For researchers and PhD students
As a researcher, you can receive advice and support from the library. Here, we have complied our services. Please contact us if you would like further information.
If you are a researcher or PhD student at Stockholm University, you can book time for help from a librarian. If there is a group of several people, it is possible to book a workshop.
Some of the services offered to researchers by the library are assembled at the staff site. Here, you will find, among other things, information on research funding, research data and research ethics.
Book a one-to-one appointment or a workshop
Book an appointment by sending an e-mail to describing what you would like help with. We offer this service both via Zoom and on-site in the library. If there is a group of several people, it is possible to book a workshop. Write to
The library offers the following:
- Introduction to the library services for newly employed.
- Advice on information searching and answers on questions regarding databases, search terms and search techniques.
- Introductions to reference management software Zotero and Mendeley for doctoral students and researchers.
- Support with systematic literature overviews regarding choice of databases, search terms, scope and limits of the topic and search techniques.
Resources with information about systematic reviews:
Karolinska institutet University Library
Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Online course: Creative Commons licences in scholarly publishing
The course is created by Umeå University Library and is primarily aimed at researchers and doctoral students but parts of it may also be of interest to students.
In this course, you will learn:
- what Creative Commons licences are and how they work
- how to choose a licence when publishing your research results
- how to use Creative Commons-licensed material correctly.
Link to the course:
Online course: Creative Commons licences in scholarly publishing
Reference management software
With help of reference management software, you can organise your references and insert references and bibliography according to any chosen reference style when writing. Using reference management software can facilitate your work on a major research project.
In this video we show you what reference management software can help you with:
There are various reference management programmes which offer similar features, such as saving and organising references, sharing references with others, as well as inserting source references and bibliography as you write. Below, you will find information on some of the most common programmes.
Mendeley is free to download and offers the user storage space of 2 gigabytes for storing PDF documents and other attachments. Mendeley is also a social network for researchers.
With Mendeley you can insert references into your text document if you use Word or LibreOffice.
A licence is required to install EndNote on your computer. Staff at Stockholm University can obtain a licence from the department’s licence manager, which is then paid for by the department. EndNote is not supported by the library.
Watch this tutorial on how to use EndNote 20 (made by Lunds University Library)
Another alternative is to use EndNote Basic, a free web-based version of EndNote, which includes the basic functions of EndNote.
Zotero is free to download. Users with an active university account can create an account with unlimited storage by using their Stockholm University e-mail ( or @* when logging in. If you already have a private Zotero account, you can access the extra storage space by adding your Stockholm University e-mail to your account settings. With Zotero you can insert references in your text documents, if you use Word, LibreOffice and Google Docs.
Watch this tutorial on how to use Zotero (A complete beginner's guide)
AI search tool Keenious
The library offers access to a new search tool called Keenious, which is available to all students and employees at Stockholm University.
SU Dynamica
SU Dynamica – SUstainable publishing is a new publishing platform that is currently only open to researchers at Stockholm University. In this publishing tool researchers can publish articles open access at no cost to them and have their articles peer-reviewed. The articles receive a DOI and will eventually also be registered in DiVA.
The platform is for all researchers and all disciplines, regardless of the field you are researching in. Peer review is open and the platform automatically matches submitted manuscripts with appropriate peer reviewers based on their previous experience in their area of expertise. SU Dynamica is not a traditional journal but a publishing platform, and thus does not have a responsible editor. Stockholm University is the responsible publisher.
The service has just started and is under development. The platform has a help center where you can give feedback anonymously about what you want to improve.
More information about SU Dynamica - SUstainable publishing
Do you want to know more about SU Dynamica? Watch this 10-minute video where Abeni Wickham introduces the platform.
Dissertation support
Dissertation support provides help and advice towards the end of your doctoral studies when printing your dissertation. We help with the timeline for the printing process, support on how to use the Word template, registration in DiVA/the nailing, how to create print-ready PDFs in the university’s production tool, as well as making your dissertation available to a wider circle of readers.
Register in DiVA
All texts you write in relation to your employment at Stockholm University should be registered in DiVA.
Overleaf is a LaTeX/Rich Text editing and publishing tool. Stockholm university has a license making it possible for you to use the program, regardless if you are a researcher, employee or a student. Using Overleaf you can:
- Write and edit in Rich Text eller LaTeX using the online tool, and easily shift between versions.
- Work together with several persons simultaneously in the interface by sharing and editing the material with users of your choice.
- See the finished result on the right, as your are writing and editing your material on the left side of the screen.
- Use the integrated submission system to submit your material directly to one of several publishers available.
Discounted article processing charges
Would you like to publish an article open access? If so, the university library will cover the publication costs.
Other publishing support
The library helps with other kinds of publishing support.
Last updated: January 8, 2025
Source: Stockholm University Library