Stockholms universitet

Möt våra nya doktorander

Här presenterar sig de nya doktoranderna som börjat på sina forskarstudier under våren. De deltar i forskarskolor om vuxnas lärande, karriärvägledning och humanvetenskapliga perspektiv på AI (WASP-HS). (Presentationerna är på engelska).


Alexandra Farazouli

Alexandra Farazouli. Foto: Privat
Alexandra Farazouli. Foto: Privat

I am interested in the role of Computer Science in Education and how digital technologies meet humanities. Through my research, I aim to further explore, map and explain the ethical considerations emerging from AI and Machine Learning applications in higher education. More specifically my Ph.D. research focus is on the ethics of emerging AI-driven technologies and their implications for educational practices and the different stakeholders in higher education.

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Marie Groth

Marie Groth. Foto: Privat
Marie Groth. Foto: Privat

I am enrolled within the framework graduate school - Finding paths in a time of major future challenges (FinnFram) - focused on career learning, career guidance and transitions between school, tertiary education, and employment. My thesis explores the higher artistic educations in Sweden and Denmark with a focus on the development of professional identity of the students. 

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Wei Lu Larsson

Wei Lu Larsson. Foto: Privat
Wei Lu Larsson. Foto: Privat

I am a doctoral student in the graduate school of adult learning at the department of education. My Ph.D. project concerns (English and/or Swedish) language teaching and learning in organized forms, such as municipal adult education (MAE), where heterogeneous groups and continuous admission, are some of the greatest challenges faced by teachers. Given the complexity of the context, my doctoral study intends to explore how (language) teachers individualize their instruction (i.e., “Individanpassad undervisning” in Swedish) to accommodate different needs of learners in MAE, especially with the widespread availability of the internet and increased accessibility to digital tools. The findings are expected to provide teachers with an opportunity to reflect on their own pedagogical practices and understand the affordance of technology in adult language education. 

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Rida Nasir

Rida Nasir. Foto: Privat
Rida Nasir. Foto: Privat

I am a PhD student at the research school – Finding paths in a time of great future challenges (FinnFram). My PhD research is on student perspectives from non-European backgrounds who come to Sweden for higher education and the role marketization plays in determining their choice to study here. I am aiming to look at expectations associated with the Global North in terms of work opportunities and the process of transition that the students go through once they arrive in Sweden. I find the intersectionality lens and Bourdieu's cultural reproduction theory to be relevant to my research.  

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Dragana Vujanic Eriksson

Dragana Vujanic Eriksson: Privat
Dragana Vujanic Eriksson. Fotro: Privat

I am a PhD student at the Department of Education. I have a long experience of working as a teacher (English and Swedish as L2, special needs), mostly within the adult education area, but even with young children. My current research is situated within the area of adult education and the aspects of teaching accomodations in relation to students' special needs. One of my additional interests covers questions on bilingualism and Swedish as L2, in relation to special needs educational aspects.

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Forskarskola i vuxnas lärande

Forskarskolan Finna vägar i en tid av stora framtidsutmaningar (FinnFram)

Forskarskolan Wasp-HS