Stockholms universitet

Anja KrausProfessor

Om mig


Jag är professor i estetiska lärprocesser och de estetiska ämnenas didaktik vid Institutionen för ämnesdidaktik.

Vid University of the Arts Berlin studerade jag till grundskollärare i bild (första och andra staatsexamen), vid Free University Berlin pedagogik och filosofi (magister). Jag disputerade i pedagogik och filosofi i 2000; i min doktorsavhandling utvecklade jag en modell för att förstå deprivationer och avvikande förhållningssätt hos barn med hjälp av teorier av Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jacques Lacan och Patrick Fuery. Konstnären Robert Smithsons konstnärliga metod Site och Non-site användes som vetenskaplig metod. Sedan 2004 arbetade jag som juniorprofessor och sen som terminerad professor vid Ludwigsburg University for Pedagogy (Tyskland). I 2013 kom jag till Linnéuniversitet, i 2018 till Stockholms universitet. 

Jag samarbetar gärna, även internationellt med forskare inom skilda ämnen så som pedagogik, filosofi, kultur- och samhällsvetenskaperna.

Mina ämnen är didaktik, antropologiska och konstnärliga studier och skolutveckling. Mitt fokus ligger på utveckling av metoder och metodologier för att beskriva praktik på det pedagogiska fältet via kvalitativt empiriskt forskningsarbete. Här arbetar jag först och främst med estetiska teorier och ansatser.

Jag har utforskat elevers erfarenheter, deras lärande, kroppsliga uttryck, konstellationer av tid och rum, konstbaserat lärande och habitus gentemot skolan etc. Jag arbetar med fenomenologiska, praxeologiska, diskursteoretiska, performance teoretiska och andra teoretiska och empiriska ansatser.

Jag har dessutom utvecklat ett utbildningskoncept för forskningsskolor. I min forskning intresserar jag mig för elevers heterogena förutsättningar för inlärning. Min tes är att det inte bara finns explicita utan också implicita (tacit) dimensioner av pedagogiska situationer. Två instrument har utvecklats för att ge barn en röst och förbättra undervisningen samt att utforska skolan, öroninstallation och sensibla tröskeln. Dessa instrument har jag introducerat i vetenskapliga diskurser. Ett tredje instrument som har utvecklats är blickande glasögon.

En bokserie om kroppslighet i skolan - aktuella diskurser om kroppslighet och dess empiri har publicerats på Athena Verlag Oberhausen. Tillsammans med andra ger jag ut serien European Research on Educational Practices på Waxmann. Där publicerade vi: Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy i 2012, Initiating Learning i 2012, Praxeology as a Challenge i 2013 och Performativity, Materiality and Time - Modelling the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy i 2014. 2015 publicerades min bok "Anforderungen an eine Wissenschaft für die Lehrer(innen)bildung", på engelska 2016, och min bok om performativt akademiskt lärande ”Pädagogische Wissensformen in der Lehrer(innen)bildung”, på engelska 2016. I 2017 publicerades Scenarios of Knowledge at Universities in Change på Peter Lang.

Jag är med i olika forskningsprojekter. Jag är medlem i UNESCO International Network of Women Philosophers; European Research Association (EERA), convenor i network 27 Didactics. Teaching and Learning; Nordic Educational Research Association (NFPF): Arts Culture and Education och Poststrukturalistisk Pedagogisk Forskning; German Educational Research Society (DGfE): Pedagogisk Anthropologi och Pedagogik i Skolan och Didaktik; German Society for University Teachers (DHV).




Min inrikting är pedagogisk antropologi som tillämpar främst kulturantropologiska metoder och teorier på uppfostran och skola samt kritisk samhällsanalys. I centrum står processer och miljöer som rymmer estetiska kvaliteter och deras bidrag till barns kunskapsbildning på ett pedagogiskt och didaktiskt sätt. 

Jag är intresserad i frågan hur process-baserat lärande och undersökande arbetsformer kan förbindas med konstnärliga arbetssätt i teori och i empirisk forskning. Här ingår konstvetenskapliga ansatser och bildämnets historia och det behövs kunskaper om de tillvägagångssätt och värderingar som är betydelsefulla för barns kunskapsutveckling. Det egna kreativa arbetssättet utvecklas genom förmågan att vidareutveckla och reflektera över kommunikativa aspekter av estetiskt uttryck och bildens roll i samhället. Min forskning fokuserar på elevernas heterogena förutsättningar för inlärning. Jag argumenterar att de blir bäst utforskade genom konstnärlig forskning. Mitt argument är att det inte bara finns explicita utan också implicita, tysta dimensioner av pedagogiska situationer som inte är tematiserade i skolundervisningen eller andra pedagogiska situationer. Jag har undersökt konstbaserat lärande, kroppsligt och informellt lärande samt habitus gentemot skolan. Min forskning har även omfattat maktutövning i skolan (t.ex. gender) och övergrepp. Jag har arbetat med fenomenologiska, dokumentariska, praxeologiska, diskursteoretiska, kameraetnografiska, performansteoretiska empiriska ansatser. Två konstnärliga forskningsinstrument, ”öroninstallationen” och ”sensibla tröskeln”, utvecklades för att ge barnen en röst, förbättra undervisningen och utforska skolan. Med ”öroninstallationen”, som ger möjlighet åt eleverna (i Finland, Tyskland, Bulgarien och Argentina) att tematisera dagdrömmar, önskningar, sorger och behov under undervisningstiden i skolan, har jag utarbetat kulturella aspekter av skolan i finlandssvenska elevers syn i kontrast till tyska elever.


Pågående projekt (urval):

Anja Kraus tillsammans med Agnes Pfrang och Rose Ylimaki: Forward to the (Common) Roots of Education – Pedagogical Terminologies in Different Languages

together with Rose Ylimaki & Lemual Watson (University of South Carolina), Todd Price (National Louis University Chicago), Dan Castner (Indiana University Bloomington): Rehumanizing Education: Renewing a Language of Education

together with Christoph Wulf, Jurgen Budde & Maud Hietzge: Manual on Tacit Knowledge. Imparting and Appropriation. Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation. 2nd edition, Weinheim, Basel: Beltz/Juventa, 3rd edition, planned for 2023 and in English.


Publikationer (annars se: hemsida):

1. Handböcker

Ed. together with Wulf, Christoph (in English) (2022): The Palgrave Handbook on Embodiment and Learning. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Ed. together with Budde, Jürgen; Hietzge, Maud; Wulf, Christoph (in German): Manual on Tacit Knowledge. Imparting and Appropriation. Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation. 2nd edition, Weinheim, Basel: Beltz/Juventa, 2021, 895 p.

Ed. together with Budde, Jürgen; Hietzge, Maud; Wulf, Christoph (in German): Manual on Tacit Knowledge. Imparting and Appropriation. Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz/Juventa, 2017, 878 p.

2. Monographies

2.1 (In English) Perspectives on Performativity: Pedagogical Knowledge in Teacher Education. In the book series: European Research on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert, Anja Kraus, Nanna Lüth, Tatiana Shchyttsova, Fatma Saçli & Carol Taylor. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann, 2016, 164 p. (translation of 2.2)

2.2 (in German) Pedagogical Forms of Knowledge in Teacher Education. A Performativity-Theoretical Approach. In the book series: European Research on Educational Practices. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann, 2016, 196 p.

2.3 (in English) Scholarly Principles in Teacher Education. What Kind of Science Serves a Practice-Oriented Teacher Education? In the book series: European Research on Educational Practices. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann, 2015, 140 p. (translation of 2.5)

2.4 (in German) Affordances for the Sciences with Regard to Teacher Education. Scientific-Theoretical Considerations Concerning Practice-Oriented Teacher Education. In the book series: European Research on Educational Practices. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann, 2015, 160 p.

2.5 (in German) The Auricle-Installation – a Way of Gathering Data in Children and School Children Research. Hamburg: Dr. Kovac. 2007, 166 p.

2.6 (in German) Nihilism, Language and Perception. The Anthropologies of Lacan and Merleau-Ponty. 2002, 259 p., Berlin: Freie Universität, Dissertation 2000. DOI:, 253 S.


3. Editing of Journals with Peer-Review

Culture, Biography & Lifelong Learning CBLL: Body Knowledge. Hongyan Chen, Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf

Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2023: Forward to the (Common) Roots of Education – Pedagogical Terminologies in Different Languages. Anja Kraus & Rose Ylimaki, Todd Price & Dan Castner (Status quo: in print)


4. Peer-Reviewed Articles in Journals

4.1 (in English) Anja Kraus together with Rose Ylimaki, Todd Price & Dan Castner: Forward to the (Common) Roots of Education – Pedagogical Terminologies in Different Languages. In: Educational Philosophy and Theory (Status quo: in print)

4.2 (in English) together with Rose Ylimaki: A Historical Introduction to Continental Pedagogics from a Northern American Perspective. In: Educational Philosophy and Theory (Status quo: in print)

4.3 Castner, Daniel; Kraus, Anja: Discussing the Emperor’s New Clothes - the Metaphysics of Neoliberal Policy and Educational Conversation.  In: Vierteljahresschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik (status quo: in print).

4.4 (in English) Anja Kraus together with Maria Pemsel: The ‘Educational Journey’, bildningsresa (Swedish), Bildungsreise (German) and Personal Development. In: Journal of Aesthetic Education (Status quo: in print)

4.5 (in English) Anja Kraus, Agnes Pfrang & Rose Ylimaki: Wonder, Sincerity and Operationalism in Education - Heidegger as Reference in Going ‘Back to Pedagogy Itself’. Vierteljahresschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik, 3/2022, 371-386.

4.6 (in English) Pedagogy, Hyper-reality, and Agency – To Sound Out Education Effects Ascribed to a Video Game. In: Journal of Aesthetic Education, 56/1, Spring 2022, 44-55.

4.7 (in English) Giving the Body a Voice – Introduction to the Cameraethnographic Approach. In: Journal of Aesthetic Education, vol.56, nr.1, Spring 2022, 44-55 [Last approach: 13.05.2022].

4.8 (in English) Tacit Turn´ in Pedagogy. In: Journal of Aesthetic Education 55/4, 70-81. [Last approach: 13.12.2021].

4.9 (in English) Corporeal Linkages between Ethics and Aesthetics as a Task of General Education (Didactics). In: Culture, Biography & Lifelong Learning CBLL, vol.3, nr.3, [Last approach: 5.2.2018]

4.10 (in English) Gender as a Form of Tacit Knowing in the Fields of Pedagogy. In Culture, Biography & Lifelong Learning CBLL, vol.3, nr.1, Apr.2017, [Last approach: 5.5.2017]

4.11 (in English) What Do the Things Show us? Learning as Displacement. In Culture, Biography & Lifelong Learning CBLL, vol.2, Dec.2016. Available at: article/view/56 [Last approach: 2017-01-12]

4.12 (In German) Quality of Classroom Education – Lines of Discussion and Positionings in Sweden and Germany. In: Schulpädagogik-heute, 13/2016, 7. Available at: Heft13/04_Forum/04_16.pdf [Last approach: 2016-03-04]

4.13 (in German) What Do the Things Show Us? Learning as Displacement. In: Nohl, Arnd-Michael; Wulf, Christoph (2013): Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. Human Beings and Things – The Materiality of Pedagogical Processes. Leverkusen: Leske & Budrich, 153 - 170

4.14 (in German) Performative Playing as a Didactical Pathway to the Things Themselves. In: Satalka. Filosofija. 2010, t.18, nr.3, 40 - 52. See: http://www.

4.15 (in German) Performative Playing as a Didactical Pathway to the Corporeality of Children. In: Vierteljahresschrift für Wissenschaftliche Pädagogik. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh. 84 (2) 2008, 167 - 178

4.16 (in English) (Doing) Art as an Interdisciplinary Didactical Principle. In: International Journal for Education through Art. (4.3) 2008, 275 - 284

4.17 (in German) Sketch of a Research Setting in Social Sciences on the Ground of Phenomenological Methodology. In: Vierteljahresschrift für Wissenschaftliche Pädagogik. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh. 82 (4) 2006, 511 - 529

4.18 (in German) A Study of Media Influences on the Learning Strategies of Students in the First Years of Secondary School by Means of Subtexts. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8 (3), Art.11, 2006,

4.19 (in English) A Study of Media Influences on the Learning Strategies of Students in the First Years of Secondary School by Means of Subtexts. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8 (3), Art.11, 2006,


5. Peer-Reviewed Articles in Anthologies

5.1 (in German) Vulnerability as a Topic of Body-Related Pedagogy. In: Carnin, J.; Hoffarth, B.; Wehren, S. (Hgg.): Science Fiction of the Body: Potentials, Options and Demands education scientific Theory and Research on Bodily Learning. (Status quo: handed in)

5.2 (in German) Heterogenity, Alterity and Pedagogy in Artistic Education at Kindergarden. In: Stutz, U. (Hg.): Publikation in the Frame oft he Research Project Children-Art-Spaces. Munich: Kopäd (Status quo: handed in).

5.3 (in English) Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf (eds.) (2022): The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and Learning. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

5.4 (in English) Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf (2022): Introduction. In: Kraus, A.; Wulf, Ch. (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and LearningBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-17.

5.5 (in English) Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf (2022): Part I Philosophical and Historical Underpinnings. In: Kraus, A.; Wulf, Ch. (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and LearningBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.I-XXXI.

5.6 (in English) Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf  (2022): Part II Educational Relationships and Professionalism. In: Kraus, A.; Wulf, Ch. (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and LearningBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.129-131.

5.7 (in English) Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf  (2022): Part III Body, Sociality and Learning. In: Kraus, A.; Wulf, Ch. (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and LearningBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.209-211.

5.8 (in English) Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf (2022): Part IV Body, Space and Learning. In: Kraus, A.; Wulf, Ch. (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and LearningBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.291-293.

5.9 (in English) Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf (2022): Part V Body, Virtual Reality and Mindfulness. In: Kraus, A.; Wulf, Ch. (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and LearningBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 355-356.

5.10 (in English) Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf (2022): Part VI Classroom Practices. In: Kraus, A.; Wulf, Ch. (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and LearningBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.403-406.

5.11 (in English) Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf (2022): Part VII Bodies in Times of Glocalizations. In: Kraus, A.; Wulf, Ch. (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and LearningBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.501-503.

5.12 (in English) Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf  (2022): Part IV Body, Space, Learning. In: Kraus, A.; Wulf, Ch. (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and LearningBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.291-293.

5.13 (in English) Anja Kraus (2022)Alterity and Emotions - Heterogeneous Learning Conditions and Embodiment. In: Kraus, A.; Wulf, Ch. (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and LearningBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.277-290.

5.14 (in English) Anja Kraus & Thomas Senkbeil (2022)Pedagogical Tact. Reconstruction of a Bodily Moment of the Pedagogical Relationship In: Kraus, A.; Wulf, Ch. (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and Learning. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.145-161.

5.14 (In English) Didactics of Showing and Phenomenality – Consequences for Arts Education. In: Dobmeier, F.; Emmerich, M. (eds.): Operativität – Erziehung – Differenz. Systemtheoretische, praxistheoretische und phänomenologische Anschlüsse an Operative Pädagogik. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. (Status quo: accepted, in print).

5.15 (In German) Fake als eine analytische Kategorie der Universitäts-, Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung. In: Mersch, Dieter; Wulf, Christoph: Senkbeil, Thomas (eds.): Der Mensch als Faktizität – pädagogisch-anthropologische Zugänge. Bielefeld: Transkript, 2022, 119-136.

5.16 (In German) ‘Sensitive Threshold’ – An Example for Multimodal Situational Learning in Teacher Education. In: Koditek, T.; Luther, C. (eds.): Praxis Manual Situationsansatz – A Concept of Bildung for Pedagogy, Economy and Society. Springer, 2021, 95-105.

5.17 (In Swedish) Anja Kraus: Bildämnets didaktik. In: Kroksmark, Th. (ed.): Tio forskare om ämnesdidaktik. Studentlitteratur, 2021, 49-68.

5.18 (In English) The Vision of Leisure Education: Can Pedagogical Practice in School Learn from Art-Based Leisure Education? In: von Carlsburg, B.; Stross, A. (eds.): (Non-)Educational Visions for the 21st Century. Reihe: Baltic Studies. Kiel: Peter Lang, 2021, 205 - 218.

5.19 (In English) A Vision of Education: Grasping Continental European Impulses. In: von Carlsburg, B.; Stross, A. (eds.): (Non-)Educational Visions for the 21st Century. Reihe: Baltic Studies. Kiel: Peter Lang, 2021, 219 - 232.

5.20 (in German) Together with Juergen Budde, Maud Hietzge & Christoph Wulf: Tacit Knowledge in Learning, Education, Bildung and Socialisation. In: Kraus, Anja; Budde, Jürgen; Hietzge, Maud; Wulf, Christoph (eds.): Tacit Knowledge in Teaching and Appropriation, Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation. A Manual. 2nd edition, Weinheim, Basel: Juventa/Beltz, 2021, 11-15.

5.20 (in German) Introduction: Tacit Knowledge. In: Kraus, Anja; Budde, Jürgen; Hietzge, Maud; Wulf, Christoph (eds.): Tacit Knowledge in Teaching and Appropriation, Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation. A Manual, 2nd edition, Weinheim, Basel: Juventa/Beltz, 2021, 18-28.

5.21 (in German) Children and young people in scientific research – an introduction. In: Kraus, Anja; Budde, Jürgen; Hietzge, Maud; Wulf, Christoph (eds.): Tacit Knowledge in Teaching and Appropriation, Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation. A Manual, 2nd ed., Weinheim, Basel: Juventa/Beltz, 2021, 368-376.

5.22 (in German) Learning. In: Kraus, Anja; Budde, Jürgen; Hietzge, Maud; Wulf, Christoph (eds.): Tacit Knowledge in Teaching and Appropriation, Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation. A Manual, 2nd edition, Weinheim, Basel: Juventa/Beltz, 2021, 690-698.

5.23 (in German) Learning to know how to do. In: Kraus, Anja; Budde, Jürgen; Hietzge, Maud; Wulf, Christoph (eds.): Tacit Knowledge in Teaching and Appropriation, Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation, 2nd edition, Weinheim, Basel: Juventa/Beltz, 2021, 773-785.

5.24 (In German) Quality Assurance in University Teaching. In: BilsteinJohannes; Winzen, Matthias, Zirfas, Jörg (eds.): Pedagogical Anthropology of the Technics. Practices, Issues and Forms of Life. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 273-283.

5.25 (In German) Qualitäty Assessment of Teaching at University. In: Johannes Bilstein, Matthias Winzen, Jörg Zirfas (Hgg.): Pedagogical Anthropology of Technology. Practices, Things and Forms of Living. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2020, 273-308.

5.26 (in English) Transcultural Learning: Emphasizing and De-emphasizing Difference as a Pedagogical Task. In: von Carlsburg, B. (ed.): Comparative Educational Sciences – Transcultural Studies – Intercultural Education. Book Series: Baltic Studies. Frankfurt/M., Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang, 2019, 137-145.

5.27 (in English) A Pedagogy of Cultural Awareness - A Phenomenological Approach to Knowledge and Learning. In: von Carlsburg, B. (ed.): Comparative Educational Sciences – Transcultural Studies – Intercultural Education. Book Series: Baltic Studies. Frankfurt/M., Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang, 2019, 127-135.

5.28 (in German) Educational Objectives and the Teacher Education in Sweden. In: von Carlsburg, B. (ed.): Comparative Educational Sciences – Transcultural Studies – Intercultural Education. Reihe: Baltic Studies. Kiel: Peter Lang, 2019, 265-277.

5.29 Gender, the Postmodern Paradigm Shift and Pedagogical Anthropology. In: Taylor, C.; Amade-Escot, Ch.; Abbas, A. (eds.): Gender in Learning and Teaching Feminist Dialogues Across International Boundaries. London, New York: Routledge, 2019, 54-67.

5.30 (in German) What Do Practices Show us and how Do they Show us Something – an Empirical Study on the Performativity and the Phenomenology of Social and Socially Distanced Actions. In: Hietzge, Maud (ed.): Interdisciplinary Video Analysis. Reconstructions of a Video Sequence Seen from Different Perspectives. Opladen, Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich, 2018, 231-254.

5.31 (in German) Requirements for a Scientific Teacher Education. In: Lüth, N. (ed.): Presupposed. Art/Pedagogy and their Conditions. revolver publishing, Berlin, 2018, 22-33.

5.32 (in German) The Relationship between the Educational Sciences and Statistics Research on EducationIn: von Carlsburg, B. (ed.): Scientific Dialogue on the Development of Intellectual Culture. Kiel: Baltic Studies, 2017, 333-339.

5.33 (in German) Techniques of Human Development: About Quality Assurance in Educational Institutions. In: Carlsburg, B. (ed.): Scientific Dialogue on the Development of Intellectual Culture. Kiel: Baltic Studies, 2017, 447-457.

5.34 (in English) Sensitive Threshold – Awakening Aspects of the Corporeal-Auditive Reflexivity of Teenagers in the Classroom. In: Rodriguez Sieweke, L. (ed.): Learning Scenarios for Social and Cultural Knowledge. «Bildung» through Academic Teaching. In the book series: Erziehungskonzeptionen und Praxis (ed. by Bodo von Carlsburg). Book Series: Baltic Studies. Frankfurt/M., Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang, 203 – 216.

5.35 (in English) Introduction. In: Rodriguez Sieweke, L. (ed.): Learning Scenarios for Social and Cultural Knowledge. «Bildung» through Academic Teaching. In the book series: Erziehungskonzeptionen und Praxis (ed. by Bodo von Carlsburg). Book Series: Baltic Studies. Frankfurt/M., Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang, 2017, 7-11.

5.36 (in English) Qualities of School Education – A Comparison of Discussions and Positioning in Sweden and Germany. In: Kraus, Anja (ed.): Scenarios of Knowledge at Universities in Change. Perspectives of the Humanities, the Educational and the Cultural Sciences. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2017, 69-86.

5.37 (in English) University as Knowledge Scenarios. Bildung and Sustainability. In: Kraus, Anja (ed.): Scenarios of Knowledge at Universities in Change. Perspectives of the Humanities, the Educational and the Cultural Sciences. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2017, 49-60.

5.38 (in English) Introduction: Perspectives of the Humanities, the Educational and the Cultural Sciences on University. In: Kraus, Anja (ed.): Scenarios of Knowledge at Universities in Change. Perspectives of the Humanities, the Educational and the Cultural Sciences. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2017, 7-12.

5.39 (in German) Together with Juergen Budde, Maud Hietzge & Christoph Wulf: Tacit Knowledge in Learning, Education, Bildung and Socialisation. In: Kraus, Anja; Budde, Jürgen; Hietzge, Maud; Wulf, Christoph (eds.): Tacit Knowledge in Teaching and Appropriation, Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation. A Manual. Juventa/Beltz. 2017, 11-15.

5.40 (in German) Introduction: Tacit Knowledge. In: Kraus, Anja; Budde, Jürgen; Hietzge, Maud; Wulf, Christoph (eds.): Tacit Knowledge in Teaching and Appropriation, Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation. A Manual. Juventa/Beltz. 2017, 18-27.

5.41 (in German) Children and young people in scientific research – an introduction. In: Kraus, Anja; Budde, Jürgen; Hietzge, Maud; Wulf, Christoph (eds.): Tacit Knowledge in Teaching and Appropriation, Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation. A Manual. Juventa/Beltz. 2017, 392-400.

5.42 (in German) Learning. In: Kraus, Anja; Budde, Jürgen; Hietzge, Maud; Wulf, Christoph (eds.): Tacit Knowledge in Teaching and Appropriation, Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation. A Manual. Juventa/Beltz. 2017, 742-750.

5.43 (in German) Learning to know how to do. In: Kraus, Anja; Budde, Jürgen; Hietzge, Maud; Wulf, Christoph (eds.): Tacit Knowledge in Teaching and Appropriation, Learning and Education, Bildung and Socialisation. A Manual. Juventa/Beltz. 2017, 826-838.

5.44 (in German) Quality of classroom education – Lines of Discussion and Positions in Sweden and Germany in comparison. In: Moegling Klaus; Hund-Göschel, Gabriel; Hadeler, Swantje (eds.): What are good schools? Prolog: Immenhausen. 2016, 167 - 176

5.45 (in English) Scientific Pedagogy as Research on Practices - Sketching Quality Development, Competences and Assessment in Pedagogical Regards. In: Carlsburg, Bodo von (ed.): Strategies for Teacher Training: Concepts for Improving Skills and Quality of Teaching. Book Series: Baltic Studies. Frankfurt/M., Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang. 2016, 285 - 296

5.46 (in English) Applying the `Phenomenological Method´ to Qualitative Research in Education Studies. In: Schultheis, Klaudia; Pfrang, Agnes (eds.): Children’s Perspective on School, Teaching and Learning. Berlin, Muenster, Wien, Zuerich, London: Lit Verlag. 2015, 43 - 55

5.47 (in English) Together with Mie Buhl and Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg (in English): Introduction. In: Buhl, Mie; Kraus, Anja & Carlsburg, Gerd-Bodo von (eds.): Performativity, Materiality and Time – Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2014, 9 - 12

5.48 (in English) Materiality and Displacement. About the Pedagogically Framed Constitution of Subjectivity. In: Buhl, Mie; Kraus, Anja & Carlsburg, Gerd-Bodo von (eds.): Performativity, Materiality and Time. Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2014, 115 - 134

5.49 (in German) Subtexts of School Lessons as a Key to the Individual Habits of Pupils in the Secondary Level to Learning at School. In: Carlsburg, Gerd-Bodo von (ed.): Educational Sciences Looking for a Global Identity, Volume 26. Tallinn: Baltic Studies. 2013, 457 - 472

5.50 (in German) Learning as a Mode of Attention. In: Brumlik, Micha & Bilstein, Johannes (eds.): The Education of the Body. Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa. 2013, 308 - 323

5.51 (in German) Regarding the Relation of Competence and Performance as a Challenge for School Development. In: Stutz, Ulrike (ed.): Art Pedagogy in the Context of All-Day-Education and Regarding the Orientation at Social Spaces. München: Kopaed. 2013, 146 - 158

5.52 (in English) On the Relationship between Praxeology and Phenomenology. In: Herbert, Anna & Kraus, Anja (eds.): Praxeology as a Challenge. Modelling the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2013, 21 - 30

5.53 (in English) Together with Anna Herbert: Introduction. In: Herbert, Anna & Kraus, Anja (eds.): Praxeology as a Challenge. Modelling the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2013, 6 - 9

5.54 (in German) Introduction. In: Kraus, Anja (ed.): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Volume V: Sexuality and Power in Pedagogical Contexts. Oberhausen: Athena. 2012, 7 - 8

5.55 (in German) Sexuality and Power in Pedagogical Contexts. In: Kraus, Anja (ed.): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Volume V: Sexuality and Power in Pedagogical Contexts. Oberhausen: Athena. 2012, 109 - 131

5.56 (in German) The Performative Play as a Didactical Pathway To the Things Themselves – the Context of Phenomenological Children Research and Didactics. In: Shchyttsova, Tatiana (ed.): In Statu Nascendi: To be Born and the Intergenerative Dimension of Being Together. In the book series: Intergenerative Experiences. ConFrontation. Thinking Beyond Borders, ed. by H. R. Sepp, Vol. 11. Nordhausen: Bautz. 2012, 231 - 252

5.57 (in English) Learning as Transformation. In: Bergstedt, Bosse; Herbert, Anna & Kraus, Anja (eds.): Initiating Learning. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2012, 59 - 76

5.58 (in English) Together with Anna Herbert: Introduction. In: Bergstedt, Bosse; Herbert, Anna & Kraus, Anja (eds.): Initiating Learning. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2012, 5 - 7

5.59 (in English) The Cameraethnographic Approach as Pedagogical Practice. In: Bergstedt, Bosse; Herbert, Anna; Kraus, Anja & Wulf, Christoph (eds.): Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2012, 37 - 52

5.60 (in English) Together with Bosse Bergstedt, Anna Herbert & Christoph Wulf: Introduction. In: Bergstedt, Bosse; Herbert, Anna; Kraus, Anja & Wulf, Christoph (eds.): Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2012, 7 - 9

5.61 (in German) Heterogeneous Learning Conditions and the Constituting Corporeality. In: Kraus, Anja (ed.): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Volume IV: Heterogeneous Learning Conditions. Oberhausen: Athena. 2011, 7 - 25

5.62 (in German) Girl Lilith by Blán Ryan – Cameraethnography of the Performative Playing of a Child. In: Kraus, Anja (ed.): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Volume IV. Oberhausen: Athena. 2011, 153 - 175

5.63 (in English) German School-Related Child and Youth Research – A Report on the State of Art. In: Hudson, Brian; Meyer, Meinert (eds.): Beyond Fragmentation: Didactics, Learning and Teaching. Opladen, Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich. 2011, 379 - 392

5.64 (in German) The Exclusion of Pupils as a Trap for Lessons in School – Aspects of a Non-Formal Knowledge. In: Wenning, Norbert; Spetsmann-Kunkel, Martin (eds.): Strategies of Exclusion – Excluding Effects of Governmental Policy and Everyday Practices in Education and Society. Perspectives of Educational and Social Sciences on Integration and Segregation. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2010, 151 - 169

5.65 (in German) Introduction. Bildung in School. In: Kraus, Anja (ed.): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Vol. III. Oberhausen: Athena Verlag. 2010, 7 - 22

5.66 (in German) School Culture Seen from the Perspectives of Pupils aged 12 to 13. A Comparison between Finnish and German School Children. In: Deckert-Peaceman, Heike; de Boer, Heike (eds.): School Children - in between the Order of the Peers and the Order of the School. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 2009, 193 - 205

5.67 (in German) Artistic Work as a Subject Crossing Didactical Principle. In: Buschkühle, Claus-Peter; Kettel, Joachim; Urlaß, Mario (eds.): horizons – Contributions to the International InSEA Congress inSEA2007germany. Oberhausen: Athena Verlag. 2009, 51 - 65

5.68 (in German) Introduction. Corporeality, Body and Image. The Corporeality as a Dimension of Pedagogy as a Practice. In: Kraus, Anja (ed.): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Vol. II. Oberhausen: Athena Verlag. 2009, 7 - 18

5.69 (in German) Together with Heike Deckert-Peaceman: Learning: Instructing and Constructing. In: Esslinger-Hinz, Ilona; Fischer, Hans-Joachim (eds.): Fields of Tension in Education and Formation. A Handbook on Fundamental Topics of Pedagogy. Hohengehren: Schneider Verlag. 2008, 233 - 248

5.70 (in German) Artistic Research in the Field of Qualitative Empirical Social Research from the Perspective of the Phenomenological Methodology. In: Brenne, Andreas (ed.): Soft Empiry. Theory and Praxis of an Artistic-Aesthetical Research. Münster: Verlagshaus Monsenstein & Vannerdat. 2008, 51 - 64

5.71 Together with Judith Bauch (in German): The Sensitive Threshhold on the Plateau School and School Lessons. In: Busse, Klaus-Peter; Pazzini, Karl-Josef (eds.): (Un)Foreseeable Learning: Art – Culture – Image. Dortmund: Books on Demand. 2008, 257 - 258

5.72 (in German) Introduction. In: Kraus, Anja (ed.): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Vol. I. Oberhausen: Athena Verlag. 2008, 7 - 16

5.73 (in German) The Explicative Attention as an Event. In: Kraus, Anja (ed.): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Vol. I. Oberhausen: Athena Verlag. 2008, 151 - 184

5.74 (in German) Performative Playing as a Principle for School Lessons. Spaces of Playing and Moving in School. In: Jurké, Volker; Linck, Dieter; Reiss, Joachim (eds.): The Future of Theatre in School: The Subject Drama Education in the Debates on Education. Hamburg: Körber and BVDS. 2008, 79 - 87

5.75 (in English) Signifying It By Demonstration – To Feel Processes of Signification on One’s Own Body. In: Lackner, Rudolphine (ed.): Names are shaping up nicely! Nomenclature and Women’s Titles. Wien: Eigenverlag der Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs (VBKÖ). 2008, 49 - 56

5.76 (in German) Contexts of my Research Project Constituting Corporeality as a Didactical Principle. In: University of Education Ludwigsburg & University of Education Samara (eds.): Integration of Science, Education, Culture: Russia - Germany. Materials of the International Scientific Conference. Samara: University of Samara. 2008, 355 - 363

5.77 (in English) The Performative Play as a Didactic Track to the Corporeality of Children. In: Wulf, Christoph (ed.): Mimesis, Poiesis, Performativity in Education. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann. 2007, 160 - 170

5.78 (in German) The Suffering of Language. In: Heinze, Martin; Kupke, Christoph; Kurth, Christian (eds.): The Measures of Suffering. Clinical and Theoretical Aspects of Psychic Illness. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. 2003, 307 - 312


6. Anthologies (always as the main responsible)

6.1 Ed. together with Wulf, Christoph (in English): A Palgrave Handbook on Embodiment and Learning. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Status quo: in work)

6.2 Anja Kraus (in English): Scenarios of Knowledge at Universities in Change. Perspectives of the Humanities, the Educational and the Cultural Sciences. In the book series: “European Studies in Education” (ed. Christoph Wulf). Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann, 2017, 128 p.

6.3 Ed. together with Buhl, Mie; von Carlsburg, Gerd-Bodo von (in English): Performativity, Materiality and Time – Modelling the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In the book series European Research on Educational Practices. In the book series: European Research on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann 2014, 152 p.

6.4 Ed. together with Anna Herbert (in English): Praxeology as a Challenge. Modelling the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In the book series European Research on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann 2013, 136 p.

6.5 Ed. together with Anna Herbert (in English): Initiating Learning. In the book series European Research on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann 2012, 156 p.

6.6 Ed. together with Bosse Bergstedt, Anna Herbert & Christoph Wulf (in English): Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In the book series European Research on Educational Practices, ed. by Bosse Bergstedt, Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann 2012, 136 p.

6.7 Anja Kraus (in German): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Volume V: Sexuality and Power in Pedagogical Contexts. In the book series Pedagogy: Perspectives and Theories ed. by Johannes Bilstein. Oberhausen: Athena Verlag. 2012, 134 p.

6.8 Anja Kraus (in German): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Volume IV: Heterogeneous Learning Conditions. In the book series Pedagogy: Perspectives and Theories. Oberhausen: Athena Verlag. 2011, 178 p.

6.9 Anja Kraus (in German): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Volume III. In the book series Pedagogy: Perspectives and Theories. Oberhausen: Athena Verlag. 2010, 148 p.

6.10 Anja Kraus (in German): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Volume II. In the book series Pedagogy: Perspectives and Theories. Oberhausen: Athena Verlag. 2009, 184 p.

6.11 Anja Kraus (in German): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Volume I. In the book series Pedagogy: Perspectives and Theories. Oberhausen: Athena, Verlag. 2008, 188 p.


7. Articles in Scientific and other Journals (selection)

7.1 (in German) A Smile Appears Different in Colour. Pupils Explore the Symbolic and the Emotional Value of Colours. Im: Praxis Primary School. Arts Education Making Difference! Ideas and Materials for Classroom Education. Special Edition, 2019, 90 - 93

7.2 Together with Nika Daryan (in German): Corporeality and Gendering. Sketch of an Anthropological-Phenomenological Perspective. In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Psychosomatik. Open E-Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Theory in Philosophy and Psychosomatics as well as their Neighbour Dsciplines (IZPP), Vol. 8 1/2013, Topic Man and Woman. See: fileadmin/user_ upload/Ausgabe_8_1-2013/IZPP_1-2013_DaryanKraus.pdf

7.3 (in German) What kind of Perspectives could a Culture-PISA-Study of the Aesthetical Subjects Reveal? In: Zeitschrift für Theaterpädagogik. Korrespondenzen. Hannover: Schibri-Verlag. (52) 2008, 25 - 29

7.4 (in Swedish) Att inöva och motivera fritt skrivande med hjälp av älvor och troll. In: Arena. Helsinki: Svenska modersmålslärarföreningen i Finland. 2008

7.5 Together with Anna-Lena Østern (in English): The Interactive Installation Sensible Threshold – A Study of Collaborative Art Work and Transformative Learning Processes. 2008. See: stallation_sensible_threshold_a_study_of_collaborative_art_work_and_transfor/

7.6 (in German) To the things themselves!: The State of the Art of Phenomenological Art Analysis. In: Peez, Georg (ed.): Schrödel Kunstportal. Kunstdidaktisches Forum, 2008. See: http://www.schroedel. de/kunstportal/bilder/forum/2008-10-kraus.pdf

7.7 Together with Judith Bauch (in German): How Does Love Sound? The Sensitive Threshold - an Interactive Artistic Environment Serving as a Means of a Cross-Discplinary Development of Competences. In: Ethik & Unterricht. Seelze: Friedrich Verlage. (4) 2008, 31 - 35

7.8 (in German) The Constituting Corporeality as a Primary Means of Learning. The Didactical Principle Performative Playing. In: Bundesverband Darstellendes Spiel e.V. (ed.): Why Theatre? – Documentation of the Congress on the 22nd and 23rd March 2007 in Hamburg. Frankfurt/M.: BVDS. 2007, 46

7.9 (in German) KulturPISA – a Challenge for Profiling the Aesthetical Education. In: Bundesverband Darstellendes Spiel e.V. (ed.): Why Theatre? - Documentation of the Congress on the 22nd and 23rd March 2007 in Hamburg. Frankfurt/M.: BVDS. 2007, 39

7.10 (in German) The Coloured Hand – Experiencing Significative Processes with one´s own Body. In: Ethik & Unterricht. Seelze: Friedrich. (1) 2007, 49 - 51

7.11 (in German) Sensitive Threshold – An Interactive Artistic Environment as the Base for an Interdisci-plinary Project in Term 8. In: BdK Mitteilungen. Hannover: Verlag Bund deutscher Kunsterzieher. (3) 2007, 50 - 52

7.12 (in German) A Detective Story on the Topic Forest. Working at Stations in the 4th term of a Primary School in Berlin. In: Sache – Wort – Zahl. Köln: Aulis. 87 (7) 2007, 55 - 59

7.13 (in German) A Coloured Smiling is Perceived as More Lovable than a Smiling in Black and White. Colouring of a Copy in Black and White with a Special Stress on the Emotional and the Symbolical Value of Colours – in the Terms 5 and 7. In: Grundschule. Braunschweig: Westermann. (12) 2007, 50 - 52

7.14 (in German) Perception and Bodiliness. How is it Possible to Explain to the Pupils in Secondary School Certain Aspects of Aesthetical Experience in its own Logic? In: Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Philosophie. Hannover: Siebert Verlag. (4) 2007, 306 - 308

7.15 (in German) The Corporeality of Young People in the Age of New Media. The Body as a Medium for Learning in School. In: Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau (ed.): CYNETart_06humane. 10. International Festival for Computer-Based Art. Dresden: Union Druckerei Dresden. 2006, 135 - 140

7.16 (in German) Eat-Art According to Daniel Spoerri – An Analysis of Art that Goes Through one´s Belly. In: BdK Mitteilungen. Hannover: Verlag Bund deutscher Kunsterzieher. 40 (3) 2004, 11 - 12

7.17 (in German) To Lay a Track into a Miniature Landscape. In: BdK Mitteilungen. Hannover: Verlag Bund deutscher Kunsterzieher. 39 (2) 2003, 20 - 21

7.18 (in Swedish) To Write on Little Fairies. Introduction to Free Writing in a 3rd term of Primary School. In: Grundschulunterricht. Berlin: PZV. (5) 2003, 50 - 52



8. Reviews

8.1 (in German) Bilstein, J. (ed.) (2011): Anthropology and Pedagogy of the Senses. Opladen, Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich. In: Vierteljahresschrift für Wissenschaftliche Pädagogik. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh 1/2012, 146 - 148

8.2 (in English) Anna Herbert (2010): The Pedagogy of Creativity. London, New York: Routledge. In: Nordic Studies in Education 1-2012, 67 - 68

8.3 (in German) Holger Schulze (ed.) (2008): Sound Studies: Traditions – Methods – Desiderata. An Introduction. Bielefeld: transcript. 2011, See:

8.4 (in German) Doris Schuhmacher-Chilla & Julia Wirxel (eds.) (2007): With Measures or Without Measures. Contermporary Art and Culture. Oberhausen: Athena. In: BdK Mitteilungen. Hannover: Verlag Bund deutscher Kunsterzieher. 44 (2) 2008, 41

8.5 (in German) Antje Stache (ed.): Hard and Soft. Body – Experience – Construction. Bielefeld: transcript. 2006. In: Bewegungserziehung. Purkersdorf/Österreich: Brüder Hollinke. 61 (2) 2007, 37

8.6 (in German) Andrea Sabisch (2007): Inscenating Searching. About Making Aesthetical Experiences Visible by Biographical Notes. A Sketch of a Critical Scientific Research on Scripts. Bielefeld: transcript. In: Vierteljahresschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik. Paderborn: Schöningh. 3/2007, 372 - 374. See: kraus-rezension-vwp.pdf

8.7 (in German) Georg Peez (2007): Handbook on Case Studies in the Field of Aesthetical Education/Art Pedagogy. Qualitative Empiricism for Study, Practices, Professionalisation and School Lessons. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren. In: Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt. 6(2007), Nr.5. See: 83200244.html



9. Reports and preprints

9.1 (in Swedish) Anja Kraus: Varför behövs skolämnet bild? Skolverket. [Last approach: 13.11.2022].

9.2 (in English ) Anja Kraus & Ebba Theorell (in English): Didactic musicality, preprint. [Last approach: 13.11.2022].

9.3 (in Swedish) Anja Kraus & Ebba Theorell: ‘Kinestetisk musikalitet’ och rörelse i vardag, dans och didaktik. Skolverket:  [Last approach: 13.05.2022].

9.4 (in German) Kraus Anja, Jutta Ecarius, Rudolf Egger. Bericht: Gutachten Forschungsevaluation der Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften an der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck.


9.5 (in English) Näktergal Project in Växjö – 2009-2016, released 30.11.2016

9.4 (in English) Contract Education Program at the LNU on the Postgraduate Level. Directed to the Learning of Little Children – Scientific Research and the Development of Preschool in Interaction. Funding Scheme: NLU Duration: 14/02/2014 – 14/02/2016, released 31.2.2016

9.6 (In German) Sensitive Threshold. Cooperative Project (together with Prof Dr. Anna-Lena Östern, NTNU Trondheim/Norway and Prof. Dr. Bernd Hackl, University Graz/Austria) at the Ruetli-Schule Berlin. The Status Quo, released 31.12.2012

9.7 (In German) The Subtexts of Classes as a Key to the Individual Learning Processes of Pupils in Secondary School. The Status Quo, released 31.12.2010


10. Translations (English – German, German – Swedish, Swedish –German)

German -> Swedish

Kraus, Anja: Att inöva och motivera fritt skrivande med hjälp av älvor och troll, Arena. Svenska modersmålslärarförening i Finland. Helsinki/Finnland: SMLF. 2008, 19 - 21

Swedish -> German

Østern, Anna-Lena: The Meaning-Making Dimension of Bodily Transformation – an Example of Playback Theatre. In: Kraus, Anja (ed.): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Vol. I. Oberhausen: Athena Verlag. 2008, 127 - 150

English -> German

Faux, Robert: Authentisches Unterrichten und Lehren: In einer Schulklasse sein. In: Kraus, A. (ed.): Kraus, Anja (ed.): Corporeality in School – Actual Discourses on Corporeality and their Empirical Impacts. Vol. I. Oberhausen: Athena Verlag. 2008, 49 - 81

Faux, R. (2000): Using Content Analysis and Interviews in the Field of Pedagogical-Psychological Research – An Example of Empiricism. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1(1), Art. 26, http://www.qualitative–



11. Qualification Theses

11.1 (in German) Methodical Arrangements to Foster Writing as a Means for Personal Expression in the Field of Writing Texts - Unfolded in Examples of a 3rd term of Mosaik Primary School in Berlin. 2010, 47 pages, Berlin: Free University, Scientific Thesis for the Second State Examination in School Pedagogy. 2002.

11.3 (in German) Positions between Yes and No. Possibilities of Protesting. 2010, 54 pages, Berlin: Free University, Magister Thesis. 1998. DOI:


12. Popular Literature

(in English) Sensitive Threshold. In: MFG Baden-Württemberg: Fifth Heidelberg Innovation Exposé. Business Ideas from IT Research. Stuttgart: MFG Baden-Württemberg. 2007, 29


13. URLs C3_ BCneburg.pdf

Kinder zum Olymp der Kulturstiftung des Bundes: show_project_short.aspx?ID=2935 cat.php?sprache=de&id=7
