This page in English Forskningsprojekt Genome evolution in parasitic plants Stockholms universitet Forskning Forskningsprojekt Forskningsprojekt Du kan läsa mer om forskningsprojektet på engelska. Projektmedlemmar Medlemmar Publikationer Petersen, G., Rao, R.S.P., Anderson, B., Zervas, A., Seberg, O., Rasmusson, A.G., Møller, I.A. 2022 [online 2021]. Genes from oxidative phosphorylation complexes II-V and two dual-function subunits of complex I are transcribed in Viscum album despite absence of the entire mitochondrial holo-complex I. – Mitochondrion 62: 1–12. Anderson, B.M., Krause, K., Petersen, G. 2021. Mitochondrial genomes of two parasitic Cuscuta species lacks clear evidence of horizontal gene transfer and retain unusually fragmented ccmFC genes. – BMC Genomics 22:816. Petersen, G., Anderson, B., Braun, H.-P., Meyer, E.H., Møller, I.M. 2020. Mitochondria in parasitic plants. – Mitochondrion 52: 173–182. Zervas, A., Petersen, G., Seberg, O. 2019. Mitochondrial genome evolution in parasitic plants. – BMC Evolutionary Biology BMC Evolutionary Biology 19:87. Petersen, G., Darby, H., Lam, V.K.Y., Pedersen, H. Æ., Merckx, V.S.F.T., Zervas, A., Seberg, O., Graham, S.W. 2019. Mycoheterotrophic Epirixanthes (Polygalaceae) has a typical angiosperm mitogenome but unorthodox plastid genomes. – Annals of Botany 124: 791–807. Petersen, G., Zervas, A., Pedersen, H.Æ. & Seberg, O. 2018. Contracted genes and dwarfed plastome in mycoheterotrophic Sciaphila thaidanica (Triuridaceae, Pandanales). – Genome Biology and Evolution 10: 976-981. Petersen, G., Cuenca, A., Møller, I.M. & Seberg, O. 2015. Massive gene loss in mistletoe (Viscum, Viscaceae) mitochondria. – Scientific Reports 5:17588. Petersen, G., Cuenca, A. & Seberg, O. 2015. Plastome evolution in hemiparasitic Mistletoes. – Genome Biology and Evolution 7: 2520-2532.