Predoc-seminarium: Gazmend Huskaj
Datum: fredag 8 september 2023
Tid: 14.00 – 17.00
Plats: Zoom, kontakta för inloggningsuppgifter
Välkommen till ett predoc-seminarium om cybersäkerhet och cyberförsvar! Gazmend Huskaj, doktorand på DSV, är respondent.
8 september 2023 presenterar doktoranden Gazmend Huskaj sitt pågående arbete med titeln ”Offensive Cyberspace Operations – Implications for Sweden”. Seminariet genomförs på Institutionen för data- och systemvetenskap (DSV) vid Stockholms universitet.
Respondent: Gazmend Huskaj, DSV
Opponent: Geir Olav Dyrkolbotn, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norge
Huvudhandledare: Stefan Axelsson, DSV
Handledare: Fredrik Blix, DSV
Närmast berörda professor: Professor emerita Louise Yngström, DSV
Sammanfattning på engelska
This research provides insights into offensive cyberspace operations by conducting systematic scientific research on concepts such as cyber deterrence, surveying the research field on offensive cyberspace operations, ethical issues related to disclosing or not disclosing zero-day vulnerabilities, validating a framework for offensive cyberspace operations, and how a smart state organises for offensive cyberspace operations through a whole-of-society approach.
The main research question is: How can a Smart State – within the frame of an overarching national cybersecurity strategy – organise its offensive cyberspace capabilities enabling them to plan, prepare and execute offensive cyberspace operations by exploiting vulnerabilities in an adversary’s target infrastructure to deny, degrade, disrupt, destroy or manipulate information systems that support command and control systems, weapon systems, finance systems, water systems, systems in the air, land, sea, space and cyberspace domains, and the information that users of those systems base their decision-making on. This is important because nation-states lack knowledge about Cyberspace Operations in general and offensive operations in particular. Therefore, based on deterrence, intelligence and cyberspace operations theory, offensive cyberspace operations for deterrence and defence requires further investigation.
The research design is grounded in the philosophical paradigm of interpretivism because it is well-suited for research that identifies, explores and explains phenomena in a social context and how information systems are used. The philosophical paradigm directs the choice of research strategy, data generation methods, and data analysis. This research uses the case study research strategy, with interviews, observations and documents as data generation methods, and applies qualitative data analysis.
The findings, too many to list here, are numerous and their synthesis is seen in the policy implications and recommendations, the establishment of a national cybersecurity coordinator within a national security council at the prime minister’s office; Establish a robust deconfliction mechanism between relevant agencies and allies; Directing the agencies to build an operational picture of the adversary’s political, military, economic, social, information, and infrastructure nd explains phenomena in a social context and how information systems are used. The philosophical paradigm directs the choice of research strategy, data generation methods, and data analysis. This research uses the case study research strategy, with interviews, observations and documents as data generation methods, and applies qualitative data analysis.
Senast uppdaterad: 28 augusti 2023
Sidansvarig: Institutionen för data- och systemvetenskap, DSV