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International Human Rights Law

This course introduces the work of an international human rights lawyer; it focuses on how to make use of the various international fora to promote respect for international human rights standards. A

Human Rights
Photo: Andrey Popov on MostPhotos

International Human Rights Law is intended for foreign students enrolled in the Summer Programme at the Department of Law or in the Stockholm Business School Summer programme at Stockholm University.

Read more about the Summer Programme at the Department of Law

The course will cover various aspects of what an international human rights lawyer needs to know and what they can do, including:

  • An introduction to the main elements of the human rights regime
  • The UN mechanisms for the protection of human rights: reporting and shadow reporting to the Treaty Monitoring Bodies and the Human Rights Council, inquiries and special rapporteurs and individual complaints.
  • The regional mechanisms, including those in Europe, Africa and the Americas. Naturally, there will be an emphasis on the Council of Europe mechanisms and the European Convention of Human Rights.
  • The relevance of comparative jurisprudence and standards.
  • The hard law and soft law standards.
  • The approach to arguing human rights standards – the purposive approach, ensuring rights are practical and effective, ensuring that standards reflect modern day conditions.
  • Course structure

    Follow the link below to read more about the course details.

    Syllabus - International Human Rights Law

    Teaching format

    Instruction comprises 2 weeks of full-time studies and consists of lectures and seminars.


    Examination is conducted through active participation in the compulsory elements of the course and a written take-home examination.

  • More information

    Course director 

    The course director and main teacher is lecturer Nikola Hajdin. Read more about Nikola on the following page:

    Meet the teachers from our Summer Programme

    Learning platform

    During the course, registered students will receive additional course information on the Athena learning platform.

    The Departement

    Read more about education at the Department of Law at Stockholm University on our homepage.

    Education - Department of Law 

  • Contact

    Questions regarding our summer courses are answered by our Office of International Affairs: