these are currently researching within a common theme called "identity and life history". There is also a research assistant and several externally funded researchers. The researchers currently employed consist of two professors and an associate professor. Based on their research, they have written a number of textbooks:

  • Anders Andrén. 1997. Mellan ting och text. En introduktion till de historiska arkeologierna. Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposium. Stockholm.
  • Mats Burström. 2007. Samtidsarkeologi. Introduktion till ett forskningsfält. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
  • Anders Carlsson. 1998. Tolkande arkeologi och svensk forntidshistoria. Stenåldern.
  • Anders Carlsson. 2001. Tolkande arkeologi och svensk forntidshistoria. Bronsåldern.

For more information about the work of individual researchers, see under "Our researchers - Researcher presentations" in the left menu.

Related research subject

Archaeology and Classical Studies
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Andrew Jones


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

Jan Apel


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

Sigmund Oehrl


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

Magnus Odebäck Ljunge


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

Nanouschka Myrberg Burström


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Nanouschka Myrberg Burström

Mats Burström


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Mats B

Jonas Monié-Nordin


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Jonas Monié Nordin

Cecilia Ljung


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

Alison Klevnäs


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Alison Klevnäs

Fredrik Fahlander


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Fredrik Fahlander

Anders Andrén

Professor emeritus

Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

Frida Espolin Norstein


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Frida Espolin Norstein

Niklas Eriksson

Forskare, universitetslektor

Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Niklas Eriksson (foto: Astrid Arnshav)

Ingmar Jansson


Astrid Noterman


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

Research groups

Research projects
