Stockholm university
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Master´s Programme in Open eGovernment

The programme provides you with the planning, management and technical skills necessary to lead and transform public organisations to be open, inclusive, innovative, flexible and effective using Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

You will be provided in-depth knowledge, including theories and practices, in areas such as e-service design and innovation, e-democracy, e-governance, requirement engineering, business process management and improvement. As well as security and privacy in e-Government, ICT architecture, ICT system integration, and project and change management. We have a specific focus on business intelligence, decision support systems, and open and big data management for e-Government.

The master programme promotes a new role needed in public organisations, an e-Government architect, a role that has the knowledge and skills necessary to drive ICT enabled changes in the public sector. An e-Government architect combines knowledge about democratic processes, citizen service and public administration with skills in designing effective ICT systems and e-services for e-Government.

The master programme is inspired by the Swedish democratic model as well as models in the area of e-Government developed in Europe and the rest of the world.

Important about selection
The selection is made from the following three criteria:

  • Grades of academic courses,
  • mandatory motivation letter and
  • the relevance of previous studies in relation to the programme.

It is therefore very important to submit a motivation letter.
Find instructions for the motivation letter under “How to apply” below.