Stockholm university

Research subject Personality, social and developmental psychology

Personality psychology studies such inherited and acquired psychological structures and processes that in a systematic way vary between different individuals and contribute to organization (coherence), continuity and stability (consistency) in the person's behavior.

Social psychology is the field of psychology that studies individuals' thoughts, feelings and actions within a social context, i.e. as a function of the current or perceived presence of other individuals or groups. In the area, properties / processes regarding different phenomena are studied both within individuals (e.g. attitudes) and between individuals (e.g. attraction) as well as different phenomena both within groups and between groups.

Developmental psychology includes the study of normal development and individual variations from birth to adulthood. Developmental psychology deals with various aspects such as perceptual, motor, cognitive, emotional, social and personality development, as well as the biological basis for developmental processes. The field of developmental psychopathology has special relevance for clinical psychology. Based on knowledge of normal development, descriptions and explanations for deviant developmental processes are sought, primarily with regard to emotional, social and personality psychological processes.

Source: The Swedish National Committee for Psychological Sciences

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Torun Lindholm Öjmyr


Department of Psychology
Torun Lindholm, porträtt.

Laura Ferrer Wreder

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology
Picture Laura Ferrer-Wreder

Researchers within personality, social and developmental psychology

Department of Psychology

Research groups

Research projects

Courses and programmes

The following courses on basic and advanced levels are mainly in the area of personality, social- and developmental psychology.

Please note the elegibility demands, which in some cases may include being admitted to an education programme.

In addition to these there are several courses in personality, social- and developmental psychology within the Master of psychology programme (Psychologist Programme).

Doctoral studies

For information about studying at the PhD level and finding courses in the area of personality, social- and developmental psychology, see the page Courses and programmes.

More than 10 PhD students study personality, social- and developmental psychology at the Department of Psychology, often leading to at least one new doctoral dissertation every year.


Departments and centres

The research in this subject at Stockholm University is mainly done within the Division of Personality, Social and Developmental Psychology at the Department of Psychology.

Department of Psychology The Division of Personality, Social and Developmental Psychology