You can contact the library by chat, e-mail or telephone, or by visiting our Question Forum (FAQ). You can also get guidance for personal help.
You are also welcome to visit us on-site and avail of service via our information points in the library.
Quick answers via Ask the Library
If you want a quick answer, you can send a message to our Question Forum “Ask the Library (FAQ)”. There you will also find answers to the most frequent questions that the library receives.
Chat, send e-mail and call the library
For questions about your loans, orders, library account and the like, you are welcome to contact the library by chat, e-mail or telephone. To chat with us, click on the chat bubble that is visible on our website. In order for the chat bubble to be visible, you need to accept functional cookies. The chat is open all weekdays. When the chat is closed you get help from the library's chat assistant.
If you want to contact a specific member of staff, you can send an e-mail according to
Press and communication
The communication officers at the library share news about the university library's activities by internal and external channels. Please feel free to contact us regarding our website communication, press inquiries to the library, the podcast “Behind the Bookshelf” (the podcast is in Swedish by the title “Bakom bokhyllan”), or regarding our social media channels.
Social Media
Follow us on social media where we announce the library's activities, inform about opening hours and answer questions. We respond within 24 hours on weekdays during office hours.
Contact the Library Management
The Management Group deals with overall issues and questions of strategic importance for the organisation and is advisory to the Library Director in decision-making.
The University Library Management consists of the Library Director, the Deputy Library Director, Administrative Manager and five Section Managers.
Contact information for the Library Management Group
The University Library's newsletter, which is in Swedish only, informs about current news and events at the library, the library's work with open access, recent books from Stockholm University Press and about the latest episodes of the podcast “Behind the Bookshelf” (Bakom bokhyllan). It is published a number of times per semester.
Subscription and previous issues
Suppliers information
All goods and larger deliveries to Stockholm University Library should be sent to the university's goods reception at Frescativägen 8, while regular mail and invoices from suppliers are sent directly to the university library's postal address.
If you are sending goods, be sure to label the package with the University library or 680 which is the department number.
Delivery address:
Stockholm University
University Library/680
Frescativägen 8
114 18 Stockholm
Postal address:
Stockholm University
University Library
106 91 Stockholm
More information for suppliers and invoice handling at SU
Bank information
Domestic invoices
Bankgiro: 812-0669 (Danske bank)
Enter reference: 680 and the customer's/dept. name.
Foreign invoices and further Supplier information
Official Process in Case of Discrimination
In the document below, you will find information about what action to take if you are a student and feel you have been discriminated against. Here you will also find the contact details of those you should turn to with questions about equal rights and opportunities at the university.
The Stockholm University Library aims to be free from discrimination, harassment and other degrading treatment. In our work, we follow all the guidelines and recommendations that Stockholm University provides.
Administrative procedures
On August 22, 2019 the President of Stockholm University approved the Procedure for discrimination complaints relating to students. According to the Discrimination Act, all institutions at the University are to have clear information regarding the handling of cases in which employees or students consider themselves victims of discrimination. If your case concerns discrimination at an institution other than Stockholm University Library, please contact the department to which the case relates.
Administrative procedure for students
- The student reports that he/she considers himself/herself as having been exposed to discrimination. The contact person responsible for the matter is the Library Director Wilhelm Widmark.
- The case is handled so that the manager of the library will contact the notifying party to investigate the matter and, where appropriate, the University's Equality Coordinator for further action.
- The case is also reported to the University’s security section for possible action.
- Students who feel discriminated against can also seek support from the Stockholm University Student Union and Student Health Unit.
Contact information and compilation of information
Concerning questions related to equal rights and opportunities the person responsible is the Library Director,
Information regarding the administrative procedures for discrimination and harassment, in addition to information concerning equal rights and opportunities, is accessible for students through the University´s website.
Procedure for discrimination complaints relating to students
Staff members can access all the information through the intranet under
the Administrative Manual.
Last updated: October 24, 2023
Source: Stockholm university library