Digital Marketing and E-commerce
This course aims to develop students' knowledge about theories, models and methods for understanding digital marketing and e-commerce, and the ability to apply these on marketing issues. The course's aim is also to develop students ability to reflect on the impact of digital marketing on markets, businesses, consumers and society.
The course addresses digital marketing and e-commerce. These are key areas of today's marketing, as marketing is increasingly taking place digitally, and a large part of business sales are done digitally. The course provides a broad perspective on digital marketing, which is defined as "an adaptive, technologyenabled process by which firms collaborate with customers and partners to jointly create, communicate, deliver, and sustain value for all stakeholders."
Customers and companies are today connected through digital networks. New marketplaces are being created, and a challenge for companies is to create positive customer experiences in the digital, and where the digital meets the physical. At the same time, companies need to relate to ever new technologies that are developing rapidly, and which create new challenges and opportunities.
How does this influence marketing and sales processes? What strategic, social and ethical implications does this development have?
The course aims at developing analytical and strategic skills to handle these issues. Some of the topics discussed during the course are: Strategies and channels for digital marketing, Social media marketing, Ecommerce strategies, Data analysis for decisions on digital marketing and e-commerce, Overview of new technologies and their impact on marketing, Ethics and digital marketing.
Course structure
Teaching format
The course consists of a combination of lectures, seminars and group work and requires a significant portion of self-study on the part of students. Assessment for the course will be continuous and is carried throughout the different activities of the course.
The course workload is 200 hours equivalent to 7,5 ECTS.
The language of instruction is English. Please note that all teaching and learning activities - such as lectures, seminars, assignments and assessment tasks – are carried out in English when the language of instruction is English.
Assessment for the course will be continuous and is carried throughout the different course activities. Each assessment task is weighted in relation to its importance in the overall assessment of the course. The student’s results from the different assessment tasks are added up to a total course score that will then translate into the final grade for the course.
Assessment tasks
The course contains the following weighted assessment tasks:
1. Individual course essay
2. Group Work/analysis task
3. Seminar participation
4. Individual assignmentAfter completion of the course, students will receive grades on a scale related to the intended learning outcomes of the course. Passing grades are A, B, C, D and E. Failing grades are Fx and F. A grade Fx can be completed for a grade E.
Course literature
Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course. -
Course reports
Course coordinator:
Head of course: Jon Engström